It’s a Pink Floyd World – Welcome (Back) to the Machine


The Living Force
I found this tobe an interesting, and wellwritten article by a Westerner who had taught in Asia.

For as Aristotle put it, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” And, to paraphrase Pink Floyd, “hey, clueless leaders, leave those kids alone.”

~Christopher Chase~

“One of the most distressing characteristics of education reformers is that they are hyper-focused on how students perform, but they ignore how students learn.” ~Diane Marie
What an excellent article and so true. All the problems we create for ourselves as a species by blindly submitting to authority, even though our authoritarian society is deliberately designed to quash everything that makes us truly human. They want us to be battery hens and we just go along.

I have to admit that I told my children about this very early on and deliberately instilled a desire to question everything and to learn around, above, below and behind everything they were taught in school. They still have to learn and regurgitate what they're taught but I encouraged them to seek out alternative, balanced viewpoints every step of the way.

I think it's working..

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