Julian Lennon


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Last night I dreamed that Julian Lennon was talking about his wealth. There was some kind of audience, but I'm not sure if it was a TV interview/TV audience, or some kind of relaxed larger gathering. Seems like I was in the room, but he wasn't talking directly to me.
Anyway, he said something about being really happy, and having so much money that he could not see how he could ever run out, therefore he had no real worries, wasn't it a great world and a great life, how fortunate he felt and so on. Except he had this one very real worry. He was worried about this great situation being brought to end by an impact event. He knew his money would be of no use in such case, and he was seriously worried abuut this happening.
People just listened respectfully, as with any other celebrity interview. I didn't feel emotion or surprise or worry from anyone else. There weren't any questions about this, they just let him talk.
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