Just a thought regarding session 960609: JFK/Marilyn Monroe


The Living Force
This is just a thought regarding events surrounding JFK/Marylin Monroe:

From session:

Q: (L) Moving along... recently I read "On the Trail of the Assassins," by Jim Garrison, the New Orleans attorney. This is the book
about his investigation into the Kennedy assassination. I know that we asked one or two questions about this earlier, but I think that
now, with expanded perspective, we could ask a few more. Was the purported Cuban agenda what was really behind the
assassination of JFK?
A: Not in its entirety.
Q: (L) Was there, in fact, any connection between this murder and JFK planning to reveal the government's knowledge of alien
A: Maybe, or that was feared, based upon a sophisticated psychological profiling system.
Q: (L) One thing that we noticed was that Lee Oswald was 'sheep dipped' in many areas around the country, well before the election
of Kennedy. Why would this be the case?
A: Consortium.
Q: (L) What was the intention in using Oswald in this way? Was it just to have a handy person around, or did they already know, in
advance, that Kennedy would be elected and that they would assassinate him?
A: Time alteration.
Q: (L) Do you mean time alteration in the sense that these events did NOT actually occur at the noted times, or that they were able
to go back in time and do this to put more confusion into the picture?
A: Latter, see Montauk.
Q: (L) Obviously the consortium was operating through the FBI, the CIA, the Mafia, and God knows who else, but, can you tell us
who fired the shot that caused JFK's death?
A: No, because it would put you in grave danger.

[note: implies person may still be be "alive" to take pre-emptive action, whatever that means?]


Q: (L) Back to Kennedy, people say that Marilyn Monroe committed suicide, some say she was murdered. Was she murdered?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was she murdered by the Kennedy's or someone else?
A: Both.

Q: (L) Was it because she was going to reveal things?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can you tell us what?
A: Any and all, but it does not matter, because the "bottom line" was that she knew too much.
Do you suppose, that since we know it may be someone in the Kennedy family
murdered Marilyn Monroe, why not assume that this same person might be also
involved with the consortium? Greenbaumed?

Would it be a stretch to include 'Edward'? Remember Chappaquidik and the
mystery surrounding that death? Why is it the Edward is still a long running
member of the Senate and never unseated after all of these years?

I ponder and recall:

ASV: They shall be divided, father against son, and son against father; mother against daughter, and daughter against her mother; mother in law against her daughter in law, and daughter in law against her mother in law.

So, is it possible that our real enemy could of our own family?

oh man.....

Think of the possibilies.
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