Killers apprentice dream


Dagobah Resident
I think I was 15 or 16 when I had this dream, it was before movies like Nikita or Leon, or Kill Bill, and I don't remember any reference I might have read or heard about being a killers apprentice.(I don't think I had watched samurai films at that point either)

Well here goes:

In the dream I had been for a long time the apprentice of a killer for hire (is there a name for that? perhaps Contract killer) When the dream started I had escaped from him (no explanations given as to why I had become his apprentice or why I had escaped) He was like some martial art master magician superhero type, and I knew he always got his victims, so that there was no point in escaping, as he would surely find me and kill me for having escaped/disobeyed /left his teachings. I had run, and he had let me run, as he had no hurry, as he knew as well he always got his victim.

I was so scared, and was running in panic across a road, and into some building that turned out to be a labyrinth. I came to a small room in the labyrinth, with a small desk and chair, a lamp on the desk and a very thick big book laying open.

I sat down, and started reading the book, and a feeling of calm and acceptance filled me.

I looked up, and saw him in the doorway, looked calmly into his eyes that were looking calmly back into mine (no animosity, just acceptance, and I think, respect between us) , and he shot me between the eyes and the dream ended.

Since I wondered what book it was. I didn't remember what I had read, or why it had calmed me. It didn't feel as if it was the Bible or something like that, and I wasn't familiar with esoteric studies back then. Many years later when I started reading Secret History, I was reminded of the dream, and had a feeling that it might have been it. (or not only that book, but the Work and the group)
Hello Miss.K, I've had some dream like this that you mention, my idea is that it could be something related to a process of awakening of consciousness, and you reminded sleep when he read the book of Laura, the odds I think are even greater, as you mentioned some sort of message about all this he has been living since he met Laura and Cs.
riclapaz said:
Hello Miss.K, I've had some dream like this that you mention, my idea is that it could be something related to a process of awakening of consciousness, and you reminded sleep when he read the book of Laura, the odds I think are even greater, as you mentioned some sort of message about all this he has been living since he met Laura and Cs.

It might have been such, but I don't know. I don't know either if the book symbolizes any of the knowledge taught here, or if there is esoteric meaning in getting shot between the eyes (the third eye thing, -something I don't really know anything about)

It might have been part of me killing another part of me, or I have had the thought that maybe the killer was my predators mind, that I had decided I'd got enough of, but that is hard to escape.
Or perhaps the killer was just the inevitable, and I had some sorrows ahead at the time, that I might have sensed, and have known were things I couldn't change, so that it was about accepting.

What I do know is that it was one of those dreams where one goes "Wow this was not a normal dream" and that still so many years after, when writing it down, I could feel my flesh getting soaked with those feeling hormones, that gives the part of crying something pleasant (release, acceptance) -but without the crying part, or the sad part.

I do think that it is obvious that the dream told me (or I told myself, as I was the one dreaming the dream) that the only way to stop being scared would be to gain knowledge.

I did not read that much at the time, and only fiction (which also have a lot of knowledge at times, but is not the same) and I had not at that point come across any teachings that one can get from books.
And I thought after that I would really like to find that book, and wondered what book/teachings can be so effective that one will calmly face ones own killing, with no emotional discomfort.

And before finding Lauras books I had not come across anything that could be what this book taught, but when I found her work, that I remembered the dream and thought "this might be it"
I also had a dream about some special book. I remember only that I was with some people and that we needed to escape into another reality and that book had a secret on how to do it. And I also forgot about that dream until I found Laura and this Fourth Way Work, and I remembered it then.

Maybe my subconsciousness already knew in my childhood that I was supposed to look for something. Maybe the same thing happend to you. Like a little preview of what will happen in the future. That would explain why some people read Laura's books and find nothing special in them, while others fall in love with them on the first chapter. :)
Persej said:
I also had a dream about some special book. I remember only that I was with some people and that we needed to escape into another reality and that book had a secret on how to do it. And I also forgot about that dream until I found Laura and this Fourth Way Work, and I remembered it then.

Maybe my subconsciousness already knew in my childhood that I was supposed to look for something. Maybe the same thing happend to you. Like a little preview of what will happen in the future. That would explain why some people read Laura's books and find nothing special in them, while others fall in love with them on the first chapter. :)

Wow that was a specific dream. Thanks for sharing.

It makes me think of the whole time thing, thinking about premonitions. I'm pretty sure I am not able to grasp the illusion of time concept, but I'm wondering if premonitions are really a future self that sends a message. I mean if it is a 4D future self it might not yet have learned not to interfere at all...(I could imagine myself wanting to give little clues about direction to my former self)

Oh I think it is too complicated for my brain to think about today.. :rolleyes:
Miss.K said:
It makes me think of the whole time thing, thinking about premonitions. I'm pretty sure I am not able to grasp the illusion of time concept, but I'm wondering if premonitions are really a future self that sends a message. I mean if it is a 4D future self it might not yet have learned not to interfere at all...(I could imagine myself wanting to give little clues about direction to my former self)

I don't think that dreams like that are interfering with out life lessons. We both didn't get any specific message as to what book to look for. Maybe we were only "implanted" with the ability to recognize the right thing when we find it. That would be very helpful and also not interfering with our natural progression.

Oh I think it is too complicated for my brain to think about today.. :rolleyes:

Yeah, time is a very difficult concept to think about. But if we want to become the beings that will live in 4D, maybe we should push our thinking just a little bit in that direction. :)
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