Israel’s Ex-Ambassador to UK Accused of Sexual Liaisons With Minors


The Living Force
Investigation by the foreign ministry’s inspector general found that UK-born Ambassador Daniel Taub, who was ambassador from 2011-2015, who cheated on his wife with men and boys–inside the ambassador’s residence, violated security protocol. Bibi has now nominated Daniel Taub to be chief legal advisor for the ministry of foreign affairs.

Israel’s Ex-Ambassador to UK Accused of Sexual Liaisons With Minors

February 3, 2016 - Israel’s former ambassador to the UK has been accused of inviting men and boys for trysts late at night when his wife was not home. A British policeman filed a complaint with Israeli authorities about the incidents. A further investigation by the foreign ministry’s inspector general found that UK-born Ambassador Daniel Taub, who was ambassador from 2011-2015, violated security protocol by not notifying his chief of security of the identity of the visitors. The purpose of recording visitors is in order to prevent Israeli diplomatic personnel from being blackmailed or compromised. Since MI5 knew of Taub’s activities, the Israeli foreign ministry was concerned that he might be compromised by them or that one of his paramours might attempt to extort payments from him.

Diplomatic security is provided by the Shabak, which would be aware of the incident. But my attempts to elicit comment from an Israeli security source were met with silence. Though the story has been reported in the Israeli media, no one has yet identified Taub by name. This is peculiar because there is no judicial gag order against reporting his name. This is one hot potato!

When questioned about the matter, Taub claimed he had never invited a minor into the residence. He added that the visitors were all adults and that their purpose was “therapeutic” (!) in nature. Though none of the Israeli reports have spoken outright of sexual activity, how could there not be?

When asked to explain why the police officer would claim minors entered his residence if that wasn’t the case, Taub claimed that he and the policeman had exchanged words and the officer had been offended by something the ambassador had said to him.

For some odd reason, Taub’s explanation satisfied the Inspector General and the investigation was suspended. But when Taub requested that his posting be extended, the foreign ministry refused and he was summoned back to Israel. That’s why Mark Regev, Bibi Netanyahu’s foreign media spokesperson was recently appointed to take up this post.

Officials in the government see Taub’s behavior as a grave violation of “ethical-moral norms” (!). As a result, a report of the incident was noted in Taub’s personnel file. The former ambassador was slated for promotion but his candidacy for any of these positions had been delayed while a deeper investigation is undertaken.

It’s a good thing the Queen knew nothing of Taub’s proclivities when she had this conversation with him when he presented his credentials to her on taking up his new post.

[...] What’s all the more startling is that Taub is an Orthodox Jew, married and has six children. He appears to be gifted intellectually and attended Oxford, wrote a well-regarding TV show about relations between secular and Orthodox Jews. Before his appointment, he was a junior advisor in the legal affairs unit of the ministry. Though I’m not privy to information about his personal life, it appears this is an example of the repression of such sexual impulses which is almost guaranteed by an Orthodox upbringing, as homosexuality is a grave sin among traditional Jews.

Unfortunately, the Israeli diplomatic corps has been prone to many similar scandals over the past few years. I reported here that Israel’s ambassador to Norway, the late Druze poet Naim Araidi, had made improper sexual advances to one of his Norwegian house staff. She reported this to Israeli authorities, who recalled Araidi from his post. In that case, the Norwegian press took up my reporting and published the story in the local press. I am seeking British journalists who will do the same in this case. Araidi, who was in his 50s, died three months ago after a short bout with cancer.

A few years ago, Aryeh Scher, was found to be part of a pedophile ring operated by an Israeli expatriate, George Schteinberg. The latter was arrested. But the Israeli managed to spirit himself out of the country in order to avoid a serious embarrassment to Israel. The foreign ministry permitted him to return to diplomatic service, shipping him off to Australia, where presumably he’d move to molesting Australian children. Australians weren’t too keen on the idea and raised a stink, causing Scher to withdraw from consideration.

Taub Nomination for Top Foreign Ministry Job Fails (for now) After Accusations of Pederasty

February 5, 2016 - Today, the MSM finally decided it was OK to report the Daniel Taub story I broke two days ago. I don’t know what happened in the past two days that convinced them to do their job, except my own reporting, which made them sit up and take notice.

Several new developments to report: after his recall from his ambassadorial post in London, Bibi nominated Daniel Taub to be chief legal advisor for the ministry of foreign affairs: a major post that would be a stepping stone to a glittering career in the foreign service or politics. Now that the story has broken, Ravid says that the scandal has felled Taub’s chances and the job will go to someone else.

Before today’s new reporting confirming my original story, the main contention of the hasbara crowd here and on social media was “there’s nothing to see here.” That Taub completed his normal four-year tour in the London post and returned home as a normal protocol. One of those who offered such an argument was Tal Ofer, a member of the UK Jewish Board of Deputies. He apparently had been “deputized” by his hasbara colleagues to take to the hustings in defense of Taub. Barak Ravid’s report puts the lie to this claim, noting that ambassadors are normally accorded a fifth year if they request it:

Taub’s extension request was turned down. This rejection was highly unusual, since the Foreign Ministry generally approves ambassadors’ requests to serve a fifth year, especially when the request comes from such a highly regarded diplomat.

Foreign Ministry officials said the embarrassing incident and report that followed were key factors in their decision.

But Taub has more heavy artillery at his disposal. Despite an accusation of pederasty, Attorney General Mandelblitt plans to enter the fray:

Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit has since become involved following media reports on the subject. Taub and Mendelblit know each other well from the latter’s former role as military advocate general. In a highly unusual step in just his second day on the job, Mendelblit asked to see the Foreign Ministry inspector general’s report. He then began reviewing the Appointments Committee’s decision to see whether Taub could still be appointed.

A senior government official says Mendelblit found nothing in the report that should prevent Taub from being appointed to the position, and that he planned to see if his appointment could be advanced once more.

So here’s how the deal will go down: they’ll wait a month or two to see if the accusations die down. If they do, Mendelblit will announce that he’s reviewed the case and urged the MFA hiring committee to reconvene and review its former refusal to name Taub.
They will do so (the committee includes Bibi crony, Dore Gold) and dutifully change their decision and Taub, an accused serial pedophile, will become MFA’s chief legal advisor.

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