Jacob Franck, the missing link to grasp the madness of Zionism?


Jedi Master
I had been interested in antinomian Judaïsm for years. Unfortunatly I lost most of my computer data on the subject. I made a research to find some of the most interesting informations that I had found on the web. The following are among the most easy to find.
While studying this subject I realised that there was not many datas, researches, documents on Jacob Franck and I have felt that it was unfair. 
It seems that I have not been the only one surprised to find so few crucial academic studys  on the subject of Frankism. Indeed as you will see with the second link, the Italian Research has started a program on the issue.
But let us start with the overt "conspiracy" of the character named by Gershom Scholem,' the bad prophet':


Extract: by...
Ben Zion Wacholder, Ph.D
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati
Sheldon H. Blank, Editor
Matitiahu Tsevat, Associate Editor
Offprint from Hebrew Union College Annual, Vol. LIII 1982
©1983, by the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
[Reprinted with Kind Permission of the Author]

« Frank writes in an obscure manner, avoiding direct speech, conveying his message through the use of biblical and Zoharic citations. The style of gluing together a variety of biblical and Zoharic lines frustrates the reader.
Nevertheless, the general message comes through and may be summarized as follows:

Frank predicts the impending slaughter of the Jews in all the major and minor nations of Europe as part of the apocalypse.
The salvation of the Jews rests upon their accepting the faith of Edom, i.e., Rome.
Jacob Frank is the reincarnation of Jacob the patriarch.
Jacob Frank will lead Israel's redemption by conquering the world, including the Catholic Church. »


"Frankism and revolutionary utopias in central Europe in the period between the emancipation and the assimilation of the Jews

Frankism has for centuries been pigeonholed as superstition, corruption or charlatanism. Even if twentieth-century historians avoid describing the Frankists as "savage barbarians" as did the scholar Eleasar Flekes in the early 1800s, this diffidence has prevented a clearer understanding of the phenomenon from asocial, cultural and political standpoint. It is to the work of Scholem—The Major Traditions of Hebrew Mysticism, The Kabbalah and its Symbolism, From Frankism to Jacobinism—that we owe the attempt to redefine the meaning and significance of the movement, both inside and outside the Jewish tradition. Scholem's work has put new life into research on Frankism. However, since confessional approaches continue to prevail, the re-evaluation of the movement has still to be carried out, and its impact on political thought has still to be fully appreciated. Harris Lenowitz's recent study —The Charlatan at the Gottes Haus in Offenbach, 2001—for all its rigour, does not spare the movement destructive criticism from an eminently religious point of view.
Nevertheless, some sound critical observations have been made. Scholem mentions the political consequences of Frankism, its links with the Enlightenment and Jacobinism. Arthur Mandel, in his study The Militant Messiah or The Flight from the Ghetto (1979, Italian trans. 1984), dwells on its links with the Polish revolution and Zionism. Jacob Katz has examined its connections with freemasonry, opening an interesting line of enquiry, which, however, he fails to develop systematically. Klaus Davidowicz, author of a book on Jacob Frank published in 1989, has recently drawn attention (in Zwischen Aufklaerung und Mystik, 2001) to a key figure in the connection between Frankism, the Enlightenment and freemasonry, as well as in the internationalisation of some political aspects of the "teaching" of Frank—namely Joseph Hirschfeld.


« And throughout, Frank maintained with his followers a secret, heretical religion of transgression, antinomianism, and inversion. It really was the stuff of folk legends: a sinister leader, secret sexual orgies, and a rejection of every standard of decency. Frank parodied the Zohar, the Talmud, the Torah; he boasted about his sexual prowess and told dirty jokes.

Oh, and that Jewish-Masonic conspiracy that anti-Semites often talk about? Not entirely fiction — one follower of Frank, Moses Dobruska, was in fact a prominent Jacobin and powerful Freemason who went under the name of Junius Frey. He ran arms during the French Revolution, and may have spied for Austria. He was later executed by guillotine.

Amazingly, some of Frank’s followers went on to become leaders of the Prague Enlightenment, prominent attorneys in Poland, and shape-shifters of every kind. Adam Mickiewicz, considered Poland’s greatest poet, used Frankist themes in his work. Even Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis had a portrait of Frank’s daughter Eva on his desk in the Supreme Court — an heirloom he received from his Dembitz relatives, whose ancestors were followers of Frank.

So, yes, it really is true that there were (and perhaps are) secret Jewish conspiracies and mystical orgies. »


the extract is made from the Finkelstein's text on Rothenberg's poetical work:

« Then again, it could be that all Jews are mad, however they may resemble "other men {who} are not jews/not mad." The predisposition of Jews to various forms of mental illness was an accepted fact in the milieu about which Rothenberg writes, in both the popular mind and that of the scientific establishment. Just as the Jew's body was seen as particularly susceptible to various diseases and deformations, so too, as Sander Gilman notes, "Jewish mental illness was the result of the sexual practices of the Jew, such as inbreeding, which created the predisposition for disease, and the pressures of modern life in the city, which were the direct cause" (Freud 93). Gilman's exhaustive analysis of beliefs regarding Jewish mental illness not only reveals the links between sexuality and modern urban life but focuses specifically on "the world of the train." As Gilman explains, this world "was one of the public spaces, defined by class and economic power, in which the Jew could purchase status. It was part of the image of the world of `modern life' that helped deform the psyche of the Jew. A ticket assured one of traveling among one's economic equals-but not as racial `equals.' The association of trains and the trauma of confronting one's Jewish identity is a powerful topos at the turn of the century" (Freud 125).

Thus in Rothenberg's poem, the Jewish constellation of sex, madness, locomotives, and poetry is hardly accidental. The "mad" Jew on the train speaks boldly to the lady and the other passengers of "jewish alphabets," "jewish locomotives." »

I strongly advise you to check the picture of jacob Franck on his death bed on the wiki page. It underlines the wealth of the character and his power.
Jacob Frank (יעקב פרנק Ya'akov Frank, Jakob Frank; 1726 - 1791) was an 18th century Jewish religious leader who claimed to be the reincarnation of the self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi and also of King David. Frank and his followers were excommunicated due to his extremely unconventional doctrines that included acceptance of the New Testament, Enlightenment and some controversial concepts such as purification through transgression.
Frank arguably created a new religion, now referred to as Frankism, which combined some aspects of Christianity and Judaism.
The development of Frankism was one of the consequences of the messianic movement of Sabbatai Zevi, the religious mysticism that resulted as a reaction to nascent Hassidism and the socioeconomic upheavals among the Jews of Poland and western Ukraine.

The heyday of Frank's messianic movement occurred during a period of the loss of relative social and economic stability in the late 1770s resulting from the Koliyivshchyna rebellion, an uprising of Ukrainian peasantry that resulted in many Polish and Jewish casualties.
Messianism at the end of the seventeenth century assumed mystical coloring, possibly under the influence of the Rosicrucian movement in Germany, which dressed its doctrine of improvement of the World in mystical garb. In Polish-owned Ukraine, particularly in Podolia and Galicia, there were numerous secret societies of Sabbateans (after Sabbatai Zevi) formed.
In expectation of the great Messianic revolution, the members of these societies abandoned many Jewish principles of faith and discarded Jewish religious laws and custom. The mystical cult of the Sabbateans is believed to have included both asceticism and sensuality: some did penance for their sins, subjected themselves to self-inflicted pain, and "mourned for Zion"; others disregarded the strict rules of modesty required by Judaism, and at times were accused of being licentious. The Polish rabbis attempted to ban the "Sabbatean heresy" at the assembly at Lemberg in 1722, but could not fully succeed, as it was widely popular among the nascent Jewish middle class.
[edit]Early life

Jacob Frank is believed to have been born as Jacob ben Leiba (or Leibowits) in Koroliwka, Podolia (Ukraine) about 1726. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to Chernivtsi, in the Austro-Hungarian region of Bukovina in 1730, where the Sabbatean influence at the time was strong. While still a schoolboy Frank began to reject the Talmud, and afterward often referred to himself as "a plain" or "untutored man."
As a traveling merchant in textile and precious stones he often visited Ottoman territories, where he earned the nickname "Frank," a name generally given in the East to Europeans, and lived in the centers of contemporary Sabbateanism: Salonica and Smyrna.
In the early 1750s, Frank became intimate with the leaders of the Sabbateans. Two followers of Osman Baba were witnesses at his wedding in 1752. In 1755 he reappeared in Podolia, gathered a group of local adherents, and began to preach the "revelations" which were communicated to him by the Tzeviists in Salonica. One of these gatherings in Landskron ended in a scandal, and the rabbis' attention was drawn to the new teachings. Frank was forced to leave Podolia, while his followers were hounded and denounced to the local authorities by the rabbis (1756). At the rabbinical court held in the village of Satanov the Sabbateans were accused of having broken fundamental Jewish laws of morality, modesty, and more importantly of acceptance of sanctity of the Christian Bible.
The anti-Talmudists

As a result of these disclosures the congress of rabbis in Brody proclaimed a universal Cherem (excommunication) against all "impenitent heretics", and made it obligatory upon every pious Jew to seek them out and expose them. The Sabbateans informed Dembowsky, the Catholic Bishop of Kamenetz-Podolsk, that they rejected the Talmud and recognized only the sacred book of Kabbalah, the Zohar, which did not contradict the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. They stated that they regarded the Messiah-Deliverer as one of the embodiments of the three divinities.
The bishop took the "Anti-Talmudists," or "Zoharists," under his protection and in 1757 arranged a religious disputation between them and the rabbis. The Anti-Talmudists presented their theses, to which the rabbis gave a very lukewarm and unwilling reply lest they offend the Church dignitaries who were present. The bishop decided that the Talmudists had been vanquished, and ordered them to pay a fine to their opponents and to burn all copies of the Talmud in the bishopric of Podolia.
After the death of the bishop, the Sabbateans were subjected to severe persecution by the rabbis, although they succeeded in obtaining an edict from Augustus III of Poland guaranteeing them safety.

Declaration of being a successor to Sabbatai Zevi

At this critical moment Jacob Frank came to Iwania, proclaimed himself as a direct successor to Sabbatai Zevi and Osman Baba, and assured his adherents that he had received revelations from Heaven. These revelations called for the conversion of Frank and his followers to the Christian religion, which was to be a visible transition stage to the future "Messianic religion." In 1759 negotiations looking toward the conversion of the Frankists to Roman Catholicism were being actively carried on with the higher representatives of the Polish Church; at the same time the Frankists tried to secure another discussion with the rabbis. The Polish primate Lubenski and the papal nuncio Nicholas Serra were suspicious of the aspirations of the Frankists, but at the insistence of the administrator of the bishopric of Lemberg, the canon Mikulski, the discussion was arranged. It was held in Lemberg, and was presided over by Mikulski. Protestant missionaries also tried to detour the Frankists to Protestantism, and a handful did in fact join the Moravian church.
[edit]Baptism of the Frankists

At the discussion in 1759, the rabbis energetically repulsed their opponents. After the discussion the Frankists were requested to demonstrate in practice their adherence to Christianity; Jacob Frank, who had then arrived in Lemberg, encouraged his followers to take the decisive step. The baptism of the Frankists was celebrated with great solemnity in the churches of Lwów, with members of the Polish szlachta (nobility) acting as god-parents. The neophytes adopted the names of their godfathers and godmothers, and ultimately joined their ranks. Frank himself was baptized in Lwów (September 17, 1759) and again in Warsaw the next day, with Augustus III as his godfather. Frank's baptismal name was "Joseph" (Józef). In the course of one year more than 500 individuals were converted to Christianity at Lwów, and nearly a thousand in the following year. By 1790 26,000 Frankists were recorded baptised in Poland [1].
However, the Frankists continued to be viewed with suspicion, due to their unusual doctrine. Frank was arrested in Warsaw on February 6, 1760 and delivered to the Church's tribunal on the charge of heresy. The Church tribunal convicted Frank as a teacher of heresy, and imprisoned him in the monastery of Częstochowa.

Prison and later days

Jacob Frank on his death bed in 1791.
Frank's imprisonment lasted thirteen years, yet it only increased his influence with the sect by surrounding him with the aura of martyrdom. Many Frankists established themselves near Częstochowa, and kept up constant communication with their "holy master". Frank inspired his followers through mystical speeches and epistles, in which he stated that salvation could be gained only through the "religion of Edom," or dat ("law"), a mixture of Christian and Sabbateanism. After the first partition of Poland, Frank was released by the Russian general Bibikov, who had occupied Częstochowa, in August 1772. Frank lived in the Moravian town of Brno until 1786, surrounded by a retinue of adherents and pilgrims who came from Poland. His daughter Eve began to play an important role in the organization of the sect at this time. Frank kept a force of 600 armed men at his "court" in Brünn. Future czar Paul I of Russia visited him.
Accompanied by his daughter, Frank repeatedly traveled to Vienna, and succeeded in gaining the favor of the court. Maria Theresa regarded him as a disseminator of Christianity among the Jews, and it is even said that Joseph II was favorably inclined to the young Eve Frank. Ultimately Frank was deemed unmanageable and he was obliged to leave Austria. He moved with his daughter and his retinue to Offenbach, in Germany, where he assumed the title of "Baron of Offenbach," and lived as a wealthy nobleman, receiving financial support from his Polish and Moravian followers, who made frequent pilgrimages to Offenbach. On the death of Frank in 1791, Eve became the "holy mistress" and leader of the sect. Her fortunes dwindled in the aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars, and she died in Offenbach in 1816.
Some Frankists were active during the French Revolution, such as Frank's nephew Moses Dobruška. Many of the Frankists saw Napoleon Bonaparte as a potential Messiah. The Frankists scattered in Poland and Bohemia eventually intermarried into the gentry and middle class, and a number of important cultural figures in Poland are descended from from former Frankists, including Frederic Chopin, Adam Mickiewicz and Juliusz Slowacki.

Moses Dobruška
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Moses Dobruška (1753–1794) was a nephew of Jacob Frank, the founder of the Frankist sect who claimed to be the Jewish messiah. Dobruška was an alchemist, freemason, writer, and poet. In 1773 he converted from Judaism to the Catholic faith and took the name of Franz Thomas Schönfeld. In 1778 he was elevated to nobility in Vienna, becoming Franz Thomas Edler von Schönfeld. Together with Ephraim Joseph Hirschfeld, who did not convert, he became one of the main conspirators of the “Knights of St. John the Evangelists for Asia in Europe,” a secret society of freemasons, which was much talked about in Germany and Austria between 1783 and 1790, not least because it was the first German-speaking fraternal order to accept Jews. In 1792, in the wake of the French Revolution, he traveled via Strasbourg to Paris and became a Jacobin, changing his name, once again, to Junius Frey. He was arrested for treason and espionage and executed by guillotine in 1794.

The following article is in French, my native language, so I did a translation of one of the most important sentences. I don't consider it a good translation but at least it will give the meaning  so that the non-french speaking reader can grasp the importance of the issue.

« C'est Scholem lui-même qui, dès son installation en Palestine, avait opéré un rapprochement entre le sionisme et le sabbataïsme, dans lesquels il voyait les deux moments politiques de l'histoire du peuple juif à l'époque moderne. Le caractère « historique » de la rédemption dans le judaïsme (par opposition à l'idée chrétienne d'un salut dans l'autre monde), associé à l'espérance d'une fin des persécutions endurées dans l'exil et l'esclavage d'Israël, engendre une idéologie révolutionnaire que Scholem appelle « utopique » et « apocalyptique ».
Résultat d'une « attente messianique intense » [4], cette idéologie se représente l'âge messianique comme le moment d'un « affrontement final d'Israël et des Nations », une conflagration dotée d'une signification cosmique dont les cataclysmes forment la condition de la renaissance nationale. A cette représentation (qui se retrouvera dans le marxisme) du rôle de la violence dans l'histoire, identifié aux souffrances d'un enfantement, une tradition particulière issue de la Kabbale ajoute une dimension spécifiquement antinomique  : l'ère messianique n'est pas seulement celle de la réunion au sein de la divinité des parties du monde « brisé » depuis la création, c'est aussi, en vue de « hâter la fin », celui d'une inversion de la loi ou de sa réalisation à travers sa transgression (« c'est en violant la Torah qu'on l'accomplit »), forme spécifique de « l'activisme [prenant] l'utopie comme levier en vue de l'instauration du royaume messianique » - si indécise d'ailleurs que demeure la figure du messie lui-même. [5]...Le cœur de cette analyse est donc une réflexion psycho-politique sur la façon dont l'antisémitisme en est venu à constituer, non seulement (comme Herzl n'avait de cesse de le répéter) l'allié objectif du sionisme, anéantissant les illusions d'assimilation et persuadant les Juifs que la persécution est pour eux le seul destin en dehors de « leur » Etat, mais le schème projectif d'une conception mélancolique de soi, dans laquelle le groupe se voit (et redoute en même temps de se voir) comme victime absolue, objet de la haine meurtrière d'un Autre à la fois omniprésent et radicalement méchant. Cette conception de l'identité collective évite toute remise en question de sa propre politique et permet par avance de verser la critique au compte de l'hostilité. Elle n'est évidemment pas la seule possible bien que, dans des circonstances déterminées qui «libèrent » l'élément antinomique de l'inconscient lui-même, elle soit peut-être irrésistible. »
The « historical » aspect of redemption in judaïsm (in opposition with the Christian idea of salvation in the otherworld)coupled with the hope for the end of the exilic persecutions and the slavery of Israël, has braught a revolutionnary ideology, named by Scholem « utopic » and « apocalyptic » which is the result of an « intense messianic awaiting ». This ideology consider the messianic ages as the moment of  a  "Final confontation of Israel with the nations", an explosion which is doted of a cosmic dimension which is specificaly antinomic:the massianic era is not only the reuniting in the divinity of the "broken" parts of the world since creation, it is also the inversion o the law or it's realisation thru transgression ("it is in the violation of the Torah tht it is accomplished")...The heart of this analysis is thus a psycho-politic reflexion on the way antsemitism has became not only (like Hertz has never ceased to say) as the ally of Sionism, destroying assimilations illusions, persuading jews that persecution is there only destiny outside "their" state, but the projective scheme of a melancolic perception of themself, in which the group sees itself (and  fears to been seen like) as the absolute victim of an 'other', omnipresent and wicked.... 


« Je désirais pénétrer dans l’univers de la kabbale à cause de ma foi dans le sionisme comme réalité vivante, comme restauration d’un peuple qui avait profondément dégénéré » (FU, p. 34-36) »I had the desire to get in the Kabbala because of my faith in Zionism as a living reality, like the restauration of a people which had deeply degenerated »

I will end noticing that I have never heard of an antinomian Islam. There are many heterodox groups, mostly rooted in shia Islam, but no antinomian theology. That makes a big difference.
One of the most interesting among these groups are the Bektashis. It happens that Shabbataï Zévi ended his life uneder the protection of that tiny Sufi heterodox community.
I will had that for the jewish conspiracy theorist Barry Shamish, Jacob Franck's legacy is the leading force behind the state of Israel.



A couple of years ago the sanders richard economic website published a genealogy of Kerry which was really highly interesting.

Moderator: The cointelpro/disinformation links have been deactivated.
sankara said:
I will had that for the jewish conspiracy theorist Barry Shamish, Jacob Franck's legacy is the leading force behind the state of Israel.



A couple of years ago the sanders richard economic website published a genealogy of Kerry which was really highly interesting.

Moderator: The cointelpro links have been deactivated.

Hi Sankara,

You can use the search function to learn about Rense.

Here's a couple of links:


Hello Namaste and moderator
I was not refering to Rense and I never use that website. I agree on your conclusions about Rense. The texts which were included in the links can be found on the Barry Chamish web site. I do understand who this latter is, but still I can find interesting stuff while reading his writings.
I might be a fool, but not that time.
I braught some material which I think are of a great value, Jacob Franck is an important issue. So it would be really sad if we stoped on this source issue. Frankism deals with history, European history; philosophy, history of religion, history of ideas, geo-politic....
So I promise I won't bring any Rense stuff again,
Let's start on the subject, it may be worth it...
Hi Sankara,

Very interesting article; I'd never heard of Jacob Frank before. The following review does not mention Frank by name, but the article seems to tie in with your piece somehow. It's possible Frank is mentioned in the book itself.

Michael Hoffman's "Judaism Discovered From Its Own Texts"

Henry Makow Ph.D. – January 19, 2009

"Judaism Discovered," Michael Hoffman's monumental new work on Judaism is subtitled, "A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit."

But, what does Hoffman really think of Judaism?

We are in a crisis. It's time we listened to plainspoken pariahs like Michael Hoffman. Anti-Semitism is on the rise and Hoffman's book explains why this is not irrational "hate." It's more important for Jews than anyone to learn that they are associated with a "religion" they don't really understand.

Two polls, one on August 9, 2007 and one on January 3, 2009, indicated a sharp growth of anti-Semitism in America. The August poll, conducted for the CIA-controlled RAND Corporation of Santa Monica showed 35% of the American public polled displayed moderate to strong anti-Semitic feelings while a similar poll in January of 2009 showed that percentage had jumped to 62%! This corresponds to the progress of the financial crises. No doubt, Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza has contributed more. Look at one of the slick new anti-Jewish websites sprouting on the Internet like dandelions.

Many people serve as witting and unwitting agents of the central bankers stealth plan for world domination (the New World Order.) Collaboration is a criterion for "success" today. Increasingly, people identify the NWO as the "Jew World Order" because of the out-sized role Jews play. Most Jews are just trying to please their mother ("be successful dear") but it's time they learned that they are part of a sinister force, and they may end up holding the bag.

Is the NWO driven primarily by the bankers' megalomania or by their adherence to a Jewish corporate agenda? Since many of the bankers are Cabalist Jews, the answer is probably both. The Jewish bankers have expanded their power base by co-opting the decadent gentile elite through intermarriage and Freemasonry (which is based on Jewish Cabalism.) This entity is a Satanic secret society called "The Illuminati Order."

Illuminati bankers are behind the recent financial collapse designed to facilitate political and social change. "Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation." -- (Protocols of Zion, 20) As Pastor Lindsey Williams said recently, long term, "these people are out to own and control everything...they are out to break us."


Hoffman's book is required reading for the Satanic mindset driving both the Illuminati and New World Order.

Normally, a 1100-page book would be daunting. But not in this case. "Judaism Discovered" is an encyclopedia in one volume consisting of more than 140 readable articles. The 10 x 7 inch format, large type and generous spacing make the book approachable. Consider it an opulent banquet. I haven't read it all yet.

Hoffman is a Talmudic adepts' worst nightmare. The goyim aren't supposed to learn this stuff. Ordinary Jews aren't supposed to know either. Hoffman has research assistants, some of whom are Jews, who read Hebrew, Yiddish, Aramaic and German. He is a brilliant scholar and an eloquent, courageous writer. He is clearly not motivated by "hate" but rather by a desire to disabuse both Jews and non-Jews. He sees them as victims of an ongoing scam.

A sample of article titles suggests the provocative theme and range:

The Superiority of the Jews
The Inferiority of the Gentiles
Sexual Intercourse with Little Girls is Permissible
Immanuel Kant
The X-Rated Talmud
Sex Magic
Ritual Murder
Hasidic Paganism
Modern Protestant View of Judaism
From Kaballah to Aggadah: A Sexual Progression
No "Judeo-Christian" Tradition
The Rabbinic World in the Pre-Modern Age
The Talmud in the Toilet
The Attire of the Pharisaic Male
Who are the Jews Today?
Rabbi Judah Loew and Queen Elizabeth's Dr. John Dee
US Gov't. Lays the Groundwork for Talmudic Courts


Judaism is a secret satanic cult posing as a religion. Hoffman's main point is that Judaism represents the repudiation by the Pharisees of both the Old Testament and the Mosaic Code. Judaism is not Monotheistic but Luciferian. Its goal is the replacement of God with the secret Jewish leadership. Both the Talmud and the Cabala are dedicated to the proposition that only Jews are human and others are animals. "The raison d'etre of the Talmud and Orthodox Judaism is the essential spiritual and racial superiority of the Judaic over the non-Judaic," Hoffman writes. This template has been transferred to the tyranny of the Illuminati elite.

I don't know why this information would offend Jews, most of whom consider themselves "secular humanists." Their Jewishness is cultural. They have contempt and even hatred for Orthodox Jews who return the compliment. However, a larger question is, to what extent is the pagan secular culture dominant today a form of Judaism? Especially, when you consider the widespread acceptance of Cabala-based New Age beliefs (i.e. human divinity, pantheism, goddess worship, sex worship and other occult practices.)

There is so much in Hoffman's book that I can only provide a taste. An essay on Moses Hess provides evidence that modern history and culture have been contrived by Cabalists to overthrow Christian civilization and enslave society. Hoffman shows how Hess' ideology was at the nexus of Communism, Nazism and Zionism and nurtured all three. In other words, Cabalists control mankind by controlling the Hegelian thesis and antithesis. With Communism, the Cabalist bankers attempted to take our country, property, family, race, religion and liberty (still the goals of the NWO.) The reaction to Communism was Nazism, and the reaction to Nazism was Zionism. All three Frankinsteins were built in the same occult laboratory with many common parts.

Tellingly, the Nazis did the rabbis' work by killing "unauthorized" opponents of Judaism like Edith Stein, Irene Nemirovsky and Maximilian Kolbe. (Hoffman, p. 650)

A true Christian, Hoffman says the way to stop the Hegelian dialectic is to stop fighting. In a timely reference to Zionist colonizers and Palestinian resisters, he writes that both groups of violent combatants "are mutually draining their enemy and themselves of blood, treasure and most damaging of all, their humanity, since this killing entails the dehumanization of the opposing force and the brutalization of one's own...No authentic Christian engages in this pagan, uroboros, victim-into-executioner cycle. Peace pays the greatest dividends. All you live by the sword die by the sword. (Mathew 26:52)." (86)


Our financial woes will expose the moral and political bankruptcy of Western Society. We will pay the price for our complacence, for allowing the Illuminati to seduce us and subvert all our institutions.

While Christian civilization was dedicated to the revelation of the Creator by obeying natural and spiritual (moral) laws governing human life, the New World Order is dedicated to the denial of God and the substitution of God's will by the Illuminati bankers'. What is presented to us as "progressive" (e.g. sexual "liberation," the breakdown of gender identity, marriage and family) refers to progress toward Luciferian tyranny.

Michael Hoffman writes: "The core of Judaism, like the core of Gnosticism and Egyptian Hermeticism, is magic, the manipulation of the universe, contra God's creation; i.e. against nature. Gershom Scholem, Professor of Kabbalah at Hebrew University wrote that Kaballah embraced a great deal of "black magic, ...a wide realm of demonology and various forms of sorcery that were designed to disrupt the natural order of things..." (Hoffman, p.779.)

(I elaborate on this opposition to God and nature expressed by Jewish and now "modern" culture in my book "The Illuminati.")

Babylonian and Egyptian paganism is the progenitor of Judaism, Hoffman writes. "The rabbis hold Egypt in awe as a magical powerhouse. Pharonic Egypt is the model, root and source for Talmudic and Kabalistic priestcraft." (780) This may explain the pyramid on the US dollar and in the logos of so many corporations.

Hoffman seems mindful of the Illuminati when he writes on his website that, "the evil should NOT be assigned to a particular people denominated as "Jewish," but rather to the spirituality and ideology of Pharisaic/rabbinic origin which can, and does, afflict any people who adhere to its tenets, be they Khazars or Sephardim, WASPs such as George W. Bush, or Germans such as the current Pope of Rome."

Modern history and culture reflect a Cabalistic (Satanic) spell cast on the human race. It is dedicated to the fulfillment of prophecy, the eventual enslavement of mankind by the "Jews" who in practice will be the crazed Illuminati Order. But Jews who have no clue about this demented plan will take the blame. That's why it is essential for Jews and non-Jews alike to understand the true nature of Judaism and oppose the NWO. In the spirit of Christian mercy and love, Michael Hoffman has performed an invaluable service to mankind.

Relates- My "Jews Must face 'Dark' Side of Judaism"

Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Illuminati-The Cult that Hijacked the World." (_www.cruelhoax.ca) His articles can be found at his web site _www.henrymakow.com He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. _hmakow@gmail.com

You can find this article permanently at _http://www.henrymakow.com/michael_hoffmans_judaism_disco.html

from _http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/index.asp

Michael Hoffman has his own website on Revisionist History. If you are interested in the link, I'll hunt it out.
hello Bedower,
Of course I would like to have the Hoffman's link. I'd like to check this and the credibility of the guy.
Rabbi Antelman is also a worth reading.
Jacob Leibowitz "Franck" is barely mentioned even if he has had a great influence (to say the least) in the European life during the last two hundered years.
In his book Jewish History, Jewish Religion -The Weight of Three Thousand Years, Israël Shahak wrote

"THE FIRST DIFFICULTY in writing about this subject is that the term 'Jew' has been used during the last 150 years with two rather different meanings. To understand this, let us imagine ourselves in the year 1780. Then the universally accepted meaning of the term 'Jew' basically coincided with what the Jews themselves understood as constituting their own identity. This identity was primarily religious, but the precepts of religion governed the details of daily behavior in all aspects of life, both social and private, among the Jews themselves as well as in their relation to non-Jews. It was then literally true that a Jew could not even drink a glass of water in the home of a non-Jew. And the same basic laws of behavior towards non-Jews were equally valid from Yemen to New York. Whatever the term by which the Jews of 1780 may be described - and I do not wish to enter into a metaphysical dispute about terms like, 'nation' and 'people'1 - it is clear that all Jewish communities at that time were separate from the non-Jewish societies in the midst of which they were living.

However, all this was changed by two parallel processes - beginning in Holland and England, continuing in revolutionary France and in countries which followed the example of the French Revolution, and then in the modern monarchies of the 19th century: the Jews gained a significant level of individual rights (in some cases full legal equality), and the legal power of the Jewish community over its members was destroyed. It should be noted that both developments were simultaneous, and that the latter is even more important, albeit less widely known, than the former."

So what I have discovered is that Franck has played a major role in the enlightment and the assimilation process of Jews in Eastern Europe. he seems to be the key to understand the change shahak refers to. he had many very wealthy adepts who could get rid of the power of the rabbis on every Jews in the different communities, enter the Christian structure while remaining "Jews". I found mentions of that fact on some scholarly works, but they all ended telling that, at some point, Frankism vanished as a structured influence. If we refer to Francks own words cited in the first document, the very Frankist credo could only but remained hidden among those who could understand, so that is the reason why it seems to have disappeared in time. Franck was also, according to what I have read, the factor that braught up the Lubavitsh Hassidic movement.
This is what Wikipedia says about the Baal Shem Tov and Franck:

"Disputes with the Frankists and Death

While the Besht was alive, there was very little antagonism between different styles of Judaism (Talmudism and Hasidism). In fact, the Besht considered himself and his disciples as mainstream. Besht took sides with the Talmudists in their disputes against the Frankists (Jacob Frank's cultist movement that considered Frank the Messiah incarnate). It was only in keeping with Besht's character that he welcomed baptism by the Frankists as an end to its threat to mainstream Judaism of the day, for it is related that he said: "As long as a diseased limb is connected with the body, there is hope that it may be saved; but, once amputated, it is gone, and there is no hope." The upheaval caused by the threats of the Frankist movement to destroy mainstream Judaism seemed to undermine Besht's health, however, and he died shortly after the conversion of many Frankists to Christianity."

Funnily enaugh, on the french version of the Baal Shem Tov, there is a portrait with that comment:

"Le portrait ci-contre est souvent considéré à tort comme celui du Ba'al Shem Tov. En réalité, il ne s'agirait pas de lui, mais peut-être de Jacob Franck ou Rabbi Falk, le Baal Shem de Londres. Celui-ci fait l'objet d'une controverse1. Il n'exsite pas de portrait connu du Baal Shem Tov."
"This portrait is often wrongly considered as representing the Baal Shem Tov. In reality, it may not have been hime but maybe Jacob Franck or Rabbi Falk, the London's Baal Shem Tov."

So Franck has definitely had a huge impact on the judeo-christian history. I wish we could have some documents gathered by the Italian Academy. There are more documents to be found on the web, and with a 'connecting the dot' mind we can find clues.

I would be interested to hear some Polish point of view on the subject because it seems that this "religious movement" has had some influence on the Polish life and soul. Is it neutral when hundered of wealthy Jews enter Christianity and the local nobility? We know that one of the most famous Polish writer had some Frankist elements in his work. But as to the rest I wish networking will bring interesting informations on that matter.
Hi Sankara,

Just reading your links has kept me busy for quite a while, not to mention following the intriguing links within the links that I just couldn't resist.

The donmeh-west link was very interesting, especially as I've read on other sites that the Donmeh were Turkish Jews who had assimilated into the society, and it was they who were responsible for the Armenian genocide (which is why the White House wouldn't accept the word 'genocide', apparently).

You're probably familiar with Laura's article here 'The Causes of Hostility Towards the Jews: A Historical Overview.' The complete work of Israel Shahak I've had to put in my 'Must Read' folder, but the little I did get to read of his 'Jewish History...' was quite an eye-opener! I'm not sure about Rabbi Antelman; he seems to make a few sweeping statements, if Chamish has reported him correctly.

Jacob Frank became instantly wealthy because he was given a nice handout by the Rothschilds of Frankfurt. There is no other explanation.

And from this starting point, Rabbi Antelman gave us a blueprint for the war against Judaism and all its good, and indeed against humanity and all its moral treasures. A movement of complete evil now took hold. The Jesuits' goal was the destruction of the Protestant Reformation leading to a return of one pope sitting in judgement on all mankind. The Rothschilds goal was to control the wealth of the planet. And the Frankist vision was the destruction of Jewish ethics to be replaced by a religion based on the exact opposite of God's intentions. When these factions blended, a bloody war against humanity, with the Jews on the front lines, erupted and it is reaching its very pinnacle at this moment.

Interesting that Chamish should use the phrase 'complete evil' when referring to the Frankist influence on modern day Israel.

There is just so much new stuff coming out these days (including your Frank piece); argument and counter-argument, that it is difficult to know what to believe or to take seriously. Maybe that is the point - sowing confusion to hide the truth. Or maybe certain information is 'leaking' through the windows and portals that the C's have mentioned many times, because there seems to be previously taboo subjects that everyone is suddenly talking about.

Have you seen the film 'Day of Wrath'? It's a heavily atmospheric film, set in 16th century Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. It starts as just an ordinary murder mystery at first, but soon turns out to have quite a bit of relevance to some points of this discussion. It is, according to the screenwrite, partly based on a true story. You can watch a trailer here: _http://avideodetective.com/?PublishedID=945015

I haven't tried the video link, so I hope it works.

Here are the links to Hoffman's sites:


and his own blogsite is: _http://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2008/11/why-amazon-banned-hoffman's-book-on.htm

I've given you the extended link for Hoffman's own blog, because as you can see Amazon have banned 'Judaism Discovered...' which is rather silly, imo, because banning a book only makes people want to know what's in it that the PTB don't want us to know about, osit, and usually means that where the book is available it sells like hot cakes.
Hi Bedower,

The donmehs have payed an important role in recent history, I have no time now to write extensivly, but I made a comment on an article about the Turkish population demonstrating against the zionists atrocities about three weeks ago. You may find it easily, the comment was following a message from Aurora. This was from Alexandre Adler one of the main Zionist in the french medias, it is refering plainly to the importance of the donmehs in international politics (Turko-israel relations). I think it is a must read.
The dassault family, war planes manufacturers (mirages etc...) is rooted in Saloniki, their name has been made to sound more french, but they are Bloch. (Non related to the great, highly respectable french historian, Marc Bloch)
Sarkosy is also a descendant of a very famous Saloniki family, the Mallah. As I told you, I have no time for doing researches, but if you ask google: australian jewish news: sarkosy's jewish roots and Israel Valley everything is given. The Mallah were involved in early settlement in Palestine.
I advice you to seriously consider making a research on "Henry J.Leir", one of the most important world character of the post wwII.

While doing my genealogy researches I found that my ancestors must have been involved with these people (highly propable)

As to Shamish and Antelman, too bad these are just conspiracy theory writings. Even if it does refer to some real stuff I am more interested in academic research, this is why I had been so glad to see that some researchers in Italy were concerned as well by the influence these antinomian jews have had in the western mind. We have been influenced, I have been influenced...

I haven't seen the movie you are refering to, but I will have a look later on.

While doing my genealogy researches I found that my ancestors must have been involved with these people (highly propable)

It's highly probable that many people have 'Jewish' blood* in their veins without them being aware of it. My maternal great-grandmother's family emigrated to England from Vienna in the late 18th/early 19th century. When I casually mentioned this to a Jewish friend in England, she took one look at me and said; "You are Jewish, then!" This is not impossible, although if true it would not make me feel 'special' or superior to any non-Jew. But I would still be an anti-Zionist and all that Zionism stands for, as we have come to understand the term. Perhaps it's time for me to do a genealogy of this side of the family to find out one way or the other; if I ever get the time, that is!.

* (for a given definition of the words 'Jewish' and 'blood' used together, as Shakespeare pointed out in Shylock's famous speech)

[quote author=sankara yesterday] ...I am more interested in academic research... [/quote]

Are you writing anything at the moment about this subject, Sankara? A thesis, for instance, or a general essay? If so, I hope you will post it up.

As for the film, you would definitely find it interesting, osit. It didn't make the cinemas; just went straight to DVD. You might find it in your local video shop, or you can buy it on-line. It stars Christopher Lambert, Brian Blessed and a couple of other well-known names; all of whom are acted off the screen by the Hungarian actor, Lukacs Bicskey, as the Hungarian mercenary. I can recommend this film to anyone interested in Jewish history. Better stop now, before I give too much of the plotline away. :)
bedower said:
It's highly probable that many people have 'Jewish' blood* in their veins without them being aware of it. My maternal great-grandmother's family emigrated to England from Vienna in the late 18th/early 19th century. When I casually mentioned this to a Jewish friend in England, she took one look at me and said; "You are Jewish, then!"

This is a very important point.  It is also vital to remember that psychopathology is the issue behind the 'madness of Zionism' - NOT Jewishness, per se.  Sankara, I've noted a tendency of yours to use a broad brush stroke when posting information relating to the Jewish population.  You even linked to the David Duke website on a Sott comment that you left. 

It appears that in your zeal to find out more about psychopathic Zionism, you are being less than discerning with your sources.

The problem is NOT the Jews -- -- -- the problem is the psychopaths who have co-opted that and many other religions to their purposes.  If you have not yet read Political Ponerology, please do so.  If you have, then perhaps it is time for a re-read.  To blame 'the Jews' is to miss the point entirely and while you mention Zionism in the headline of the thread, while reading it, and many of your other posts, it certainly appears that you blur the line between Jews and Zionists - they are not one and the same.

The ultimate fact of the matter is that the Jews are likely being set up by the psychopathic Zionists and NeoCons to be utterly wiped out (along with their Semitic neighbors) - Hitler's (4D STS) final solution brought about by psychopaths who have taken over the very population to be destroyed  - a population that has psychologically battered enough to follow right along and adopt the psychopathology on a societal level. 

If you think this is the the only population headed in this direction, or capable of doing so, lift your head up and look around - it is global and it is increasing.  Apologies for the length, it is just that this point cannot be made strongly enough, else we lose track of the thread behind it all - psychopathy. 
Hi Sankara, I have to agree with Anart - if you haven't read Political Ponerology yet now is definitely the time to get your hands on a copy. It explains clearly that the problem isn't any one group of conspirators, nor any one ideology - they are all used by psychopaths and their lackey's as justification for atrocity.

There's an excellent piece that'll give you a taste of the work itself here:


There's also ponerology.com - excellent resources if you want to sample the material before buying the book.

And if you haven't read Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed it's also a crucial piece of the puzzle.
Anart, autobot, Puck,

These last post should maybe have been send 'privately' since they don't refer to the subject of that discution, "Jacob Franck, Frankism, psychopathy established as a religion beeing antinomian to the mainstream jewish creeds". Furthermore, the fact that you didn't quote me to suppose I was obsessed with a "scapegoat" is regrettable. Even if you had been right, this would have helped me see the 'problem', thus making networking fully efficient. So without founding your point of view, you have just made allegations that nobody can check.

I am sorry you haven't understood my point. I don't see that I have used a broad stroke brush while talking about the jews. This very topic demonstrates the opposit. I go in the details, this is what I have been doing for years. These details demonstrate that one can't talk about "Jews" as a whole, this is meaningless. I won't talk about the great work of Schlomo Sand "the invention of Judaïsm"which appeared right in time, it has been done in other discution. The fact is that an understanding of phenomenon like Sabbateanism, Frankism help distinguish between many trends of jewish history and thus western history as well (especially french revolution, Napoléon I and the second Empire), since both can hardly be separated.

Now let's come back to what I have written in the last posting. I made a clear distinction between two characters and I have used precise words to do so. Lets start with the second person "the Highly respectable, french historian Marc Bloch". This is very important because it illustrates an important thing. Ever since I have been started to study this world we are living in, jewish names have helped me to acquire a good understanding of things. These persons were French (that is: devoted to the ideal of "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité", justice and intellectual honesty and reasoning .This may be why sott members have found a refuge in that land where the "social contract' is not related on blood but on spirited values of freedom).

I just can't say that these people are 'jewish', it doesn't even come to my mind and it has never been like that, they are just french "like anybody around". Most of them are not involved with the Zionist entity (before the war most of them dispised the idea of the creation of a jewish territorial entity, like in England and other countries). Many of them were not going to synagogue anymore just like many French had freed themselves from the churches. But to come back with the above mention exemple of the two Bloch one would notice that one of them keeps his ancestors's name and act, think, in the best of the french/universal ideals, like many many others (Halimi, Sobony...) These French have been highjacked by the Zionists, before and after the war).
The other Bloch I mentioned changed his name to sound more "french"(that is Christian): Dassault (when heard by a french ear this sound like an "assault"... good for a weapon manufacturer). He has devoted his life to the service of US/NWO interests. This is purely psychopathic. So it is very interesting to trace his family with the "capital city" of the Sabbateans. It is not cracked pot conspiracy theory.
PS: Marc Bloch is even one of the best sources to understand french recent and old history.

So I don't see that jews are the only cause of the world problem, Wallerstein (pupil of Braudel), Chomski, Blankfort and many other human beings have helped me in understanding "systems", the System. Jews are not responsible for the enclosure taking place in England. Jews have had no responsibility in the crusades, etc... Even if the Zionist have undoubtly 'seized' France, they have done it with the complicity of Bouygue, Pinault, Lagardère, Bétancourt, Minc... Just like the work of Annie Lacroix-Riz demonstrate that old french families had agreed to let Hitler invade our land.

I do totally agree with the Sott research's conclusion on psychopathy as the leading force behing the insanity going on. I don't have any link whatsoever with Duke and this kind of person. I am far from it and so far I don't ever remember having read these characters, no time to lose. In France Duke and Co are not known and I have not wasted my time either with Faurisson and likeminded people. I have always dispised racism (while aknowlging the differences among human cultures and genetic imprinting) I don't see the link I have made to Duke, and if I have done it, forgive me, it has been as fortuitous as this British scholar who have linked to a Sott article on Duke's website. (could you send the sott comment's adress linking to Duke, either on this topic or with personal message, please).

I have read, try to transmit, as widely as I could the french version of "Ponérologie", and it is indeed one of the most interesting work I have ever read. The work of the Afghani poet (and more than that) Sayd Bahoddin Majrouh being also most interesting in that respect. You can check, "Ego-monstre 1:The midnight traveler, Ego-monstre II: le lover's laughter"
"The controversy of Zion" is one of the books I'm reading and it is definitely a must read. But it is not the only valuable book and source to understand the actual madness of Zionism and the history of judaism.
I came to love Sott because it was not proposing any doxa, but sharing our researches, what we seek and a methodology toward objectivity. I joined you because of this "seeking and sharing the truth" emphasis. It is true that I have learned much during these last three years of reading SOTT. In that respect I think this subject of Jacob Franck is relevant and this is one of the things I can share. It relates to so many subjects.

Furtermore Zionism is not just a Jewish delirium, the Afrikaaners have also been moved by the same old testament mindset.

I will end telling about my ancestors, 'our ancestors', but not about the probable connections with Turkish religious, spiritual minorities (it will come later).

Until my great great grand mother, on my mother's side the familly have remained "pure in blood". If I refer to the official french nobility book, it is said about this family "De Baupte, De Baupte de la Montguerrière" that there origins traces back to the oldest time, beyond memory, in Normandie (that is frankish Merovingian), it is said to have been "une race noble"(emphasis put in the book).

So let's go back to my latest 'noble' ancestor, Louise Monsaint (born very close to the St Michael Mount) and the area named by the family, (le Bauptois)like most of her ancestors. Louise first lived (unmarried(!)) with a local landlord, a Boudent de la Godelinière with whom she has had one child. While she was around forty (still beautiful), a young groom of the castle fall in love with her and she was sharing his feelings so that she went away from the big mansion in the countryside, appartement in the local city, in Paris, her nobility titles as a descendant of the De Baupte.
They both left Normandie, going as far as Switzerland, working in factories on their way to make their living and they finaly ending in Lyon. Louise has transmitted to her daughter and grand daughters the fact that all men were to be equal, that this noble blood line was not the most important. Nobility deals with something else.

I must say that I am a 'rastaman', my girlfriend is a Peul from Timbuktu. But she could have been a Jew and I would have still appreciate her tenderness and learning from our differences. Maybe has she got Jewish blood, since there were Jews in Mali (I guess Berber from Kabily). they have mix, so that unless the name you can't really distingush them from the other blacks.
I feel particularly respectful of Gilad Atzmon having had the same attitude toward my culture than he has toward his and we draw the same conclusions.

So I am sorry to have appeared to some of you as a primitive anti-jewish when I have in fact many other failings. And if I have really send a link to that Duke, I must indeed work on to be more cautious.

So maybe we can discuss about the subject: Jacob Franck, antinomian judaïsm and it's implications in history, Zionism and in our Western liberal culture. Are there Polish to answer my questionnings?

Bedower, I will answer your post later.

I have kept on digging on that most interesting matter that is Sabbateanism. It is true that as a citizen of a country ran by a Salonicki familly heir, one needs to fully understand what is going on. During a search I found that Laura and tha QFS were accused of being a crypto-Jew website :lol:

Among the material that I gathered I found this one which I think is worth having a look at, because it deals with concepts and quotes characters which are now familiar to us like Gurdjief and Laurel Canyon star Franck Zappa.


The Resurrected Sabbatean Church (Die Auferstanden
Sabbatianer Kirche)

“I am building a science of
approaching God.”
Fabio Sauermann

The Resurrected Sabbatean Church is a
religious phenomenon that is spreading
rapidly across human space, a mixture
between charismatic mysticism and anti-

“I am Keeper of the Gate again. Enter
me, and know God.”
Fabio Sauermann, Proclamation of
Divinity II 2307

“A man may be born, but in order to be born he must first die, and in order to die he must
first awake.”
George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

The Church was founded in 2307 by Fabio Sauermann. He was a German holographer,
specialising in artistic erotic tableaux. He was reasonably successful in Hannoverian cultural
networks, regarded as one of the “interesting” artists. His stated goal was to understand “the
alphabet of human social dominance” through elaborate roleplaying setups that he turned
into artworks.

The11 January 2307 he had his Insight: the revelation of the indissoluble nature of everything
that made him the new messiah, the Keeper of the Gate. He convinced a small set of his
friends and models about his divinity and began to set up a congregation. Over the next few
years the Church spread across Europe, mainly among people fascinated by its mixture of
psychosexual, spiritual and artistic elements. He organised complex celebrations and rituals
to mark his (and his apostles) ascent towards divinity. Footage from many of these were also
turned into religious/artistic documents, revered by the faithful as the ongoing testament of
the Keeper of the Gate.

In 2312 Sauermann left Earth for Freihafen. While detractors claim this was due to police
investigations into the sect, the faithful claim it was to avoid harassment due to some of the
satirical productions he had created. Arriving on Tirane the messiah soon found a wealthy
benefactor, Sybilla Altman. Altman was an investment banker and important part of the Neu-
Tsingtao elite; thanks to his position as her personal guru/lover/artist-in-residence he gained
access to much of the Tiranian jet-set. He did not pass up the chance, and the church thrived.
Offshoots appeared not just on Tirane but on other colony worlds along the French arm.

In 2315 Sauerman met “Asia-Sophia”, a woman he claimed was the “harlot-grail of his
destiny”. In a series of grand ceremonies they united in the Hierogamy, the sacred marriage
that would initiate the new age. Unfortunately it also distanced him from Altman and her
money and influence. While he and the sect celebrated the Sacred Year Altman brought the
Church to court over unpaid loans. After a grand rage (caught by a television reporter) he
apparently reconciled with Altman and took her as his second wife, “Achamoth”.
Unfortunately for the Church negative media coverage made it prudent to withdraw from
being overly visible in the Core. Sauerman set out to visit the colonial worlds to sanctify

Since then he has been travelling across the French arm, helping local congregations grow,
attacking opponents in the media and confusing authorities.

“God is not a being. God is natural law. And It can act through you.”
Fabio Sauermann, The First Audition 2308

The basic teaching of the Church is that underlying all of reality is God; God is
multidimensional but expresses Itself in our limited reality through destiny and certain
people. This has been interpreted by Azur Thierney, a physicist linked to the Church, as a
theory of “the universe as a timeless 4D unity generated in 5D truetime by the action of God-
the-rule on the symbols of creation”. By understanding the true nature of the world humans
can become complete and “enthroned” – surrounded by protective and guiding strands of
quantum destiny. Sauermann, being the Keeper of the Gate (sometimes called “Current
Messiah”), is the focus around which destiny is woven in this era; believers recount the many
amazing coincidences and events that seem to surround their leader and his chosen.

“Remember your true name! Discover what letter you are in God’s eternal wordplay. Then
speak it clearly with the voice of ecstasy.”
Fabio Sauermann, Introduction to Hermeneutics 4.2 2310

The key to this process is to understand which of the 22 human archetypes one’s Deepself is.
This is usually done through elaborate psychological analysis with Church Hermeneuticists
or by engaging in psychosexual roleplay where people take on different roles in partially
scripted, partially freeform interactions based on Sauermann’s art. Once a true realization of
what the Deepself is, the member has become “a letter”. Letters are then given further
training in various meditation techniques, the nature of their archetype and “the human
alphabet”. Various initiations, retreats and purifications enable them to make use of their
Deepself’s connection to the divine truetime.

The most controversial aspect of the church is the teaching “That which was once forbidden is
now restored; that was once allowed is now forbidden”. Old social rules and mores have no
power over the people who have been reawakened, and a good way of freeing oneself from
false personas and illusions is to break the taboos of one’s culture. The further one can get
from one’s old apparent self, the better the chances are that one recognizes the Deepself.
Hence the Church cultivates deliberate taboobreaking, be it sexual, religious or political.

“We bury our sins here, friends. We wash our souls clean. But when our Deepselves shine
truly the dross still remains locked in the ground. It is our sacred duty and joy to go the extra
mile and turn the dark soil into flowering gardens.”
Fabio Sauermann, Opening of the Premiere Chapter 2318

The key goal for the Keeper of the Gate and his apostles is the Restoration: this era/part of the
universe has become infested with illusions, darkness and ignorance separating it from the
shining clarity of God. Hence they must delve deeply into sin and evil to break it apart from
inside: “It is a dirty job, but a Messiah must do it” as he jokingly explained to one of his
apostles. This descent in order to ascend is often (according to the Church) misunderstood as
merely sinning or exploitation, but is actually deeply important spiritual work.

“Cult methods of recruiting, indoctrinating and influencing their members are not exotic
forms of mind control, but only more intensely applied mundane tactics of social influence
practiced daily by all compliance professionals and societal agents of influence.”
Philip G Zimbardo

The Church congregations are actively recruiting everywhere. Whether they attract people
through preaching, “flirty fishing”, lectures on human social grammar or charity does not
matter and varies from place to place. On Nibelungen the Nahpro Congregation has run slick
commercials, posing as the new in-thing, while on Beta Canum it caused scandal (and a surge
in recruitment) by an all-nude camp. The Neu-Tsingtao congregation focuses on spreading
annotated holographic “testaments” across the Core, managing to keep esoteric art circles
tuned to the Church.

Congregations are led by an Intercessor, aided by Hermeneuticists (experts on Deepself
realisation) and Identifiers (manages practical matter, public relations, recruitment). These are
elected among the lettered members, usually based on demonstrated “spiritual
advancement” and recommendations from senior members. Sauermann’s apostles travel
around giving orders and inspecting, making sure the local congregations are up to spec in
recruitment, fundraising and restoration. Sauermann and a court of high-ranking members
travel between congregations, inspiring their work and using them as bases for local drives.

Members who have discovered their archetype are expected to hone their Deepself.
“Sevenriders” are urged to develop their sensual sides, seducing others towards truth and
self-realization, while the “Unchained” should work to destroy bonds, help others
circumvent bureucracy or resolve conflicts, and so on. These roles form a kind of internal
caste system, where people take jobs and church functions based on their natures.

“Nations are illusions. Once enthroned humans will cast aside language barriers, creeds and
nationalities as the childish games they are. We should not acknowledge any community but
the commonwealth of mankind, no law but God Itself.”
Fabio Sauermann, The Rite of Space 3.2 2317

The Church is notably anti-nationalist. It does not recognize any nation state having formal
power over it, only recognizing “the commonwealth of mankind”. In general the Church will
avoid direct confrontations with governments, but produces a steady stream of satire and
criticism. It claims governments, being agents of illusion and false identity, always try to
suppress the church and true religious freedom. There is no need for them, only the Church.

The French, German and British authorities all view the Church as an exploitative cult. While
sexual abuse, blackmail and embezzelment have never been successfully documented the
Church is quite willing to skirt the law. However, different congregations are at least formally
independent so any local indictment cannot be used against the Church as a whole – and the
central group of members have set up a opaque multi-world financial structure that is a
nightmare to investigate. The continual taboo breaking also tends to cause friction with
community standards. A barrage of outraged criticism via the media and hard-hitting satire
meets any investigation, often getting local political groups involved to complicate things.
Among colonial counterculture movements the Church has gained a special place as a source
of explicit, well produced and quite funny satire, and many documents are spread not by
believers but by people opposed to the colonial powers.

Some intelligence services worry that the Church is approaching the colonial liberation
movements. It may also be a seed to a political ideology; Sauermann and Thierney have
expounded that society would work better if all people organised themselves by archetype,
guided by the logic of human social grammar and the guidance of the church congregations.
They have already floated the idea that the Church should help organise refugee camps and
smaller outposts, and Church members are informally trying to reduce conflicts on Joi and

"The only difference between a cult and a religion is the amount of real estate they own"
Frank Zappa
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