Naomi Klein was interviewed in the last segments of Democracy Now, November 7th. It was very interesting I thought because if natural disasters do become a new market opportunity, and therefore a new private profit growth industry, then how far behind are daily Fake-Natural disasters? Then there is the fiduciary law…we’ll eventually be obligated by law to inflict an ever increasing number of “Natural” disasters on ourselves each successive business quarter to increase profits..............until!?! 
Here are a few excerpts: "Well, in Peru this summer, there was an earthquake, and there was another one of these breakthroughs in disaster capitalism, where after the earthquake an American company, an American service company called Aramark, got the contract to build evacuation camps, which is something that’s traditionally done by the UN, traditionally done by NGOs. Now it’s a private contractor, a for-profit company that actually provides food for prisons, going in there and seeing disaster response as -- internationally -- as an emerging market. And these are the first evacuation camps in the world, that I know of, that come with many McDonald's outlets."
"So, I mean, this really is seen -- and I think we need to understand this -- disasters are seen by a growing sector of the economy as an exciting new market opportunity. And so, we’re in a situation where these companies are going to be putting, or are already putting, a counter-pressure on the government, where, you know, the citizens, the people of the world, are saying, “We want action on climate change,” but these companies have a vested interest in just staying on the same disastrous course. But the two-tiering of disaster response, I think we really need to think of very urgently, because this is moving really fast."
"You know, Amy, at the end of the book, at the end of The Shock Doctrine, I sort of predict that this is what’s going to happen and didn’t expect it to happen three months after the book came out. I was thinking, you know, years, not months…………."
The transcript + vid are here: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=07/11/07/156211
Also, today...
I watched Nick Sar-Cozy give a speech to the US Congress today on C-span: http://www.c-span.org/ (scroll down a bit from top) Surreal it was. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would see the day when Independent France would send over such a Butt Kisser.
Hold on to your baguettes France! As one presidential nightmare may be ending in the USA, yours may be just beginning. Winston Churchill stated that history is just one damn thing after another, or is Edna St. Vincent Millay correct when she stated, ‘It's not true that life is one damn thing after another; it is one damn thing over and over.”

Here are a few excerpts: "Well, in Peru this summer, there was an earthquake, and there was another one of these breakthroughs in disaster capitalism, where after the earthquake an American company, an American service company called Aramark, got the contract to build evacuation camps, which is something that’s traditionally done by the UN, traditionally done by NGOs. Now it’s a private contractor, a for-profit company that actually provides food for prisons, going in there and seeing disaster response as -- internationally -- as an emerging market. And these are the first evacuation camps in the world, that I know of, that come with many McDonald's outlets."
"So, I mean, this really is seen -- and I think we need to understand this -- disasters are seen by a growing sector of the economy as an exciting new market opportunity. And so, we’re in a situation where these companies are going to be putting, or are already putting, a counter-pressure on the government, where, you know, the citizens, the people of the world, are saying, “We want action on climate change,” but these companies have a vested interest in just staying on the same disastrous course. But the two-tiering of disaster response, I think we really need to think of very urgently, because this is moving really fast."
"You know, Amy, at the end of the book, at the end of The Shock Doctrine, I sort of predict that this is what’s going to happen and didn’t expect it to happen three months after the book came out. I was thinking, you know, years, not months…………."
The transcript + vid are here: http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=07/11/07/156211
Also, today...
I watched Nick Sar-Cozy give a speech to the US Congress today on C-span: http://www.c-span.org/ (scroll down a bit from top) Surreal it was. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would see the day when Independent France would send over such a Butt Kisser.
Hold on to your baguettes France! As one presidential nightmare may be ending in the USA, yours may be just beginning. Winston Churchill stated that history is just one damn thing after another, or is Edna St. Vincent Millay correct when she stated, ‘It's not true that life is one damn thing after another; it is one damn thing over and over.”