Kindergarden in Hamilton


Jedi Council Member
I just saw this on telegram:

🇩🇪🇷🇺DRN Deutsch-Russische-Nachrichten🇷🇺🇩🇪

It is about a daycare in Hamilton and what they do to the kids there.
It's cruel how they scare them. :-(
If that thread is in the wrong place, please feel free to move it.

Kindergarten educators use a new "progressive" method of education.
In this way, they help children adapt to the real world, according to the educators.
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This is so sad, I only wathced a smal part of it, because it is so cruel.
And it makes me angry, if I think that sombody would do that to my children, I would get realy aggresive and can't tell what I would do then... :-( :rolleyes: Maybe: :phaser:
Seeing this video, I have remembered when I went to a kindergarten when I was 5 or 6 years old.

The "teacher" had a room where she put the bad children.

I don't know what I did one day but she put me in that room and she told me that there were snakes, spiders and bats there.

I don't remember how long I was in there completely in the dark, but it seemed like an eternity.

I told my mother and she got me out of that place.

What people are there in the world?
Seeing this video, I have remembered when I went to a kindergarten when I was 5 or 6 years old.

The "teacher" had a room where she put the bad children.

I don't know what I did one day but she put me in that room and she told me that there were snakes, spiders and bats there.

I don't remember how long I was in there completely in the dark, but it seemed like an eternity.

I told my mother and she got me out of that place.

What people are there in the world?
That is realy horribel...
Your story remindes me on the movie "Matilda" where the principl of the school is a realy badass.
I only know the movie in german, she put children who she dislikes in the "Luftabschneider" (Air cutter?) A smal camber with sharp items coming out of the wall, ant they are left there for hours....
That is realy horribel...
Your story remindes me on the movie "Matilda" where the principl of the school is a realy badass.
I only know the movie in german, she put children who she dislikes in the "Luftabschneider" (Air cutter?) A smal camber with sharp items coming out of the wall, ant they are left there for hours....
Well, at that time the dictator Franco was still alive and the school was governed by the motto "the letter with blood enters" (it is Spanish there is a rhyme in the phrase).

Already in school, I had a teacher who had a collection of wooden sticks on the wall of different sizes, as if they were lined up with shotguns.

He hit us every day, not me because I tried not to move, however one day when the teacher hit a boy with one of the sticks, the boy bent down and gave me such a blow that I fell to the ground.

He told me: "Well, you can take this one in advance for another day."
OMG!!! I cannot even put into words what those poor children will go through. The terror of it makes me physically ill.

But, I remember still at the age of 7 or 8 that I attended a catholic school run by the nuns. They all were elderly and stern looking ladies. In 2nd grade we began the practice of writing in cursive. I was (and still am) lefthanded. Every day when we took out our pencils to begin practice writing, the nun/teacher would walk up and down the isles with a ruler in hand. She would stop at my desk and tell me to hold out my hands and hit my hands with her wooden ruler. Then she would say to me: "You are a product of the devil." Every day. When I finally told my mother, she went to the Principal of the school - and the shaming stopped.

Those moments of shame live with you. The only thing that counters my shame is that I am still a lefty and have beautiful handwriting!!!
Even though the sick adults claimed they did it because they were 'trying to get the children to behave', it reminded me of the teachers who push LGBT ideology onto their students; at best, they're emotionally and mentally stunted adults who subject their literally captive and vulnerable audience to their own developmental issues, and at worst some of them actually feel empowered by, basically, abusing children.

There's a reason teachers are supposed to be thoroughly vetted beforehand, but it seems to me that woke/LGBT 'everyone is accepted' ideology actually shields these kinds of people from scrutiny.

There are likely other issues also at work here though, such as the difficulty in finding qualified, competent staff to work jobs which tend to pay below a living wage; a lack of oversight by parents and the local administration because everyone is overstretched (and lacking discernment themselves); as well as some owners being in the business to simply make money.

An article about the incident is also up on SOTT, here: US daycare workers filmed staff terrifying toddlers with horror masks --
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