Kristallnacht 2.0 courtesy of start up nation

American Germanic Fox

The Force is Strong With This One
Yesterday, South Tel-Aviv was the scene of a Kristallnacht. A series of marches and protests against Sudanese refugees culminated in a mob storming shops associated with Africans and attacking a car with Africans in the street. Although the perpetrators are from the slums of South Tel-Aviv, as is always the case, the racism came from up high.
Miri Regev, a Likud representative known for her fake "social agenda" kindled the flames of hatred with calling the refugees "a cancer in society." Danny Danon, Deputy Knesset Speaker, introduced legislation forcing the Interior Ministry to deport 80% of Sudanese refugees within two years. This was bluster, as the Interiro Minister, Yishai, is also famous for focusing his office on attacks on undocumented workers. Michael Ben Ari, another right winger in the Knesset, announced plans for a citizen initiative to be called "Expulsion Now" (the name is a backhanded tribute to Peace Now).

Netanyahu also has a hand in this pogrom.

The phenomenon of "illegal work infiltrators" is "very grave and threatens the social fabric of society, our national security and our national identity," he told ministers at the weekly cabinet meeting.
If Israel did not prevent illegal African migrants from entering, the current "60,000 illegal infiltrators could easily grow to 600,000 illegal infiltrators.
"This would inundate the state and, to a considerable degree, cancel out its image as a Jewish and democratic state," Netanyahu said in remarks relayed by his office. (Yahoo News)


After reading 9/11 Ultimate Truth I understand this is part a mass cultural traumatizing.... But it having studied much of what happened during the Holocaust it does leave me disturbed even if it can be psychologically rationalized why they would behave this way! Oh by the the cartoonist who made that cartoon is being censored warning slight artistic nudity!
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