Israel's New Propaganda Machine - Internet Users...


The Living Force
The Guardian said:
Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war

Following its invasion of Lebanon this summer, Israel was said to have largely lost the PR battle to Hizbullah, but armed with a major web offensive, it's fighting back
Stewart Purvis
Monday November 20, 2006

Amir Gissin runs what he calls '"Israel's Explanation Department". Which is why it is surprising to hear him admit that many Israelis think "the whole problem is that we don't explain ourselves correctly".

Last week, as al-Jazeera launched an Arab view of the world into English-speaking homes worldwide, Gissin was a man under pressure. At the David Bar Ilan conference on the media and Middle East, he faced an audience of Israelis who were unhappy about the way the propaganda battle with Hizbullah was fought and lost during the war in the Lebanon. They wanted to know how it could be done better next time, because most people in Israel seem to think there will be a next time with Hizbullah soon.

Gissin said the words of his English-speaking spokespeople could not compete with the power of the pictures of civilians killed in the Israeli attack on Lebanese towns like Qana. And the Israeli parliament will not spend the money on an Israeli counterpart to al-Jazeera.

But Gissin was not down-hearted. He declared there to be a "war on the web" in which Israel had a new weapon, a piece of computer software called the "internet megaphone".

"During the war we had the opportunity to do some very nice things with the megaphone community," he revealed at the conference. Among them, he claimed, was a role in getting an admission from Reuters that a photograph of damage to Beirut had been doctored by a Lebanese photographer to increase the amount of smoke in the picture. This was first spotted by American blogger Charles Johnson, who has won an award for "promoting Israel and Zionism".

To check out the power of the megaphone, I logged onto a website called GIYUS (Give Israel Your United Support) last Wednesday afternoon. More than 25,000 registered users of have downloaded the megaphone software, which enables them to receive alerts asking them to get active online.

It did not take long for an alert to come through. A Foreign Office minister, Kim Howells, had issued a press statement condemning that day's Palestinian rocket attack which killed an elderly Israeli and wounded other civilians. GIYUS wanted site users to "show your appreciation of the UK's response".

One click took me to a pre-prepared email addressed to Dr Howells, and a slot for me to personalise my comment. A test confirmed that the email would arrive at his office, as if I had spotted his comments on a news website, in this case Yahoo, and sent it to him with a supporting message. In the emails, there would be no indication of the involvement of GIYUS, although Howells may have been suspicious that so many people around the world had read the same Yahoo story about him and decided to email him. The Foreign Office confirms that emails were received last Wednesday but will not go into any more detail.

The most popular target of the online activists is the foreign media, especially the BBC, the news organisation which they love to hate. Earlier this year I was a member of the independent panel set up by the BBC governors to review the BBC's coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We reported on the high number of emails we had received from abroad, mostly from North America, and the evidence of pressure group involvement. A majority of email correspondents thought that the BBC was anti-Israel, however if the emails that could be identified as coming from abroad were excluded, the opposite was true - more people thought the BBC anti-Palestinian or pro-Israel.

The BBC has already had one encounter with GIYUS - an attempt to influence the outcome of an online poll. BBC History magazine noticed an upsurge in voting on whether holocaust denial should be a criminal offence in Britain. But the closing date had already passed and the result had already been published, so the votes were invalid anyway. GIYUS supporters claim success elsewhere in "balancing" an opinion poll on an Arabic website by turning a vote condemning Israel's attack in the Lebanon into an endorsement.

For some of Israel's supporters, a primary aim of their war on the web is an attempt to discredit what they see as hostile foreign media reports, especially those containing iconic visual images.

One particular target has been the respected French TV correspondent, Charles Enderlin, whose Palestinian cameraman filmed 12-year-old Mohammed al-Dura being shot and killed, as his father tried to shield him at the start of the second intifada. Enderlin accused Israeli troops of shooting and killing the boy. French supporters of Israel went online to claim the report was a distortion based on faked footage. His network, France 2, responded with legal action and, last month, in the first of four individual cases, a French court found the organiser of a self-styled media watchdog website guilty of libel.

Another online target has been the TV footage of bloodshed on a Gaza beach earlier this year. A Palestinian girl was seen screaming as she saw the bodies of dead family members killed by what Palestinians allege was Israeli shellfire. When I mentioned the impact of these pictures at last week's conference, members of the audience shouted "staged".

One person came up to me afterwards to suggest that the family had somehow died somewhere else and that their bodies had been moved to the beach to be filmed. Where, for instance, was all the blood? I pointed out that I had seen everything that the cameraman had shot and that some pictures were too gruesome to be shown.

It is clear that the government of Israel wants to fight back against the impact of foreign media pictures like these. Amir Gissin talked last week of plans to get Israeli video onto sites like YouTube which he said were viewed by opinion "shapers". And his cousin Dr Ra'anan Gissin, formerly Ariel Sharon's media adviser, has endorsed the idea of having picture power at the country's disposal ready for future conflicts. Referring to Israel's opponents, he put it in his usual direct way: "You need to shoot a picture before you shoot them." Stewart Purvis is professor of Television Journalism at City University in London. He is a former chief executive and editor-in-chief of ITN.
Guardian Unlimited � Guardian News and Media Limited 2006

Original Article here:

It's like... covert propoganda, because anyone getting emails isn't gonna know that 25k people are connected in order to promote israel. To think that some people delude themselves to the point where they believe images from gaza, lebanon, etc were "staged" is seriously sad. Seems like they're only defense is Subconcious Substitution and Selection of data.

It's also up on shoutwire here: … Propaganda

It's like... covert propoganda, because anyone getting emails isn't gonna know that 25k people are connected in order to promote israel. To think that some people delude themselves to the point where they believe images from gaza, lebanon, etc were "staged" is seriously sad. Seems like they're only defense is Subconcious Substitution and Selection of data.
Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

Just to point out that this article was aslo featured on SOTT on the 27th.
Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

Cyre2067 said:
Monday November 20, 2006

Amir Gissin runs what he calls '"Israel's explanation Department". Which is why it is surprising to hear him admit that many Israelis think "the whole problem is that we don't explain ourselves correctly"
That's an interesting double talk word.

Explanation : presenting distorded/troncated/subjective datas in order to make people think what you want them to think. Synonym : propaganda.
Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

'Give Israel Your United Support' is just saying 'Isreal, right or wrong'. When I read things like this is just makes me feel empty and helpless.

Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

ya ain't seen nothing yet:

like a quote ?
After the Israeli tourism ministry delayed the start of its advertising campaign with Arsenal for fear of receiving negative reactions due to the recent war on Lebanese, the 515,000 euros deal was announced. Arsenal's managing director Keith Edelman said Israel would be the club's "official and exclusive travel destination."
GIYUS is (to me) old news. don't know to what degree they are effective, if at all. fact is, news about israel's atrocities DO get out, you see far more footage from the occupied terrirories than before - yet still heavily pro-israel slanted. activities like what i quote above, which could have been brainstormed at mad magazine, would IMO hardly take place if GIYUS (which could also have been born in a brainstorming session at mad magazine) was measurably effective in bettering israel's image.

if you check their website under "online alerts", they have a series of articles of interest to them. each article is framed, at the top there are some phrases to use to counter (or explain away) whatever is in the article if they dont like it. the talking points have that unmistakable aura of having been originated at some propaganda shop of the israeli army press speaker.

other than that, i think that giyus is not as effective as should be a cooperative effort of - IIRC - 25000 vigilantes. at least i think that the stream of articles showing up on their alerts page should be far greater and evidence of their activity should be all over if they had 25000 "members" playing the part of zionist nannies of the www. obviously most jews have a real life and are sane enough to not get themselves involved in this juvenile folly.

two words round up these activities nicely: pigs, lipstick.
Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

The problem is that Israelis have genuine belief that they are being misunderstood by "too noble" Europeans. They see "hasbara" not as manipulation but as a defensive against "screaming Arabs with their pictures of dead children". They really believe that Palestinians succeed to evoke sympathy among people by emotion manipulation and pictures fabrication. So when someone asks them to "help Israel" and explain to the world their position - they happily agree. It's an attitude of "we are poor misunderstood people and the whole world is against us because they can't see obvious fact that you can't trust an Arab. Israelis actually heroes, that do a job others prefer not to".

With this kind of attitude, any manipulation can be explained as a necessary tactic and all methods are justified.
Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

Here a perfect example of such attitude I found on shoutwire comment to the aforementioned article. Written by user "BBEEAANN"
And I can esure you that this person (like most of Israelis) really believe what he says.

love these one sided articles. It gets the ignorant to run around and say see see see I told you they were a bunch of murdering bastards. They dont even look at the fact that Hizbullah and other terrorist groups constantly attack Israel and she has a right to defend herself. This isnt a video game guys this is real life. People die in war that happens, wake up. You guys tend to forget that Israel is constantly attacked from these areas and there is only one way to get a cowardly terrorist to leave you alone, exterminate them. You cannot deal with these people rationally because the only thing they respect is force. I find it hilarious all you guys are down on Israel when you are safe from being blown up by a person who has been brainwashed into believing that if they kill the zionist swine you have an 80% chance to make it into heaven and get 70 virgins. Why dont we hear about all that? Why dont we see the brainwashing of Hizbullah in the article? Why dont we see the wrongs the Palestinians do to Israel and it is just Israel at fault. If you are going to complain about things you atleast better look at the other side of the story and ask yourself 1. who hurt who first and 2. what would your response be if that wrong was done to you? To sit here and spew the total ignorance shown is just laughable.
Since you have called the occupation of the westbank illegal and immoral you had better go look at what happens when you loose a war. In the Six Day War Israel defended herself against 5 countries. They gave up rights to the lands they lost in that war. The Westbank and the Gaza strip were both lost to Israel in that war. To say they dont have a right to that land if funny considering they got attacked and it was given to them by the world. You forget that there were 2 other wars fought in which Israel won and gained more land. They have since given back some of that land but, they dont have to because they didnt start any of the wars and they won the land in their victory. Would we be sitting here saying the same thing about Israel if she was attacked and lost land? I highly doubt it since you guys have a hard on for her destruction.
Those are beliefs of most of Israelis. And the sad thing that they are willing to die for it. And probably will try to take the world down with them, cause it's "us vs them" attitude. Hope that something will happen soon in order to prevent a disaster, because Palestinians (or other Arabs) also programmed no less then Israelis.
Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

Keit said:
Hope that something will happen soon in order to prevent a disaster, because Palestinians (or other Arabs) also programmed no less then Israelis.
The truth is that more or less most of the people are programmed one way or another to believe what those in power want them to believe, and they will fight for those "beliefs" that are not even theirs to begin with, but they die believing so.

I heard the above quotes coming from mouths of Israeli people while in the region, and yes, they truly believe everything they say, and they truly feel scared of those "Palestinian killers". And it's not because they are not educated, no, they are very well "educated" and "know" history very well and is as if they all read the same books, which probably they did, because they recite the same lines. And if i was born in Israel is more probable that i would think thus myself, i thought about it while there.

Seems that the disaster is already in place and escalating.
Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

I didn't catch it was covered by sott... i actually saw it on shoutwire and wanted to share it :-)

Keit, thanks for the enlightening explaination and quotes. It always amazes me how someone can defend a point of view no matter how ludicruous it is, and without the proper background and context (mostly that i got from CofZ) you would believe his rationalization.
Israel's New Propoganda Machine - Internet Users...

Cyre2067 said:
It always amazes me how someone can defend a point of view no matter how ludicruous it is, and without the proper background and context (mostly that i got from CofZ) you would believe his rationalization.
It really shouldn't surprise you, at least at this point.

Most "normal" people don't think critically; they are not conditioned to do so. Which is the whole point of Gurdjieff and crowd.

So most people have "buffers" galore to shield them from thing uncomfortable.

Unfortunately for most people "truth" is very uncomfortable. Hence the denial and anger and so forth.

Plus, to many, "mainstream" media is truth.

I mean, if someone showed you "Controversy of Zion" five years ago what would your reaction have been?

This is why we do what we do because "time" is getting really short here.

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