Jagger home makes way for rare orchid


The Living Force

Jagger home makes way for rare orchid

A luxury home designed by Jade Jagger will be moved following the discovery of a rare orchid.

The green-flowered Helleborine, which can grow up to 1ft high, was found beside Lake Longdoles, near Fairford, Gloucestershire, in the path of a planned exclusive glass and wood-fronted holiday home.

Developers have now decided to save the flower and move the property - whose interior has been designed by the 36-year-old daughter of Rolling Stone Mick Jagger.

Landscape and ecology manager Ben Pollard said: "It's a recorded 'nationally scarce' orchid, which is a really exciting find. There were 20 plants in a small spot in wet, shady grass at the corner of one of the lakes.

"They're mostly green and not much taller than the surrounding vegetation so they're inconspicuous and probably easily overlooked. One of the holiday homes was literally going right on that spot."

He added: "We agreed with Cotswold District Council planners that it would be too much of a risk so we moved the house instead. The orchid was the winner. On my watch concerns for nature will often override builders' requirements."

The house is one of a number of eco-homes on the site, made of sustainably-sourced timber and glass, overlooking six clear water lakes on a 650-acre estate.

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