JfK Book Written In Late 60's By French Secret Service

I came across a book on the net supposedly written by the French Secret Service & publised in the late 1960's in France. It was never translated or published in the US until the advent of the internet, which is where you can find it if you're interested. Whether it's all true or not, it's an intriguing read. _http://www.voxfux.com/kennedy/farewell/farewell00.html PEACE
That is the book I used as the background for my JFK series which begins here:

The Debris of History

It begins:

Over the past few days I've been thinking a lot about John Kennedy and what our world might have been like if he had lived. These thoughts didn't just come out of the blue, they are the result of the fact that I have just finished reading one of the saddest books ever written: Farewell America by the pseudonymous author, James Hepburn.

Farewell America is pretty well accepted to have been authored by the French equivalent of our CIA, and based on hard intelligence gathered from French, Russian, and even American sources. It was originally published in French in 1968, but it was unavailable in the United States for many years. With the coming of the worldwide web, it became available and I truly wish that every American citizen would read it.

With remarkable skill and insight, the book outlines the overall situation in America at the time, and describes the players and most probable conspirators involved in the horrific and brutal public execution of probably the best president America ever had. There are many reasons to think that George H.W. Bush was involved in the plot, and today, having placed his idiot son on the throne, the world is as far away from that world we could be living in had Kennedy lived, that it is like we all died back then, and now we have awakened in Hell.

They weren't satisfied to just kill Jack Kennedy; they went for his brother as well. And when John-John grew up and began to display the same characteristics of his father: decency, intellect, and a sense of obligation to help others, he had to die also. The situation actually has all the makings of an immortal myth: the good and noble Prince snatched from his cradle and replaced with the psychopathic offspring of an ogre.

I don't know if it is only me noticing these things, but it seems all the GOOD heroes are dead; and we notice that they all had three things in common: an ability to move the masses by their simple presence, a feeling of unity with all people regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or social status; and the most important of all, the thing that meant they had to die: they were totally opposed to War. Is it too "conspiracy minded" to point this out? To wonder how the human race has had such inexplicable bad luck to have lost all it's decent, anti-War heroes?

Well, anyway, we are left now to our own devices; or rather, at the mercy of the ravening, bloodthirsty wolves that took away from all of us the best hope we ever had: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, tearing him to bloody pieces right before our eyes.

And what did America do?

Nothing. And on the day that the American people allowed their president to die on the street, a victim of the filthiest examples of deviant humanity ever to take human form, and NOT rise up en masse to demand that the killers be brought to justice, that is the day America died.

This coming November 22nd is the 43rd anniversary of the death of John F. Kennedy. I will be thinking about him every day and I will be sharing with all of you my journey back in time to that awful day when I was in my classroom and the regular programming was interrupted to tell me that my beloved president had died. So, let us begin.

The soft, the complacent the self-satisfied societies will be swept away with the debris of history - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
All the chapters are linked on the left side of SOTT:
It's just so sad... reading your material & all the info mentioned in the book. PLUS when I began to research the "weird" aspects such as the way numbers were related to the murder, the Masonic influence, it made it appear as tho there was a hyperdimensional hand in the situation. Made me ask what manner of being was JFK to be such a potential thorn in the scales of the Beast? PEACE
Ominous said:
It's just so sad... reading your material & all the info mentioned in the book. PLUS when I began to research the "weird" aspects such as the way numbers were related to the murder, the Masonic influence, it made it appear as tho there was a hyperdimensional hand in the situation. Made me ask what manner of being was JFK to be such a potential thorn in the scales of the Beast? PEACE
You might want to listen to the podcast for a broad picture, I recommend it. Reading the article series will give you a more in depth picture.
Col Fletcher Prouty also has a lot to say about the Kennedy assasination - he wrote a book on the subject - and was apparently in a position to know at the time (military liason with CIA and other Intel). I have the book on CD, and haven't read it yet, but I give him much credit based on his account of what really happened with F Gary Powers U2 overflight of the USSR. Powers was not shot down. Even Allan Dulles stated before Congress committee (and in the Congressional Record) that Powers was not shot down - he ran out of a hydrgen fuel additive that permitted flight (at the time) above 40k feet. It was intended that his engines flame out at 70k feet forcing him to 40k feet to restart his engines on the conventional fuel alone. This allowed Russian interceptors to engage and force him to land (apparently in a rural area). All of this in an environment of a dual Eisenhower/Kruschev stand down order of all foreign over flights. Prouty contends that this event was planned to drive a stake between the friendly relations (at the time) between Eisenhower/Kruschev that was threatening plans for the Cold War. And it was certainly successful on the world stage. Powers was a patsy in all of this. Lockheed was complicit. The DVD containing interviews with Prouty (now deceased) is excellent (the evidence is overwhelming). Since studying the U2 material I have learned that apparently Powers was killed in the crash of his LA News helicopter 2 miles from the airport; cause: HE RAN OUT OF FUEL! The reason I bring all this up here is that I think a comparative read of the French SS book and Fletcher Prouty's material may produce some fruitful results.

The Prouty material and U2 DVD is available from http//www.blackopradio.com
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