Jewish exclusivity


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Henry wrote (in the Psychopaths forum):
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms?!?!?!?!?!
Do they have to have their own groups for everything?! >>
Lots of ethnic and religious groups have exclusive clubs, usually because they concern some issue that affects their group in some uniquely important way. But this example does seem to be taken to an extreme. I wonder if any Jewish members might provide some insight on why this exclusivity is taken so far. I mean, in this example, why would non-Jews be unwelcome in the promotion of firearms preservation? Does "Jews" in the org's title add some kind of special weight? Is it simply helpful in any cause to have multiple groups standing for the same thing, as a way to add the perception of weight?

Anyway, I did a web search for Jewish organizations and the numbers are simply staggering. There are federations of organizations of organizations. Jews for Jesus, Jews for Allah, and (believe it or not) Jews for Judaism are just the beginning.

This is kind of funny. 20+ years ago I was searching for a way to print address labels for my band's mailing list. The bass player said, "I know how. The guy next to me at work runs off labels for the monthly newsletter of the Southern New Hampshire Young Jewish Men's Association. Hey! That's five qualifications right there!" He is a very sharp guy. :)
I recently wrote an article on this subject...
AdPop said:
I wonder if any Jewish members might provide some insight on why this exclusivity is taken so far. I mean, in this example, why would non-Jews be unwelcome in the promotion of firearms preservation? Does "Jews" in the org's title add some kind of special weight? Is it simply helpful in any cause to have multiple groups standing for the same thing, as a way to add the perception of weight?
I think it comes from a deep rooted belief and conviction that only Jews can really understand "Jewish" matters. That Jews have a different take on anything, so there is a need for separate "Jewish" organization for anything...
It also adds for exclusiveness and superiority feeling, because such organizations by dictating specific "Jewish" needs actually take upon them selfs to determine the needs of the rest of non Jewish human population and present it as the best solution ("Jews know better").
And who can be better firearms expert then constantly haunted and threatened nation as Jews?
Keit said:
AdPop said:
I wonder if any Jewish members might provide some insight on why this exclusivity is taken so far. I mean, in this example, why would non-Jews be unwelcome in the promotion of firearms preservation? Does "Jews" in the org's title add some kind of special weight? Is it simply helpful in any cause to have multiple groups standing for the same thing, as a way to add the perception of weight?
I think it comes from a deep rooted belief and conviction that only Jews can really understand "Jewish" matters. That Jews have a different take on anything, so there is a need for separate "Jewish" organization for anything...
It also adds for exclusiveness and superiority feeling, because such organizations by dictating specific "Jewish" needs actually take upon them selfs to determine the needs of the rest of non Jewish human population and present it as the best solution ("Jews know better").
And who can be better firearms expert then constantly haunted and threatened nation as Jews?
They don't call it the "mosaic distinction" for nothing! As Lobaczewski points out, Jews have the highest frequency of "schizoidia" of any group, and it affects their entire culture.
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