Land and Space based generators: Session: 980718


The Living Force
From Session:980718

Q: (L) What kind of grids?
A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.
Q: (T) Are these the ley lines?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they artificially generated?
A: Contoured.
Q: (L) They are artificially contoured. What is the result of this shrouding?
A: Manipulated for use by 3rd/4th Consortium.
Q: (A) What kind of EM grid? (L) The natural EM grid is being contoured...
A: Like a gently waving geometric "blanket."
Q: (T) Is it on the surface of the planet, through the planet, or where?
A: Above.
Q: (J) Do microwave towers factor into this?
A: Indirectly discovered by same principal. [person?]
Q: (A) Who is this principal? A name? (T) The gravity waves, whether they exist or not, are a controversy, yet they are part of
the UFT, and someone already knows how it works. Therefore, it is only controversy to those who don't know what the answer
is, and it is not a controversy to those who know. They know what it is and how to measure it and how to use it.
A: Of course.
Q: (T) So, it is only a controversy that is allowed to be. (L) Or created. (A) Some power is used to sustain this grid. What is it?
A: Land and space based generators.
Names I can think of are: Tesla, then other people including Einstein and Von Newmann escalating
towards the military operations not limited to, but including the Philedelphia Experiment. Tesla tried
to create a huge wireless power generator but was "smacked" with financial difficulties. Tesla was also
to have been rumored to "talk to the spirits", so I wonder if he did channeling? He was, if not the
first, to focus on resonance and AC energy, ie EM waves, long before others "got into the game", IMO.

I can see this EM blanket as either that of the encapulation of of it's inhabitants ie in keeping 3D as
prisoners, blocking/filtering the external EM waves (energy, communications, etc.) and preventing
the imprisioned inhabitants from being able to "phone home" to the source, of which SETI was supposed
to do, but is instead a ruse used by the PTB to keep the ignorant, ignorant.

Is anyone working on projects/research as suggested by C's specifically regarding the sciences and are
any of specific projects being itemized, performed, discussed, and or recorded anywhere?

Of course, when talking about theoretical physics, especially highly advanced subjects involving
high levels of mathematics and pure thought, this stuff is way over my head and I don't see myself
even trying to get started any time soon... "If oooooonnnlllllyyy I had a brrrrrraaaaaaaiiiinnnnnnnn" :)

But semi-basic stuff, sure. Software/Hardware Engineering stuff is my forte so I would not mind doing
some calculations and physical development/testing and all that, so can any one chime in as to what
they are, might, or planning to try some things out and willing to talk about it? Perhaps this is not the
correct forum for this sort of thing, and if so, can anyone provide some pointers where forum members
here go to for such things?

"If oooooonnnlllllyyy I had a brrrrrraaaaaaaiiiinnnnnnnn"
Me toooo! Feeling brainless in advanced physics and math... But I firmly believe if we invest time and hard work one bright day we will get our prefrontal lobes to physics!
There are several sites i dwell in:
site of Jean-Pierre Petit:
info on tesseract:
my favourite physics site I read much, understand little, is this one:

also Bogdanov affair:
EEQT, Quantum Jumps and Quantum Fractals; Notes on platonic fractals from

also space-time relativity by Thomas Knierin from www(dot)
http://www (dot)
http://www(dot) - Quantum Mechanics, Consciousness, Reality and Time by Prof. Samarin
I'm not sure how scientifically valid/ grounded are articles on the last site, so i put dots in links.
CarpeDiem said:
http://www(dot) - Quantum Mechanics, Consciousness, Reality and Time by Prof. Samarin
I'm not sure how scientifically valid/ grounded are articles on the last site, so i put dots in links.
He writes

According to Pribram this does not mean that there aren't china cups and grains of beach sand out there. It simply means that a china cup has two very different aspects to its reality. When it is filtered through the lens of our brain it manifests as a cup. But if we could get rid of our lenses, we'd experience it as an interference pattern.
But this shows that he is not really thinking. Because the cup when it strikes the widnow, it breaks the glass, even when no one is looking.

On the Russian site, with his bio (there is also his photo there);

I am reading that in 1998 he became a honorary member of "International Library of Poetry". So, that is how what he writes should be taken.
He did not get any scientific titles from regular university studies. "Evening courses" - that is what is said in his bio. So, nothing what he writes
about physics should be taken seriously. It is just an "opinion". And, as I have pointed it above, an opinion that does not take into account data that are available to all.

Moreover, when someone writes about the stuff he knows little about, and signs as a "Professor" - that alone should cause a suspicion ;)
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