Israeli attack on "Hezbollah" hospital...



Updated: 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Israel launched its deepest ground attack into Lebanon with Israeli commandos raiding a Hezbollah-run hospital and air strikes killing at least seven civilians in the eastern city of Baalbek on Wednesday.
The Israeli military said that Israeli forces entered Baalbek, hit a number of guerrillas, captured several more and brought them back the Israel. The military said all its soldiers returned to their base without suffering casualties, but refused to identify the guerrillas who were captured. Israeli radio broadcast the names of three alleged Hezbollah members it said had been seized in the raid.
Hezbollah implicitly confirmed that some people had been seized at the hospital and spirited away by helicopter, but denied they belonged to the militia.
"Those who were taken prisoner are citizens. It will not be long before the (Israeli) enemy will discover that they are ordinary citizens," Hezbollah said in a statement broadcast on its Al-Manar television. The TV reported Israeli troops had abducted three people from a house close to the hospital.
Fighting at hospital
Witnesses said Israeli forces partially destroyed the Dar al-Hikma hospital in Baalbek, an ancient city some 130 kilometers north of Israel.
Hezbollah's chief spokesman, Hussein Rahal told AP that fierce fighting raged for more than one hour at the hospital.

"A group of Israeli commandos was brought to the hospital by a helicopter. They entered the hospital." He said Hezbollah guerrillas fought the commandos inside the hospital.
Hezbollah was using automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, and Israeli jets were attacking the surrounding guerrilla force with missiles, Rahal said.
Israeli warplanes staged more than 10 bombings around the hospital as well as on hills east and north Baalbek, witnesses said. The planes also dropped flares over the city while heavy fighting was raging around the hospital, they added.
Jets later fired a second round of missiles on residential neighborhoods in eastern and northern Baalbek where Hezbollah's Shiite supporters live, witnesses said.
One of a series of air raids struck the village of Al Jamaliyeh, about one kilometer from the hospital. A missile hit the house of the village's mayor, Hussein Jamaleddin, instantly killing his son, Ali, the mayor's brother, Awad, and five other relatives, witnesses said.
They said the mayor, who survived the raid, and his relatives were political opponents of Hezbollah, and had apparently been hit randomly.
"Where is the press? Where is the media to see this massacre? Count our dead. Count our body parts," he told The Associated Press on the telephone, minutes after the missile strike.
Fighting ended at about 4 a.m. as precarious calm prevailed in Baalbek, residents said.
Speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation, residents said the Dar al-Hikma hospital is financed by an Iranian charity, the Imam Khomeini Charitable Society, which is close to Hezbollah. The hospital is also run by people close to Hezbollah, the residents said.

Comment:Well we all know hospitals are notorious for harboring guerillas and terrorists.:P....what's it gonna take folks?A bunker buster in our backyard for some summer fun?We have an obligation as normal humans do we not? I have the time,feet and voice and 2 good hands(for holding signs,of course,not violence) if someone has a when and where.What "special moment" are we waiting for and what good is saving for the future when it is obviously desparately close to being predetermined for us in a very different way,and certainly not with our interests in mind?Wake up and smell the depleted uranium! In my opinion,sitting here mulling about what we have learned each and every day as dozens more die excruciating deaths,puts us in the same damn boat as the psychopaths orchestrating,backing,financing,or supporting this tragedy.We have free will and we talk about it alot,but remember,inaction is the free will choice to do nothing!
Danny said:
Comment:Well we all know hospitals are notorious for harboring guerillas and terrorists.....what's it gonna take folks?A bunker buster in our backyard for some summer fun?We have an obligation as normal humans do we not? I have the time,feet and voice and 2 good hands(for holding signs,of course,not violence) if someone has a when and where.What "special moment" are we waiting for and what good is saving for the future when it is obviously desparately close to being predetermined for us in a very different way,and certainly not with our interests in mind?Wake up and smell the depleted uranium! In my opinion,sitting here mulling about what we have learned each and every day as dozens more die excruciating deaths,puts us in the same damn boat as the psychopaths orchestrating,backing,financing,or supporting this tragedy.We have free will and we talk about it alot,but remember,inaction is the free will choice to do nothing!
I have thought of exactly those things myself Danny. I went to peaceful demonstrations, i went to assist with the refugees as they arrived in my country for few days, i helped with packaging nessecities that will be send in Lebanon... Nothing changed out there. But i was doing it out of my own desperation to do something for this situation, whatever it was that i could. Yet people continue to die daily. The international community is not doing anything to stop Israel and i am wondering whether there's any normal human being left in a high post at all in this world. There are few receiving "bad names" by the pathocrats. I am waiting to see the fruits by them till i am certain they are clean.

What i realized Danny in all these, is that as long as people are asleep they will continue to make wars, and follow pathocrats to war, and keep living in ignorance and in silence for the atrocities happening next to them, in their home earth, to their people, normal human beings. And the most important for me right now is first of all for me to wake up and stay awake, so i can then help as much as i can to wake up others. There's not a single person out there that i met with these days that i didn't spoke to about pathocracy. And i don't even know much about it yet. I will be more efficient in waking up people when i collect as much knowledge as there is out there about the Truth of our reality.

The more we know, the more we wake up, the less likely to go back to sleep, the better able we will be to wake up others, the more likely it's gonna be for normal people then to realize the games of pathocracy and revolt against it. Get people together and have a huge and loud demonstration in the US. These acts of masses of people scare the pathocrats. But remember that by coming here and posting and sharing and reading and interacting, you are also a part of a group trying to share the Truth with everyone. If you can think of more ways to spread the truth, the better. It is exactly the time to be creative.

Cheers, i.
Hi Danny,

Here is what I have been imagining as an action. Putting on a backpack and a sign and starting walking to Washington (after first sending out emails and alerting media). Hopefully more people would join the walk and the roads would end up clogged with walking people coverging on Washington.

But, being a wage-and-debt slave, I haven't done it.
One thing that always comes to mind when I'm at a boiling point is:
OK what is there was a change in the way the world was run and "the man behind the curtain" was revealed.Pathocracy is unveiled for what it really is and the tricks and the lies and the manipulation no longer work.What then?There is still the trouble of the pathocratic "mechanism" that has to be dismantled.That would be an equally cumbersome task.
Then there is the possibility of even more deceptive people who will join the ranks of "normal people" make us feel that they are on our side ,tell us everything we want to hear at just the right times,only to find they are just in it for the witch hunt.Reducing the word "psychopath" to no more than the joke that "terrorist" is today.
Those are the things that keep me at bay.Wether or not they are just a big "what if " program to throw me back into silence or not,I've yet to truly discern for myself.But I've always was drawn to the hypothesis that:As long as there are mosquitoes,there will always be bats to eat them upand so forth.So therefore,as long as there is living breathing "normal" human life on this planet.Psychopathy lurks not far behind.Am I wrong in thinking like this? Many many things to know.If only there was time.
It's certainly very utopic to imagine a word without bats.

However, maybe that one day (some) mosquitoes will find a way to protect themselves from the bat threat.

To go on with this animal metaphor approach, the sheep-wolf interactions are well documented. Wolfes manage collectively to get prays in the night by separating the group and then attacking the weakest/most isolated sheeps.

Sheeps could improve their defense :
* they probably don't know much about wolfes (instinctively they know it's a threat and they have to escape)
* they don't differentiate diversion attacks (to separate the group) from real attacks
* they fall quickly into a blind fear
* under attack stress they forget the group
* their reaction is mostly running
* they don't choose the battle ground, nightly open green fields next to cliffs and forests are really not an advantage
* they don't have a sound defense strategy (grouping, putting the stronger members outside the ring, stop moving, retaliating collectively when one wolf is close enough)
* ...

To be noticed : most of the victims don't die because of the direct attack of the wolves but because they were so overhelmed by fear that they falled from cliffs.

It was my 2c sheep-war-strategy-analysis.
Irini wrote:
The international community is not doing anything to stop Israel and i am wondering whether there's any normal human being left in a high post at all in this world.
I believe the inaction is because no "resolution" (UN or otherwise) is enforced without superpowers backing it up, and the US is blocking resolution. The reason is that they hope, by stalling, others will enter the conflict and widen it. I think they're literally "buying time" to let the situation worsen. Yes, that equates to murder, but that's pathocracy for you.
No change is possible as long as the overlords of entropy can manipulate time and the Good Guys remain hidden and normal humans remain ignorant. There was a C's quote, don't recall where, and the implication was the PTB were Good Guys, they had a reason for allowing the Bad Guys to continue their plans. Both factions can move outside of time, and thus manipulate events to allow the outcome to proceed exactly how they want. As long as we're stuck inside this 3rd Density we can be played like pieces in a game.

That said, the backpack campaign won't get coverage, if it did gain momentum, stop the war, the Lizzies would simply hop back in time and place obstacles in your way. The best way to fight these things is to tell as many as possible about their existence. Only when enough of us stop playing their game will we be able to affect the rules.

I empathize with your frustration Danny, I protest when i can, going to NYC on 9-11-06, but i do so knowing that it won't affect real change. If protesting could change anything in this country it would be illegal, same goes for voting.
et tu Brute?lol j/k.I understand .I know thereasons why it doesn't work.Just the third density stubborness in me.
Cyre2067 said:
There was a C's quote, don't recall where, and the implication was the PTB were Good Guys, they had a reason for allowing the Bad Guys to continue their plans.
Maybe the reason is free will? I don't understand what you mean by "PTB were Good Guys", I mean doesn't the word "power" in "powers that be" refer to control?

Both factions can move outside of time, and thus manipulate events to allow the outcome to proceed exactly how they want.
Again I'm confused, where did the C's say that good guys "manipulate" anything or anyone? As far as I know they always said that the good guys work with the natural way of things, which seems to be the opposite of manipulation.

As long as we're stuck inside this 3rd Density we can be played like pieces in a game.
I agree, but I also have the impression that STO doesn't play chess.

I empathize with your frustration Danny, I protest when i can, going to NYC on 9-11-06, but i do so knowing that it won't affect real change. If protesting could change anything in this country it would be illegal, same goes for voting.
I think the protest should be in the way of bringing information to people, not to the government. Trying to directly influence the government doesn't work as we we know from watching countless marches and protests in US and around the world (like the one right before the Iraq war, etc). So another approach must be taken, osit. The only other thing I can think of, the only thing that has ever historically influenced the government, is when the entire population demands something because not complying in that case would hurt the government (sometimes destroy it). Not listening to a march/protest doesn't hurt them at all. Just like corporations are afraid of unions but not of individuals or even small grou unless those groups have access to mass media, and there are methods the pathocrats employ to prevent that from happening or distort/discredit the group etc using the very media they try to use to spread their message since that media belongs to the pathocracy.

Which also reminds me of how the media minimize those anti-war protest/marches and deceive about their scope, portray them as violent and basically do all they can to not attract attention of the rest of the population to support them. But the problem with historical influencing of the government is that the people were not really informed, they did not critically think or really understand the issue, and so while they had some effect, they were easily confused into setting up the exact same system as they already had, due to their ignorance. The government just basically said "ok look, you win, we're going bye!" and just stomped their feet to fake "walking away" noises to pacify the population and a second later establish exactly what the people just fought to get rid of - again, because they did not really understand where the problem really is, they were deceived by superficial "isms" that the pathocracy used as a mask the objective reality underneath (capitalism, communism, etc). It's like different color M&M's - they're still M&M's, still a chocolate candy underneath, still has the same health effects no matter what color on the outside.

So this time, if we are to prevent just another empty revolution that changes nothing, the population must really think and REALLY understand the root of the problem - psychopathy and their pathocracy. Otherwise there's no possibility of any real change, osit. What tends to spread like fire is usually the drive to make a change because people sense something is wrong, but real understanding of the real problem is always limited to a tiny minority, sadly.
Hey Scio, thanks for your reply, made me think.

The good guys have to be doing something right? I agree that they do not manipulate as they respect free will, so maybe they're just pushing along info to those who are asking. Obviously they can't violate free will.

There is one quote from the C's that reference's the PTB and its implied that in that context they weren't the baddies, i wish i could find it now thou... i think it was somewhere towards the end of book 4 of the wave but i can't be sure. And you're right, STO don't play chess, however we are all still pawns of other STS factions, i should have made that point more clear.
Well we all know hospitals are notorious for harboring guerillas and terrorists.
Yeah well, we have have Olmerts words that this was in fact no hospital, but a terrorist base.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said though the scene of the fighting is called a hospital, "there are no patients there, there is no hospital.

This is the basis of Hezbollah in disguise. It's named a hospital precisely to mislead you and others that will consider it a place no army will intervene with." (Posted 6:15 a.m.)
Maybe we are soon led to believe that the UN base or the Red Cross Ambulances they attacked were in fact only named "UN base" or "Red Cross Ambulances", to fool us into believing that no army would intervene with them, but were in fact unscrupulously used by Hezbollah to launch further attacks on Israel. Agreed, it's "easy to be misled". And we already know how Hezbollah likes to "hide among civillians". Using this twisted logic absloutely evertyhing becomes a legitimate target.
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