Dagobah Resident
Carla Ortiz es una actriz y productora de cine de origen Boliviano que realizò una pelicula con el tìtulo de Olvidados,sobre la Operaciòn Còndor,la cual fue visionada por una periodista Siria,quien la invita a Carla a realizar en un futuro un trabajo sobre el conflicto Sirio.El resultado es el documental"La Voz de Siria" que cubre a las mujeres desde el frente de guerra y donde nos cuenta su experiencia de la relaciòn directa que tuvo con el Pueblo Sirio.
En el segundo enlace Carla nos cuenta còmo los terroristas estàn entrenando a ninos de entre 4 y 7 anos que para salvar a sus familias deben matar a uno de sus miembros y obligados a enrolarse a sus filas.
Carla Ortiz is an actress and film producer of Bolivian origin who made a film with the title of Forgotten, about Operation Còndor, which was viewed by a Syrian journalist, which invites Carla to make a future work on the Syria conflict. The result is the documentary "The Voice of Syria" Which covers women from the war front and where she tells us her experience of the direct relationship she had with the Syrian People.
In the second link Carla tells us how the terrorists are training children between 4 and 7 years who to save their families must kill one of its members and forced to join their ranks.
En el segundo enlace Carla nos cuenta còmo los terroristas estàn entrenando a ninos de entre 4 y 7 anos que para salvar a sus familias deben matar a uno de sus miembros y obligados a enrolarse a sus filas.
Carla Ortiz is an actress and film producer of Bolivian origin who made a film with the title of Forgotten, about Operation Còndor, which was viewed by a Syrian journalist, which invites Carla to make a future work on the Syria conflict. The result is the documentary "The Voice of Syria" Which covers women from the war front and where she tells us her experience of the direct relationship she had with the Syrian People.
In the second link Carla tells us how the terrorists are training children between 4 and 7 years who to save their families must kill one of its members and forced to join their ranks.