Jedi Master
i'm currently reading the excellent "Du Pont Dynasty - Behind the Nylon Curtain" by Gerard Colby and a small sentence made me perk up:
looking at wikipedia we read:
not sure what to make of it, but i don't think this is widely known, so i had to post it here.
Already releases of krypton 85, a fission product, from SRP (Savannah River Plant) have contributed to changes in the electrical properties of the atmosphere that affect weather.
looking at wikipedia we read:
Krypton-85 releases increase the electrical conductivity of atmospheric air. Meteorological effects are expected to be stronger closer to the source of the emissions.
The average atmospheric concentration of krypton-85 was approximately 0.6 Bq/m³ in 1976, and has increased to approximately 1.3 Bq/m³ as of 2005.
not sure what to make of it, but i don't think this is widely known, so i had to post it here.