JFK on Poetry, Power, and the Artist’s Role in Society

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Deleted member 11729

As been one Artist by myself since ever, this speech made me cry .... and gave me strength to continue to believe in who I am, even in hard times when you get knocked down by those to whom you are trusting most ...


“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him. We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth.” - JFK
Thanks for posting this solar mind, I am yet to watch the speech but the quote is beautiful, just posted it on fbook...
Here is the real thing

JFK Speech at Amherst College - October 26th, 1963

It is heart breaking and sobering to listen to this extraordinary speech now. To hear the nobility, the vision, the courage of the man - setting forth a vision of a society in which the arts play as central a role as business, in which the individual who questions the state is given presidential empowerment, in which he grapples with the need for a sane and balanced society to embrace difference and complex ideas of the human condition if it is to prosper and evolve.

And we all know what happened next.

The arts have fallen as far as all other fields into a state of deep degeneration and infection. Nothing sacred here. The call was not heeded.

I almost fell over when at the start he appeared to be acknowledging 'President Clinton', but soon regained my balanced when realised this was a case of poor hearing on my part! His last few words are chilling when you think what was and is to come.
Michael BC said:
The arts have fallen as far as all other fields into a state of deep degeneration and infection. Nothing sacred here. The call was not heeded.

Tell me about that ... :cry: ... tooday Art is art with no any essence of what it relay means to society ... tooday some of the worst humans are some of the most popular "artists" and that is so derogated that it is so hard to still trust to your Artistic essence and not to get drown with all the dirty game and humiliation of Art ... it is kind of a shame to say that you are Artist ... just few will understand ... it is so hard to stay for the vision and urge you have to stay out for the truth and to be a voice of humanity ... and it is so constrained with all the little boxes where money wants to put art and artists ... and now you already getting army of artists who are maybe with potential to be strong person out of the box , but they are easily get trapped by all the schemes that are fixed for them to fit in - what a blasphemy! To be Artist in the box means to be a slave to the politics ...
wow thank you for that speech solarmind. It was very encouraging to me as I am an artist and poet too and I want to take some time to write on my poetic visions and Ideas I had for a long time. This speech was a great confirmation and motivation. It has deepend my respect for the greatest of American presidents.

Thank you, much LOVE from SolarSOUL to SolarMind ;)
Thank you very much. This was beautiful and very emotive. What a beautiful voice! and what a nice, extraordinary man! His words touch us, how sad this planet became when he died. How sad we are, since. But his words are here, is like he is here talking to us. Not just, I think, because they talk about something so important, but because his words are timeless, and they teach us what is possible, what is possible inside us, this vision of his. I love him.

Thanks again.
loreta said:
His words touch us, how sad this planet became when he died. How sad we are, since. But his words are here, is like he is here talking to us. Not just, I think, because they talk about something so important, but because his words are timeless, and they teach us what is possible, what is possible inside us, this vision of his. I love him.

Recently I read a few things about secret services, how busy they are in the dark like cockroaches hiding in the walls as soon as the light is switched on. There have always been dark men of power, plotting and scheming. When I see this visionary and kind man in a position of power with his healthy and balanced view I also think of the dark men and the only thing they fear... the light of truth. :cry: They came forward to switch it off but at the same time they were seen by many and from that time on they have trouble getting fully cloaked again. More and more light is shed on them. More and more eyes see them for what they are. This horrible deed inspired the quest for truth. Maybe they started a self destructive process that will one day expose them and maybe then we are ready to make the vision of JFK a reality.
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