LA schools closed over 'threat'


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I guess they need to spread some more fear.....

Los Angeles schools have been closed as an unspecified threat is investigated, police have said.

A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles police department confirmed that the Los Angeles Unified School District received a threat.

Police could not confirm the validity or specificity of the threat, which sent school buses back from their routes to the depots.

A schools spokesman said they were exercising "an abundance of caution".

"Earlier this morning we did receive an electronic threat that mentions the safety of our schools," said Steven Zipperman, chief of the Los Angeles school police department.

"We have chosen to close our schools today until we can be absolutely sure that our campuses are safe."

The district is the second largest in the US and has 640,000 students and more than 900 schools.

The threat comes amid a heightened alert after 14 people were killed by a radicalised Muslim couple in San Bernardino, 60 miles east of Los Angeles.
It's up on Sott:

Society is becoming more and more hysterical and it's frightening. We haven't even reached the peak of hysteria yet. I can only imagine the horrors to come.
No, it's the people watching this nonsense on TV whom are hysterical. I know it's all propaganda and that the media is part and party to high treason and that this is all theater. They aren't fooling everyone. They won't be successful no matter what they do.

This idea, this notion that the Bills of Rights can be amended is an overthrow of the government by the people. It's an illegal act because the pathway to succession of forms of government is established in American History. The people decide what form of government they want. Not legislators, or as they now like to call themselves our new "Law Makers."

The people are the law makers as long as the people are armed. That's the bottom line.

The Constitution only exists because of the Bill of Rights. Only after James Madison added the Bill of Rights from the Virginia Constitution did the people vote to adopt the New Government. These Rights are the Peoples Supreme Laws. They define a true democracy.

England isn't anything like America. You can't say whatever you want in the UK. You can be arrested for the speech we here take for granted. That's what the real objective is.

The lawful path is clearly mapped and it requires that any new form of government would be placed before the people for examination before a public vote on the issue. That is how we moved from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution and the Bills of Rights. These are not subject to alteration. That is high treason because it is an overthrow of the government and we the people are that government.

Anyone advocating the removal of any one of these Rights is conducting Sedition, and anyone who tries is committing High Treason.
It needs to be understood that these rights are the laws which define liberty proper. If these people wish to change these laws than they need to do so by following the lawful path which is already laid out.

This requires a Constitutional Convention and the drafting of a new form of government. This is what they are trying to sidestep with theatrics and terror. It isn't about Islam at all. It's about Treason.

At any rate, we will either get Civil War because of this illegal transgression or else we will get some other outcome, but we are certain to get an economic collapse as result of this agenda. We are just going to end up with a complete economic collapse because this is destroying the faith in dollar as a safe investment.

The more of this that they create, the more the propaganda system shills hysteria, the more other people in other nations don't feel safe about investing their money in America. So it's economic suicide at a time when this is the last thing that they should be doing.

At any rate, the consequences for this kind of mayhem in a society like ours will end up destroying it, and with it will go the wealth which these stupid rich people are so desperately seeking to keep and to enlarge upon at our expense by whatever means. Then we will have all the revelations about who's doing this, then trials, then some hangings.

I mean we all know that half the wealth of the US is now in the hands of 300 people and that's not a democracy by any standard. It's manifestly obvious who wants this.

Yea, it will be kind of crazy for the next 10 years, but only because we have so many people whom are still believing this nonsense on TV. Better still, it would help if people realized making yourself an unarmed target isn't too bright, or at least not be cheering for the theft of the neighbors property under the delusion it will make you safer.

Just ignore this as much as possible and go about your business like the politicians and new propagandists theater didn't matter because ultimately they won't.
i think that one of their objective is to normalize this situation of danger, make the danger something normal. Maybe they are doing a sort of experience with people. What is their reaction? Do they follow our instructions? do they close their schools when we say so and so? etc. Evidently people are afraid of terrorists attacks, specially if their children are in danger. And also this fear is becoming a "second nature". I remind the movie Brazil by Terry Guilliam where the terrorists attacks are so frequent and people are not paying anymore attention to them. In fact if you think about, we, as a people from Occident (not us but people in general) are absolutely not paying anymore attention to the terrorists attacks "over there". No more reaction to this continuity of the war, now. We don't react anymore to the horror of it. People are loosing their heart. I think we are really living in a big,huge laboratory.
"I'am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly
I'm crying"
I Am The Walrus Beatles

Warning to Oysters: Beware the Walrus!
December 31, 2014 in Literature, Culture

Just more and more beta test's. Agenda to stimulate a massive programming that you, need the police. :evil: Like a hole in the head
Mass Panic at Riverside Mall
Published on Dec 7, 2015
Key program words:
Active shooter
Inland Empire
I agree with you loreta, and I think I agree with C.A.
Our survival, and that of our children, depends on us being adults.
The liberties we do have left are only there because of the people left whom are armed; not the reverse.

FDR's memorial speaks directly to our time.

"They who seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual
rulers call this a new world order. It is not new and it is not order."

We cannot have a government of the people when stooges for corporations hold public offices. People whom are rewarded for their graft with jobs after leaving office, or by being bribed with phony speaking engagements that pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for showing up and blabbering for 15 minutes.

Nearly every single time in history that the people have been successfully disarmed a blood bath ensues. Just look at Syria. The people disarmed had no defense against whomever these murdering invaders are. Yet again, look at the people in Europe. Idiots! Calling for more guards and fences and border controls. A prison of their own making.

These people are Zombies, they have forgotten WWII already even though they have wreckage still visible all around them. There is only one way that evil can succeed. That is by centralized power and by disarming the people. This is the stated objective of the Globalists.

Expect a bloodbath if they are successful.

Well over 300 million people have been murdered in the last century by their own governments. More people have been killed by their own governments than all the people killed in wars in the same time period, and this doesn't even include that 90% of the people killed in wars are actually civilians.

Mao said; "Revolutions and revolutionary wars are inevitable in class society." He also said; "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

The Economist featured America's new Royalty on one of it's covers. I think it's pretty clear the Koch Brothers and their associates
are vested in what's going on.

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