The Living Force
The jokes are hilarious, and it's full of facts. Well worth the entire watch. The big at the end is priceless.
Approaching Infinity said:That was great. And depressing. Man, this planet is a twisted place.
Captainmurphy said:Haven't been to a doc in 15 years. Thank god.
Emma said:Thanks Puck. :)
Lately I have been thinking what is the difference between Walter White and Big Pharma, and the answer is both criminals, but at least
W.W. didn't sell Amphetamine for 4-6 year old kids, like Big Pharma (Ritalin).
Arwenn said:Thanks for posting this Puck, I had a good chuckle.
Emma said:Thanks Puck. :)
Lately I have been thinking what is the difference between Walter White and Big Pharma, and the answer is both criminals, but at least
W.W. didn't sell Amphetamine for 4-6 year old kids, like Big Pharma (Ritalin).
Well said Emma, Big Pharma is organized crime, and really not that much different to the cartels that run illegal drugs. Doctors are just drug pushers, and it's so sad to see that even little children are being medicated now. To hell with the side effects, and the actual underlying cause, just take 2 of these 5 times a day.
Emma said:Yes, that is very true.
But I don't want to throw out the baby with the bath water.
Sometimes a doctor can be helpful, just need to be informed and open minded.
Maybe I developed bias against doctors, since in my family had two of them, my grandfather, who was an internal medicine professor in the University in Hungary, and my uncle who was a pediatrician. Both were "old style" very good at diagnostics and if somebody had a cold, they would said, go to bed, drink hot tea and take a lot of Vit. C.
My other uncle died from cancer at the age of 36. Two doctors in the family couldn't do a thing for him, I guess that's why my father never trusted doctors anymore.
But we have this forum where knowledge is a must and we have health care professionals and I'm very grateful for that!