Kenny Arkana - Ils ont peur de la liberté - French Rap


Hello, i wanted to share a nice song, do you know Kenny Arkana, she is a rap artist living in Marseille. She seems to have some "esoteric" or 4thway reference in her lyrics.

"Ils ont peur de la liberté" :headbanger:
"They are afraid of the freedom" in english =>][url][/url]

Here is the translation in english. (From here =>

Time isn't money! This bullshit weakens us
Your time is your life expectation, God made us free...
Everything is going too fast where Death stands out 1
Where Babylon becomes the leader thanks to its benefits
Where the hearts are empty, there are fangs who grow bro' ! 2
The hate is too keen and the TV is considered a prophet...
We have missed the most important, overacted too much
They sold us lies and guess who uses them ?
Where they pray over conjuncture, where they worship the Economy
Where there are a few Humans among the "economical beings"
Where they build their own prisons, to feel more secure
Comrades, they're afraid of liberty

"They are afraid of liberty"

They would like to educate us, they who lack wisdom
They who aren't interested in helping others 3
They talk about respect but they're wrecking the Earth
They say they fight for the sake of peace, and for that matter are making wars
Comrade fight the doubt, because they'd like to bribe you
To stand in your way, or to make you believe that your journey is too long 4
Only listen your intuition, and follow it by every means
Walk with the 'faith' and you'll associate with luck
They teach us to fear, so that we'd stay into their fences
Let's make our differences shine, because their sky is too dark! 5
Follow your course, everyone has his own
Do not trust the 'modern times' which mass-produces the same humans
They'd like to put a chip into our body
Or 'flush out' the marginals 6
Clay-beings corrupted for a small price
Tell to the children of the system that they are 'children of the Earth'
And that "rage's childs" 7 aren't war's children

They are afraid to dream, they are afraid to think
They are afraid of the changes, they are afraid of the liberty
They are afraid of the differences, they are afraid of their future
They are afraid of luck, happiness and following days!...

They are afraid, and they'd like to scare you,
With their fears and phobias, you better stay the master of your mind !!
They are "sclerosed" and have given up
Let's blow up the walls of that cerebral prison

They are afraid of liberty

Comrade, son of the Wind, son of the horizons
Go where your heart carries you and life will prove you right
The journey is long and hazardous
Open your mind to the world, and it will become yours
Knowledge is power and life...
You have to know the past to understand the present and foretell the future
To know how to read between the lines, it freely carries you away
To be the master of your own life: if you can think for yourself !

Don't forget that into your soul, there is that lighted flame of yours
Don't forget, the children of yours, and all the dreams which fed you
Don't forget that into your soul, there is that lighted flame of yours
Don't forget the children of yours, and all the dreams which fed you

The beauty of life only depends upon your sight
Even if this world is late to obtain peace
It feeds our envy to shoot in the crowd
To waste our dreams into this tragedy
The beauty of life only depends upon your sight
Even if that world is late to obtain peace
It feeds our envy to shoot in the crowd
But the beauty of life only depends upon your sight

Comrade, do not trust 'the time' who'd like to bribe you
Because it's hard not to be understood among the pretentious
Among the ones who forgot that we were nothing else
Than simple Earthmen before a God
Comrade go where your heart carries you
The truth you're carrying with you, has more worth than the whole established ones
So go where your heart carries you, comrade

1. Well... If "death" were a being, it would stand in one's way in order to rip one's soul
2. It means that people have "fangs grown in their heart". That, they'll become hard and rude...
3. Without getting something in return
4. Too hard
5. Let's make our differences shine, that is, by all the colours and cultures.
6. 'Flush out', "nettoyer au karsher" (karcher high-pressure cleaning, detergent agents) Words used by Nicolas Sarkozy, and Jean Marie Le Pen.
7. Children of Earth who have "la rage"

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