Israeli's Kill over 25 Lebanese Children at one shot... Rice Cancels


FOTCM Member
Let's get one thing straight: Killing Civilians IS THE GOAL OF ISRAEL. Hizbollah just provided a convenient excuse.

By KATHY GANNON, Associated Press

QANA, Lebanon - An Israeli airstrike Sunday killed at least 50 people - more than half children - in a southern Lebanese village, the deadliest attack in 19 days of fighting.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice postponed a visit to Lebanon.

Infuriated Lebanese officials said they had asked Rice to postpone the visit after Israel's missile strike. But Rice said she called Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora to say she would postpone the trip, and that she had work to do in Jerusalem to end the fighting.

She said she was "deeply saddened by the terrible loss of innocent life" in Israel's attack. But she did not call for an immediate cease-fire in the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah militias.

"We all recognize this kind of warfare is extremely difficult," Rice said, noting it comes in areas where civilians live. "It unfortunately has awful consequences sometimes."

"We want a cease-fire as soon as possible," she added.

The United States and Israel are pressing for a settlement that addresses enduring issues between Lebanon and Israel and disables Hezbollah - not the quick truce favored by most world leaders.

Saniora said Lebanon would be open only to an "immediate and unconditional" cease-fire and called for an "international investigation of the Israeli massacres in Lebanon."

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Israel would not rush into a cease-fire until it achieved its goal of decimating Hezbollah, whose July 12 capture of two Israel soldiers provoked the fighting.

The missiles destroyed several homes in the village of Qana as people were sleeping. The bodies of 27 children were found in the rubble.

The Israeli army said it targeted Qana because rockets have been repeatedly launched from the area into Israel. Qana was the launching point for 40 Hezbollah rockets that hit northern Israel early Sunday, military officials said. Israeli medics said five Israelis were injured in the attacks.

Israel said it warned civilians several days ago to leave Qana.

"This is an area of combat - it was declared as such several days ago," said Israeli Army spokesman Capt. Jacob Dallal. "Most of the people in the area have left and heeded our call."

Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr questioned Israel's claim that Hezbollah fired rockets from the village. "What do you expect Israel to say? Will it say that it killed 40 children and women?" he told Al-Jazeera television.

Rescuers aided by villagers dug through the rubble by hand. At least 20 bodies wrapped in white sheets were taken away, including 10 children. A row of houses lay in ruins. An old woman was carried away on a plastic chair.

Villagers said many of the dead were from four families who had taken refuge in on the ground floor of a three-story building, believing they would be safe from bombings.

"We want this to stop!" shouted Mohammed Ismail, a middle-aged man pulling away at the rubble in search for bodies, his brown pants covered in dust. "May God have mercy on the children. They came here to escape the fighting."

"They are hitting children to bring the fighters to their knees," he said.

Qana, in the hills east of the southern port city of Tyre, has a bloody history. In 1996, Israeli artillery killed more than 100 civilians who had taken refuge at a U.N. base in the village. That attack sparked an international outcry that helped end an Israeli offensive.

Lebanese civilians have suffered the most from the fighting. Before Sunday's attack, Lebanese officials said 458 Lebanese had been killed, most of them civilians. Thirty-three Israeli soldiers have died, and Hezbollah rocket attacks on northern Israel have killed 19 civilians.

Fighting also broke out between guerrillas and Israeli soldiers in a zone called the Taibeh Project area, about 2 miles inside Lebanon. The Israeli army said one soldier was moderately wounded. Hezbollah's al-Manar TV claimed two Israeli soldiers were killed.

Heavy artillery rained down on the villages of Yuhmor and Arnoun, close to Taibeh. In northern Israel, rockets fell on Nahariya, Kiryat Shemona and an area close to Maalot, the army said.

Israel has said it would launch a series of limited ground incursions into Lebanon to push back guerrillas, rather than carry out a full-fledged invasion. Israeli troops pulled back Saturday from the town of Bint Jbail, suggesting the thrust, launched a week ago, had halted.

But Lebanese officials reported a massing of troops and 12 tanks near the Israeli town of Metulla further to the northeast, on the tip of the Galilee Panhandle near the Golan Heights, suggesting another incursion could begin soon.

"I think it needs to be clear that Israel is not in a hurry to have a cease-fire before we reach a situation in which we can say that we achieved the central goals that we set down for ourselves," Olmert said Sunday before his weekly Cabinet meeting.

I sit here, my eyes brimming with tears, as I read about and look at the photographs documenting Israel's latest carnage against Lebanese civilians in the early hours of this morning.

I am at a loss. This is just too much. How do these people who commit such crimes sleep at night? How do they live with themselves? How many people exist in this world who do not have consciences?

I mean...what the HELL?

The Israelis attacked these families as they slept, many of whom were families who were staying in this building in Qana after having left their homes in Tyre in fear for their lives. Approximately half of those who died were children. The maximum numbers given to date that I've seen are 27 children and 33 adults, but there are still bodies lying beneath the rubble of the building that have not yet been recovered.

It looks like the Israeli military is making good on it's promise to destroy 10 buildings in Beirut for every rocket fired at Haifa, as reported on July 24th (

My anguish is inexpressible at this time. The tears are flowing and I am helpless. Even writing seems futile, and really, the only good it seems to do is to allow me to release some of this emotion I'm feeling. Who else listens? Who else that could actually do something about this?

How can it be stopped? Who is going to stop it? If world leaders, including those of the essentially defunct UN, are basically standing by and allowing it to happen, who is going to stop it?

Articles: - includes a video clip from the scene of the Qana massacre where the commentator says that it is clear to him that the majority of the dead he is seeing are women and children.

Some photos:

How can anyone DO this? How can the leaders of the international community stand by and watch this happen? When will they say ENOUGH! and start doing something more than just talking? What about sanctions? When is someone going to stand up to the bullies?

My heart is broken. I don't know how many more pictures of dead children, women and men I can take seeing. They're killing innocents without a second thought. And the whole time, we're supposed to pity the perpetrator of these crimes, and not the victims - the many, many victims. Amazing. Just bloody amazing.

As a result of this latest massacre in Qana, in their quite understandable anger, thousands of Lebanese have taken to the streets, and stormed the UN building in Beirut. UN security officials are struggling to contain the crowds.

Israel also attacked the Lebanese-Syrian border region of Masnaa last night. Seems like Israel might be trying to get Syria involved. According to the Maan News Agency, the Israeli newspaper, Maariv, stated that Israel was under pressure from the US to draw Syria and Iran into the fighting. The short article reads:

Maariv: Israel under pressure from the US to bring Sryia and Iran into the fighting
Date: 28 / 07 / 2006 Time: 19:04

Bethlehem-Ma'an- The Israeli newspaper, Maariv, said on Friday that Israeli politicians feel excitement among some American officials towards an Israeli attack on Syria. The paper mentioned that those politicians believe the Israeli strike will ease the pressure on the United States in Iraq. They expressed that the same officials would be even happier if Israel also took care of Iran at the same time.

In the same regard, Israeli papers of Friday discussed the possibility of widening the war to the Syrian front. They also talked about the lessons that international and Palestinian officials learned from the ongoing battles. One official considered that Israel has created a generation of hatred against itself ,as well as economic losses.
The Israeli authorites said that they sent down leaflets warning people to flee from Qana, but when many refugees fleeing their homes have themselves been bombed on the roads as they left by the truckloads, what kind of a choice is that? They are damned if they do and damned if they don't!

And so the world continues to burn. World War III is on the horizon.

May God help us all.
From Norman Finkelstein's book "Beyond Chutzpah":

"In the course of preparing the chapters of this book devoted to Israel's human rights record in the Occupied Territories, I went through literally thousands of pages of human rights reports, published by multiple, fiercely independent, and highly professional organizations - Amnesty International, Human Rights Watchs, B'Tselem (Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories), Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Physicians for Human Rights - Israel - each fielding its own autonomous staff of monitors and investigators.

Except on one minor matter, I didn't come across a single point of law or fact on which these human rights organizations differed.

In the case of Israel's human rights record, one can speak today not just of a broad consensus - as on historical questions - but of an UNQUALIFIED consensus.

All these organizations agreed, for example, that Palestinian detainees have been sytematically ill treated and tortured, the total number now probably reaching the tens of thousands.

Yet if, as I've suggested, broad agreement has been reached on the FACTUAL record, an obvious anomaly arises: what accounts for the impassioned controversy that still swirls around the Israel-Palestine conflict?

To my mind, explaining this apparent paradox requires, first of all, that a fundamental distinction be made between those controversies that are real and those that are contrived.

To illustrate real differences of opinion, let us consider again the Palestinian refugee question.

It is possible for interested parties to agree on the facts yet come to diametrically opposed moral, legal, and political conclusions.

Thus, as already mentioned, the scholarly consensus is that Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in 1948.

Israel's leading historian on the topic, Benny Morris, although having done more than anyone else to clarify exactly what happened, nonetheless concludes that, morally, it was a good thing - just as, in his view, the "annihilation" of Native Americans was a good thing - that, legally, Palesitnians have no right to return to their homes, and that, politically, Israel's big error in 1948 was that it hadn't "carried out a large expulsion and cleansed the whole country - the whole Land of Israel, as far as the Jordan" of Palestinians.

However repellant morally, these clearly can't be called FALSE conclusions.

Returning to the universe inhabited by normal human beings, it's possible for people to concur on the facts as well as on their moral and legal implications, yet still reach divergent POLITICAL conclusions.

Noam Chomsky agrees that, factually, Palestinians were expelled; that, morally, this was a major crime; and that, legally, Palestinians have a right of return. Yet, politically, he concludes that implementation of this right is infeasible and pressing it inexpedient, indeed, that dangling this (in his view) illusory hope before Palestianian refugees is deeply immoral.

There are those, contrariwise, who maintain that a moral and legal right is meaningless unless it can be exercised and that implementing the right of return is a practical possibility.

For our purposes, the point is not who's right and who's wrong but that, even among honest and decent people, there can be a real and legitimate differences of political judgment.

This having been said, however, it bears emphasis that - at any rate, among those sharing ordinary moral values - the range of political disagreement is quite narrow, while the range of agreement quite broad."
It is quite clear that those individuals running Israel - not to mention the Neocon Administration - are psychological deviants without consciences.

From another thread:

Lisa is definitely onto something with here remarks about the "psychic driving" being done by the PTB and that the objective of this is to numb and ultimately kill conscience.

In a review of the book "Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists", written by Colin A. Ross, M.D. (ISBN: 0-9704525-1-9), Norma Lawrence writes:

Mention is made of something called "psychic driving". It was a method of behavior modification developed by Dr. Ewen Cameron (prominent Canadian Psychiatrist who was funded by the CIA and the U.S. military). Psychic driving was used as part of his brain-washing techniques, and was discussed in a paper of the same title. Cameron said, "Analogous to [psychic driving] is the breakdown of the individual under continuous interrogation." Ross goes on to discuss psychic driving:

Psychic driving was a procedure carried out in two stages; in the first stage, patients were depatterned, which meant that they were reduced to a vegetable state through a combination of massive amounts of electro convulsive shock, drug-induced sleep and sensory isolation and deprivation. When fully depatterned, patients were incontinent of urine and feces, unable to feed themselves, and unable to state their name, age, location, or the current date.

In the second stage, psychic driving was introduced. This consisted of hundreds of hours of tape loops being played to the patient through earphones, special helmets or speakers in the sensory isolation room. The tape loops repeated statements of supposed psychological significance. If such procedures were carried out under third world dictators, they would be denounced as human rights violations by American and Canadian Psychiatry, and would be called brainwashing. (129)
[The reason this may be of significance is not only that many victims have felt that their lives have been systematically broken down, but there is some discussion that the high frequency sound we hear may be attempts at hypnotic suggestion. The voices are sped up to coincide with the speed of the brain, and so are recognized by the brain but bypass the consciousness.]

Ross makes mention of an "article in The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 29, 1997, describing how the Baltimore Sun obtained a 1983 CIA manual through the Freedom of Information Act. The manual was used to teach non-coercive interrogation techniques to foreign agents... The manual taught techniques studied in BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and MKULTRA; the same brainwashing techniques were used... by the Gestapo, on Patty Hurst..., and on patients at Penetang Psychiatric Hospital... The CIA manual taught techniques for the induction of 'intense fear, deep exhaustion, solitary confinement, unbearable anxiety and other forms of psychological duress,' and was used until at least 1983. (153)
Relating this to Ponerology, we note that Lobaczewski writes:

Psychopaths are conscious of being different from normal people. That is why the "political system" inspired by their nature is able to conceal this awareness of being different. They wear a personal mask of sanity and know how to create a macrosocial mask of the same dissimulating nature. When we observe the role of ideology in this macrosocial phenomenon, quite conscious of the existence of this specific awareness of the psychopath, we can then understand why ideology is relegated to a tool-like role: something useful in dealing with those other naive people and nations. [...]

Pathocrats know that their real ideology is derived from their deviant natures, and treat the "other" - the masking ideology - with barely concealed contempt." [...]

"This privileged class of deviants feels permanently threatened by the "others", i.e. by the majority of normal people. Neither do the pathocrats entertain any illusions about their personal fate should there be a return to the system of normal man.

If the laws of normal man were to be reinstated, they and theirs could be subjected to judgment, including a moralizing interpretation of their psychological deviations; they would be threatened by a loss of freedom and life, not merely a loss of position and privilege. Since they are incapable of this kind of sacrifice, the survival of a system which is the best for them becomes a moral imperative. Such a threat must be battled by means of any and all psychological and political cunning implemented with a lack of scruples with regard to those other "inferior-quality" people that can be shocking in its depravity. ...

Thus, the biological, psychological, moral, and economic destruction of the majority of normal people becomes, for the pathocrats, a "biological" necessity. Many means serve this end, starting with concentration camps and including warfare with an obstinate, well-armed foe who will devastate and debilitate the human power thrown at him, namely the very power jeopardizing pathocrats rule: the sons of normal man sent out to fight for an illusionary "noble cause." Once safely dead, the soldiers will then be decreed heroes to be revered in paeans, useful for raising a new generation faithful to the pathocracy and ever willing to go to their deaths to protect it. ...

...the masses must be educated and channeled in the direction of imperialist strivings. Such goals must be pursued doggedly so that everyone knows what is being fought for and in whose name a harsh discipline and poverty must be endured. This latter factor effectively limits the possibility of 'subversive' activities on the part of the society of normal people. ...

A normal person's actions and reactions, his ideas and moral criteria, all too often strike abnormal individuals as abnormal. For if a person with some psychological deviations considers himself normal, which is of course significantly easier if he possesses authority, then he would consider a normal person different and therefore abnormal, whether in reality or as a result of conversive thinking. That explains why such people's government shall always have the tendency to treat any dissidents as "mentally abnormal".

Operations such as driving a normal person into psychological illness and the use of psychiatric institutions for this purpose take place in many countries in which such institutions exist. Contemporary legislation binding upon normal man's countries is not based upon an adequate understanding of the psychology of such behavior, and thus does not constitute a sufficient preventive measure against it.

Within the categories of a normal psychological world view, the motivations for such behavior were variously understood and described: personal and family accounts, property matters, intent to discredit a witness' testimony, and even political motivations. Such defamatory suggestions are used particularly often by individuals who are themselves not entirely normal, whose behavior has driven someone to a nervous breakdown or to violent protest. Among hysterics, such behavior tends to be a projection onto other people of one's own self-critical associations. A normal person strikes a psychopath as a naive, smart-alecky believer in barely comprehensible theories; calling him "crazy" is not all that far away. [...]

The abuse of psychiatry for purposes we already know thus derives from the very nature of pathocracy as a macrosocial psychopathological phenomenon. After all, that very area of knowledge and treatment must first be degraded to prevent it from jeopardizing the system itself by pronouncing a dramatic diagnosis (Ed: i.e. exposing the pathocrats), and must then be used as an expedient tool in the hands of the authorities. In every country, however, one meets with people who notice this and act astutely against it. [...]

The pathocracy feels increasingly threatened by this area whenever the medical and psychological sciences make progress. After all, not only can these sciences knock the weapon of psychological conquest right out of its hands; they can even strike at its very nature, and from inside the empire, at that.
The pathocracy ensures its continued hold on power by periodically engaging in reduction of the population of normal people - culling the herd - chiefly by means of manufactured war. As Lobaczewski says, "an obstinate and well-armed foe" is used to throw legions of normal people (in the form of the military) at this foe and thereby debilitate and subdue the normal peoples of the world - the only threat to the ruling pathocracy.

Notice also the devilish manipulation whereby these soldiers, deliberately and needlessly sacrificed by the pathocrats, are then lauded as heroes to ensure future generations of cannon fodder. Notice the real life evidence of this where millions of American citizens cry "support our troops". What are they supporting but the futile sacrifice of their own sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and all to serve the agenda of the psychopaths in power?

A clearer description of what is happening right now in modern day America is unlikely to be found. Expansionism has been made a virtue by the American pathocracy. Bush claims that the U.S. military is spreading "freedom and democracy" when in fact he is pursuing an imperialist agenda. Lobaczewski says:

"This goal must be pursued doggedly so that everyone knows what is being fought for and in whose name harsh discipline and poverty must be endured."
Reference the fact that Americans are being told that they must sacrifice their liberties in order for the government to better wage the "war on terror" and the clampdown on anti-Bush demonstrations because they "harm the war on terror". As regards "creating conditions of poverty" in order to limit the possibility of "subversive" activities on the part of the society of normal people: there is much evidence that the American economy is set for a major nose-dive. When it does, the effect on a large percentage of ordinary Americans (all those not part of the 'monied classes') will be a dramatic re-prioritization, leaving them concerned chiefly with their ability to feed themselves and their families.

But this is only the background of the "psychic driving" that is being done to the American people AND peoples all over the world; pathocracy is not restricted to the U.S. The psychic driving is done via mass media productions including the 911 attack and how it was spun and utilized as described above. More than that, our entire social system is a form of "psychic driving."
Every normal human on this planet needs to read Political Ponerology
Funny, seems that the newswires are changing the headline on this one to read "youths" instead of "children." The following is the new version of the story from the same link above where I earlier retrieved the entire story verbatim:

34 youths among 56 dead in Israeli strike

By KATHY GANNON, Associated Press

QANA, Lebanon - Israeli missiles hit several buildings in a southern Lebanon village as people slept Sunday, killing at least 56, most of them children, in the deadliest attack in 19 days of fighting.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert expressed "great sorrow" for the airstrikes but blamed Hezbollah guerrillas for using the area to launch rockets at Israel, and said he would not halt the army's operation.

The Lebanese Red Cross said the airstrike in Qana, in which at least 34 children were killed, pushed the overall Lebanese death toll to more than 500. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice postponed a visit to Lebanon in a setback for diplomatic efforts to end hostilities. She was to return to the U.S. Monday morning, abruptly breaking off her diplomatic mission in the Mideast.

Before the airstrike, Olmert told Rice he needed 10-14 days to finish the offensive in Lebanon, according to a senior Israeli government official. The two said they would meet again Sunday evening.

"We will not stop this battle, despite the difficult incidents this morning," Olmert said said during Israel's weekly Cabinet meeting, according to a participant in the meeting. "We will continue the activity and if necessary it will be broadened without hesitation."

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan called an emergency Security Council meeting Sunday at the request of Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Saniora

The council was expected to discuss a French-sponsored draft resolution spelling out a series of steps meant to resolve the crisis, including an immediate halt to fighting.

Rice said she had called Saniora to postpone her visit to Lebanon; angry Lebanese officials said it was their government that called off the meeting.

Israeli said it targeted Qana because it was a base for hundreds of rockets launched at Israeli, including 40 that injured five Israelis on Sunday. Israel said it had warned civilians several days before to leave the village.

"One must understand the Hezbollah is using their own civilian population as human shields," said Israeli Foreign Ministry official Gideon Meir. "The Israeli defense forces dropped leaflets and warned the civilian population to leave the place because the Hezbollah turned it into a war zone."

Rescuers aided by villagers dug through the rubble by hand. At least 20 bodies wrapped in white sheets were taken away, including 10 children. A row of houses lay in ruins, and an old woman was carried away on a plastic chair.

Villagers said many of the dead were from four families who had taken refuge in on the ground floor of a three-story building, believing they would be safe from bombings.

"We want this to stop!" shouted Mohammed Ismail, a middle-aged man pulling away at the rubble in search for bodies, his brown pants covered in dust. "May God have mercy on the children. They came here to escape the fighting."

"They are hitting children to bring the fighters to their knees," he said.

Rice said she was "deeply saddened by the terrible loss of innocent life" in Israel's attack. But she did not call for an immediate cease-fire in the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah militias.

"We all recognize this kind of warfare is extremely difficult," Rice said, noting it comes in areas where civilians live. "It unfortunately has awful consequences sometimes."

"We want a cease-fire as soon as possible," she added.

The United States and Israel are pressing for a settlement that addresses enduring issues between Lebanon and Israel and disables Hezbollah - not the quick truce favored by most world leaders.

Saniora said Lebanon would be open only to an immediate cease-fire.

"There is no place at this sad moment for any discussions other than an immediate and unconditional cease-fire as well as international investigation of the Israeli massacres in Lebanon now," he told reporters Sunday.

More than 5,000 people protested in central Beirut, denouncing Israel and the United States, some chanting, "Destroy Tel Aviv, destroy Tel Aviv." A few broke car windows and tried briefly to break into the main U.N. building until political leaders called for a halt to damage.

Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr questioned Israel's claim that Hezbollah fired rockets from the village. "What do you expect Israel to say? Will it say that it killed 40 children and women?" he told Al-Jazeera television.

Qana, in the hills east of the southern port city of Tyre, has a bloody history. In 1996, Israeli artillery killed more than 100 civilians who had taken refuge at a U.N. base in the village. That attack sparked an international outcry that helped end an Israeli offensive.

Sunday's attack drew swift condemnation from several world leaders.

French President Jacques Chirac's office said "France condemns this unjustifiable action, which shows more than ever the need to move toward an immediate cease-fire."

Jordan's King Abdullah II condemned "the ugly crime perpetrated by Israeli forces in Qana."

Lebanese officials said most of their citizens slain in the conflict have been civilians. Thirty-three Israeli soldiers have died, and Hezbollah rocket attacks on northern Israel have killed 18 civilians.

Fighting also broke out between guerrillas and Israeli soldiers in a zone called the Taibeh Project area, about 2 miles inside Lebanon. The Israeli army said one soldier was wounded. Hezbollah's al-Manar TV claimed two Israeli soldiers were killed.

Heavy artillery rained down on the villages of Yuhmor and Arnoun, close to Taibeh. In northern Israel, rockets fell on Nahariya, Kiryat Shemona and an area close to Maalot, the army said.

Israel has said it would launch a series of limited ground incursions into Lebanon to push back guerrillas, rather than carry out a full-fledged invasion. Israeli troops pulled back Saturday from the town of Bint Jbail, suggesting the thrust, launched a week ago, had halted.

But Lebanese officials reported a massing of troops and 12 tanks near the Israeli town of Metulla further to the northeast, on the tip of the Galilee Panhandle near the Golan Heights, suggesting another incursion could begin soon.

The Security Council has yet to take a stance on the fighting, in part because the United States has not called for a cessation of hostilities.

The French draft circulated also seeks a wide new buffer zone in south Lebanon free of Israeli and Hezbollah forces and monitored by international forces and the Lebanese army.

British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said the strike on Qana was a "tragedy" but stopped short of calling for a cease-fire.

A peace package Rice brought to the region called for a U.N.-mandated multinational force that can help stabilize in the region, according to a U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the discussions.

It also proposes: disarming Hezbollah and integrating the guerrilla force into the Lebanese army; Hezbollah's return of Israeli prisoners; a buffer zone in southern Lebanon to put Hezbollah rockets out of range of Israel; a commitment to resolve the status of a piece of land held by Israel and claimed by Lebanon; and the creation of an international reconstruction plan for Lebanon.

The latter two provisions resembled parts of a proposal by Lebanon's government. But they fell short of Hezbollah's demands, including a prisoner swap to free Lebanese held for years in Israeli prisons and the disputed land, known as Chebaa farms, put under U.N. supervision until its status can be resolved.

By Tom Perry

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese protesters broke into the United Nations headquarters in Beirut on Sunday, smashing windows and ransacking offices, after an Israeli air strike killed at least 40 people in south Lebanon.

Several thousand people massed outside the building in downtown Beirut chanting "Death to Israel, death to America. We sacrifice our blood and souls for Lebanon."

By early afternoon, most protesters had drifted away leaving a few hundred people milling in a car park opposite the building, which was being protected by a line of Lebanese soldiers.

Geir Petersen, the personal representative of U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan in Lebanon, condemned the Israeli attack on the village of Qana and called for an immediate investigation.

"I strongly condemn today's killing of tens of civilians by Israeli shelling of residential buildings in the village of Qana," he said in a statement.

Petersen was not at the U.N. offices in Beirut when they were attacked.

U.N. spokesman Khaled Mansour said the building had been stoned and furniture smashed but no U.N. staff were hurt as they had taken refuge in the basement. He said a small fire was started on the second floor but it had been contained.

Demonstrators held aloft the flags of Lebanon, Hizbollah and the Amal party, whose leader, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, appealed for a halt to the attack.

"Give the world a chance to stand by us," he said on local television.


Demonstrators tore down a United Nations flag outside the building and ripped it to shreds and called on Hizbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to launch rocket attacks on Tel Aviv.

"Oh Nasrallah, oh our cherished one, destroy, destroy Tel Aviv," they chanted.

Members of Hizbollah, the Shi'ite group that sparked the war 19 days ago when it seized two Israeli soldiers and killed eight in a cross-border raid, tried to restrain the crowd.

The protesters gathered after an Israeli attack early on Sunday killed at least 40 people, including 23 children, in the southern Lebanese village of Qana.

Following the attack, Lebanon canceled a planned visit by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Sunday, saying she was unwelcome until a ceasefire was declared.

At least 523 Lebanese, mostly civilians, have been killed since the conflict started and there is growing anger in Lebanon that the international community has not done enough to stop it.

"It's tense, we understand the anger and the rage of the people outside because of the Israeli shelling, but we don't understand why the U.N. building and its staff, many of them Lebanese, are to blame," said Mansour, speaking from the basement of the UN building.

140 rockets hammer North on Sunday
Jul. 30, 2006

Since early morning Sunday, a total of 140 rockets have rained down on northern cities, including Nahariya, Kiryat Shmona, and Acre. Eight people were wounded over the course of the morning, one moderately and seven lightly. Some 29 people suffered from shock.

One person was moderately wounded in a rocket barrage that landed in Kiryat Shmona shortly after 2:45 p.m. on Sunday. Three other residents were lightly wounded, and two suffered from shock. All the wounded were evacuated to a local hospital.

Earlier, one person was lightly wounded and several others suffering from shock in Kiryat Shmona as rocket barrages continued to pound the city on Sunday afternoon. In one barrage of at least 10 rockets, a house sustained a direct hit. Other damage was also reported, including several fires.

The first alert sirens sounded in Haifa and Tiberias at seven a.m. Several rockets landed in open territories in Haifa. There were no reports of rockets falling in Tiberias.

Nahariya and Acre were also hit Sunday morning. Seven rockets hit Nahariya, one of them reportedly hitting a car.

Meanwhile, Deputy OC Northern Command Brig.-Gen. Alon Friedman said Saturday that the missiles fired at Afula on Friday were not Iranian-made Fajr-5s, as originally reported, but an older Syrian-made rocket. This was the first time missiles of this type have been fired at Israel by Hizbullah.

Police in the North said in a statement that one of the missiles that landed near Afula contained 100 kg. of explosives - an amount that could have caused extensive damage and casualties. No one was wounded in the attack, and the Home Front Command instructed residents of the city to remain indoors. The attack caused a fire, and a helicopter was scrambled to help firefighters contain the blaze.

In a statement released by Hizbullah, the group called the attack an "implementation of the promise and decision and in response to the brutal aggression [by Israel]." Shortly after the attack, IAF jets destroyed the launcher.

"Hizbullah has yet to fall apart and is not ready yet to raise a white flag and surrender," a high-ranking officer said, adding that the group had been "hit on a number of levels, including its standing in Beirut and by the number of people who were killed."
Sounds like genocide - by targeting the women and children, you effectively prevent any further people being born. The area is being depopulated to allow easy occupation. Eventually the rest of the Arab population will say 'enough is enough' and start making threats against Israel. By this time, the USA will still be only involved as far as weapon supplies. It's possible that there'll be actual event (odds on being a manufactured one) at about this time to involve the USA in the regional conflict.

From what I'm seeing at the moment, I'd say the timescale is likely to be two to four weeks unless somebody puts the brakes on.
Hezbollah vows to punish Israel


Beirut - Hezbollah warned on Sunday it would punish Israel for the deaths of at least 51 civilians in Israeli air raids on the village of Qana, saying the Jewish state had to accept the consequences of its "massacre".

"This horrible massacre, like the others, will not remain unpunished," the Shiite militant group said in a statement.

"The Israeli enemy will assume the consequences of its massacres in Qana and elsewhere, as the Islamic Resistance has promised," it said.
Iran forces urged to prepare to hit Israel

2 hours, 1 minute ago

TEHRAN (Reuters) -
Iran's hardline forces should get ready to take revenge on
Israel and the United States for the offensive on Lebanon, the head of the Revolutionary Guards was quoted as saying on Sunday.

"The Basij and Revolutionary Guards should prepare to get even with the Zionists and Americans," Yahya Rahim-Safavi was quoted as telling Islamic militiamen by the conservative Fars news agency.

The Basij are volunteer Islamic militiamen.

"The timing of the this will be announced by the leader," he added.

An Israeli air strike killed 54 civilians, including 37 children in the southern Lebanese village of Qana on Sunday, the bloodiest single attack since Israel's 19-day-old war on Lebanese Hizbollah guerrillas began.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards are historically close to Hizbollah and were deployed in south Lebanon during the 1980s. Mostafa Chamran, spiritual father of the Guards, forged his reputation fighting in Lebanon.

The Basij and Revolutionary Guards are directly answerable to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Although Iran funded and armed Hizbollah in the 1980s, it has insisted recently its support is mainly moral and political.

However, many sources have said Iranian arms are being used against Israeli civilian and military targets.

An Israeli military source has said an Iranian-made C802 radar-guided land-to-sea missile with a range of 60 miles (95 km) hit and badly damaged a ship during Israel's offensive against Lebanon.

Hizbollah said it fired "Raad (Thunder) 2" and "Raad 3" rockets at a rail depot in Haifa. Raad missiles are Iranian.

Israel's army said it destroyed an Iranian-made Zelzal missile with range of between 74 and 99 miles before it was launched.
Quoting "Israeli sources" is like quoting Nazi sources during WW2. I am getting sick reading news from the sources in Israel. For instance they would "justify" killing the children by saying: "they are relatives of terrorists." Psychopathy at its heighs. Give me a sick bag!
Laura said:
Funny, seems that the newswires are changing the headline on this one to read "youths" instead of "children."
I was getting food from a Lebanese place in my neighborhood yesterday, and they were watching the news from a Lebanese channel. People watching were crying and i asked the owner to translate to me what the reporter was saying. he said: Among the victims was an infant just born the previous day...............
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