It's not just Americans who are Sheep

It just gets sillier and sillier.

Eleven people from the ABC TV program The Chaser's War on Everything have been charged with offences under the new APEC legislation.

Eight ABC cast and crew members and three hired drivers have been charged with entering a restricted area without justification.

The group was arrested after staging a fake motorcade through Sydney's CBD and were stopped near the InterContinental Hotel where US President George W Bush is staying.

One of the Chaser crew was dressed as Osama bin Laden.

All have been granted conditional bail to appear in court next month.
The foreign minister was on TV saying that it was obvious that they weren't any threat. At least he got that right!
Sorry, I duplicated!! I didn't realise you'd posted something about it already.
Even more depressing when the politicians here in Denmark, actually make the laws which allows the police to do a full body search on the inner streets of Copenhagen. The police don't have to have any reason or any suspicions of anything illegal to ask people to empty their pockets or to search their cars.

This may now be the norm in other countries, but very new to us in Denmark.

The police only have the right to act in these "safety zones" for a month at a time, and therefore have to renew the contract each month, but noone seems to be speaking out against it, probably because they are afraid of terrorists and people carrying knives....

Unfortunately the news are in Danish, since I haven't ben able to find them anywhere in English
Just as depressing to me is to recognize that I too can't take a joke anymore. Is this another aspect of ponerization? Friends are always telling me to lighten up. I'm so edgy lately and I keep blaming myself and spots in my psyche that aren't "healed" and yet, when I sit down to ponder, there is a profound sense of grief that runs so deep.

It's taken so much energy to suppress this monumental grief, you know, to keep it all "balanced". I'm tired of fighting it anymore. It seems that now, I just blurt out what I'm really thinking and offending people right and left. It's not that I mean to provoke them but some of my views, comments and questions really irritate some people. Of course, most of the time I do practice external consideration. I'm really angry and disgusted with the world as it is. Is there anything humorous anymore?

To see this video of people acquiescing to such inane requests, makes me think of a cancer mastisizing across the world called No Self Will. Chilling to think of how easily we "goyim' are corralled....
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