Je Suis Slavianka. "Freedom of speech" in Ukraine.

Nević Nenad

The Living Force
While Ukrainian’s Poroshenko is marching in Paris for “the freedom of the speech” seems that his people have burnt office of the satirical magazine Slavianka in Kharkov, who was criticizing Ukrainian government and neo nazzis.

Thank you Avala for sharing, what can i say,today on Sott i saw a video compilation where a french host expressed his opinion about the "terrorist attacks" in Paris and basically he says that expressing a critical opinion about any ethnicity or religion group being catholic,jewish etc. is everybody's right ,it's a freedom of speech, it's the french's essence basically and then the second part of the video it shows the same host criticizing the french comedian Deudonne because he interpreted a sketch clothed as a jew, so the host basically attacks Deudonne because of his comic sketch ,saying that from Deudonne's part it was an amoral thing towards all the "jewish Holocaust" victims, Deudonne reply that he basically has made in the past comic schetches on many other ethnical groups and doesn't see anything wrong in it, it was a simple and innocent comic sketch and he beliefs that he has a right to it as a right to freedom of speech which the host says that No in this particular case he doesn't have a right of freedom of expression and because of his outrageous comic schetch he is attending for the last time his show,i mean what a hypocritical misogynistic idiot this host.The same thing here regarding this very sad and tragic event that happened in Kharkov ,the nazi thugs are killing and destroying the satirical magazine which by the way exposed these thugs as who they are and showed the silence of the rest of the world towards the atrocities that these thugs are perpetrating to the eastern innocent people and believe me no one in western media or allmost no one in the western media will talk about it because they are too busy with the Charlie Hebdo false flag terrorist attacks promoting the hate towards 1,5 billion Arab people in so doing promoting and supporting the ptb imperialistic campaign.
unfortunately, this is constant realities in UkRUINe... and of course no Millions marches worldwide because it will not be...
Andrian said:
The same thing here regarding this very sad and tragic event that happened in Kharkov ,the nazi thugs are killing and destroying the satirical magazine which by the way exposed these thugs as who they are and showed the silence of the rest of the world towards the atrocities that these thugs are perpetrating to the eastern innocent people and believe me no one in western media or allmost no one in the western media will talk about it because they are too busy with the Charlie Hebdo false flag terrorist attacks promoting the hate towards 1,5 billion Arab people in so doing promoting and supporting the ptb imperialistic campaign.

this is democracy in Ukrainian: everything that is contrary to position of junta, must be immediately banned and destroyed, and people who do not agree - to be cruelly maimed or killed. is that Parliament calls "victory of Maidan of honor" and "European values, because Ukraine - European country"

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