language of the birds, as it were


The Force is Strong With This One
Within the past few years I've found certain birds interact with humans while others do not. Crows, wrens, catbirds and jays are in on it. Robins seem to mind their own beeswax... sparrows, off and on or so it seems.

Have learned that crows have some (ability of) foreknowledge and act as harbringers of either good or bad news. They are psychic - if they bother to take the time or engage you.

Catbirds can speak english and are psychic.

Jays are psychic and tuned into higher thought.

How can I type all this? Last year a catbird built it's nest in a hedge right outside. This thing was an absolute nuisance with it's mating call all day everyday. I had many a conversation with it, literally.

This spring, it's follow up or another showed up... This time I wasn't so passive and sent clear signals to move on; all psychically. I sent a particularly nasty thoughtform and it essentially repeated it back to me by literally saying in it's super silly high pitch, "are you really going to kill me?" I sent a "Yes!". It has moved on. If I hadn't of done that it would be out there doing it's thing.

Crows.... I had some legal issues a year back and every friggin time the issue was about to start up they'd show up with decidedly threatening sounding calls. This wasn't projection as I'd get either the persons or email threat shortly.
Fear really gets the energies going......

I've carried on telepathic sessions with crows many times. I generate images and they pick up on them and make sounds accordingly. Can't on demand but if my subtle senses are ok I can pop my awareness outside my physical body... there have been times the crows have seen "me" out there.

Same with jays. Now with jays, they seem to mostly make their presence known when my spiritual mindset is online. The are innately tuned to higher vibes. This is consistent and has apparently made it into the lore.

I'll share that all this actually started from my own perusing into grimoires. I wanted to work with or co-opt a bird (jay in this case) as Familiar or go between. This didn't work out as planned.

(But) another Hilarious thing is that there are a few specific crows that like my music. Both my purchased stuff and my own work. We've had some amazing um, fellowships while listening to Norse heathen black metal. They love the images I send them.... Think a darker lord of the rings type stuff with big old trees, dark castles and crows everywhere etc.

A few weeks back, after one of these sessions, I could Clearly distinguish a crow saying "bye bye" as it flew off.........

Now of course this is not constant. There are times all the above types keep to themselves. I've found that if I keep to myself or break off contact it essentially fades. But once I start paying attention to them they respond in kind. Again, not all. Cardinals will watch you but that's about it.

Some birds are Astonished to find a human talking to Them. I've clearly heard one bird tell another that this particular human talks to birds........

There's plenty more to share but will close with this touching tweet. After I digested events (reports anyway) of the Fukushima incident I was rather freaked. I conveyed this through my guitar but I also had a kind of a breakdown as back then I thought the game was up for all of us...

Well this one bird picked up on all this and for the first time I heard a bird CRY.

They are much smarter and in tune than I thought growing up. And this drives home the fact that we've disgusting slaughterhouses etc all over the place.

:) This was an interesting piece. Actually, I've always wanted to know: are crows really the servants of the Dark Magician King?
hmm Azoth, these:
Azoth said:
Fear really gets the energies going......


I'll share that all this actually started from my own perusing into grimoires. I wanted to work with or co-opt a bird (jay in this case) as Familiar or go between. This didn't work out as planned.

(But) another Hilarious thing is that there are a few specific crows that like my music. Both my purchased stuff and my own work. We've had some amazing um, fellowships while listening to Norse heathen black metal. They love the images I send them.... Think a darker lord of the rings type stuff with big old trees, dark castles and crows everywhere etc.
Made me perk up as it were. A grimoire, is defined by wikipedia as: said:
A grimoire (play /ɡrɪmˈwɑr/) is a textbook of magic. Such books typically include instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms and divination and also how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, and demons.[1] In many cases the books themselves are also believed to be imbued with magical powers, though in many cultures other sacred texts that are not grimoires, such as the Bible and Qur'an, have also been believed to intrinsically have magical properties; in this manner while all books on magic could be thought of as grimoires, not all magical books could.[2]

Fear, magic, co-opting another being. hmm.......
Hi Azoth, this forum doesn't support, or endorse, the practice of 'magic' or the attempt to develop power over others. This forum, in fact, is concerned with and involved with a path that is the exact opposite of that. You might be more comfortable on a forum that discusses the types of things that you appear to be interested in. Have you read the Wave Series yet?
Yeah, your post had a very STS feel to it, Azoth. And I'm not sure what you wrote at the end had to do with everything else in your post:

And this drives home the fact that we've disgusting slaughterhouses etc all over the place.

Like Gurdjieff said, the only magic is being able to DO. And that depends on your level of Being, otherwise we remain in a state where everything just happens. As G said, there's no Black, White, or Green magic, other than getting to a point where we can BE and DO.

From my reading (including the C's) and life experience and observing the world around me, those who want to gain power of others and manipulate/force others to serve self are doomed to serve others who want absolute power to serve self. That's one of the Achilles' heels of STS, related to wishful thinking (thinking they can force ALL others to serve self). Ultimately we all end up serving others no matter which path we choose -- STS or STO.

The whole point is to find out what your innate nature is and strengthen it, making choices to polarize in a stronger way. But this forum and the 4th Way are based on the STO path and NOT on "magic." FWIW.
Doesn't look like I can delete the post. I am so sorry. Hope it didn't traumatize anyone, here. I mistakenly threw that awful word in and am reaping the consequences. And yes, I am sts through and through. Good call since you've never even met me and went on a few paragraphs of off the cuff typing. Well I asked for it, posting here in the first place. Who cares what my higher self wants - I must keep in line here.

For the first responder, I have on several occasions found that it is Just as several Apparent nut cases online described. They were talking about drone birds; high tech surveillance drones disguised as birds. It was or is Uncanny how they can read your mind, at times. It was truly scary when I had the sudden realization that some Intelligence agency could be directing some of these... That is, the scary thing was that they really let loose when that specific thought entered my mind. It almost seems this is the case sometimes. Like why in the world would some birds be so interested in what I'm doing? Rhetoric question.

So sorry for posting and perhaps a monitor can send it to the loony bin forum. Please excuse me for killing bandwidth as well. I will move on and never post here again.
Azoth, I feel I should take responsibility for my first post to you. No, I don't really think birds can communicate with humans in that "3rd Density" way. After all, if you tell a dog to sit and he sits, it's only because you have installed a reward pathway with the trigger being Sit. I was just curious about the role of crows in "occult matters", having come upon such imagery in fantasy novels before.

Responding in that whimsical manner without giving you an honest mirror wasn't very STO of me. My apologies!

1.Random capitalization of words: People dabbling in magick are afflicted with this stylistic disease. (Note my pseudo-archaic spelling of magic there.)
2.Obscure compound nouns: Higher thought. Spiritual mindset. Thoughtform. The goal of 4D STS is to trap people into the abstract and obscure, rendering them effectively useless in the real world.
3.A writer draws the reader into the "frequency resonance vibration" of his writing, to use a term from the C's. This can be done with STS or STO intentions. Especially when creative writing is involved, which presupposes some dissociation on the reader's part. Are you writing for yourself? How accessible to others do you want your writing to be? Are you writing for a narrow select "frequency band" (i.e. audience)?

To give you an extreme example:

[quote author=Michael Topper]Thus, the negative being of higher densities takes on the configuration of a forebodingly lonely presence, lurking in caves and desolate grottos of the astrophysical realms. It becomes a fiercely mental entity of 5th density power-knowledge [...]

[...] to maintain that monumental self-absorption and narcissistic self-luminance of the negative Ego-postulate - the Anti-Logos, the Selfness of Consciousness.

[...] - it must absorb them into itself - it feels the necessity of undoing creation - it NEEDS that energy to fuel its infinite self-contemplation
[quote author=LKJ]The only way it can achieve that ideal narcissistic withdrawal into itself in infinite Self-contemplation is through [...][/quote]
Your essay could be described as very contemplative, and on subjective events pertaining to self, almost to the exclusion of the reader. Below reflects above, which I think is why SeekinTruth got a very STS feel from it.

Edit: Just saw your new post, Azoth. Crows as an allegory for spy drones - neat! Because in fiction, crows are often eyes/messengers of the Dark. And 4D STS can in fact manipulate 2D beings, like in the case of Victoria/Pepperfritz.
Azoth, you seem to have taken the feedback / mirror given by forum members very personally. It was not meant as a personal attack or judgment. It was to give you an opportunity to question why you posted what you did and why you do what you do, in general (including the things you posted about). Of course, it's up to you if you want to take the opportunity to question yourself, which can lead to self knowledge and growth.

If you don't want to, then, it's up to you, and you may find it better for you to find another forum where the purpose is more to your liking, as anart suggested. But if you want to learn more about yourself and do the hard Work that is what this forum is for, then you should participate MORE, not less on the forum. Don't take the feedback as a personal attack. Take it in the way it was meant: as a way to question yourself. We are all STS, so again, nothing personal. It's just that we don't encourage indulging our STS qualities, and subjectivity, and make great efforts to oppose and overcome them.

We're all in the same boat, so again, there was no judgment meant, just pointing out what you may not be able to see. Of course, there's always the chance that you (or anyone else) may discover that STS IS your innate nature. In which case, again, it would be better for you (or anyone else) to find a forum that is more suited for that purpose. So I hope this clears things up a bit and helps you if you are here to do the Work in accordance with the purpose of this forum and its Guidelines.
Personally, I think it would be very cool to be able to talk to animals. I don't know what good it would do but it sure would be interesting. We have 6D talking to us so being able to do the same thing 3D to 2D would be "against the rules", so to speak.

Many years ago I read about a woman who spoke to a nest of ants that was invading her kitchen. She made a deal with them. They search outside the house for their food and she wouldn't kill them. Since then, she says, she has never again been bothered by ants. Is that bad? I don't know.

The important thing though, is why would we speak to the animals? If we seek to gain a certain power then I would suggest that we're moving deeper into an STS way of being. If it is purely for the experience of learning how we could be of service to them, that, in my opinion, would be more on the STO scale of things. But being STS, what are the chances we wouldn't pervert our "well-meaning" through our lack of understanding? And is there any advice we could give them? I doubt it, we just don't know enough.

But yes. Talking to the animals would be interesting :)
I agree with you, Richard. Sometimes I speak to bees, for example. When a bee or a wasp enters in my house, I speak to them and ask them to leave my house. Or if I go near a tree with many bees (I love to look at them) I ask them to accept me and not sting me. I talk to my dogs and cats. Even to my canary. One of my dreams is to be near a dolphin and talk to him. When I see horses I talk to them. I would like to communicate more with animals. Is that bad?
loreta said:
I agree with you, Richard. Sometimes I speak to bees, for example. When a bee or a wasp enters in my house, I speak to them and ask them to leave my house. Or if I go near a tree with many bees (I love to look at them) I ask them to accept me and not sting me. I talk to my dogs and cats. Even to my canary. One of my dreams is to be near a dolphin and talk to him. When I see horses I talk to them. I would like to communicate more with animals. Is that bad?

I don't think anybody is implying talking to animals is "bad" per se. Just Azoth's post had a lot of "red flags," at least to me. FWIW. Just talking to your dogs or cats or whatever, I don't see a problem. The whole connection to "magic" is what we were commenting about, and the "co-opting" birds, etc. If there's no pronounced STS attitude or overly subjective interpretations, I really don't see a problem with communing with animals.
Thanks for a normalized reply. No "hmmm co-opt', "dark" etc..... I was speaking loosely. My intention was simply to learn what might come of an attempted interaction. I'm not here to boss, or save for that matter, folks around.

Anyway, "We have 6D talking to us so being able to do the same thing 3D to 2D would be "against the rules", so to speak."

This appears illogical unless I'm reading it wrong. But if the line were as so, prayer would be talking to oneself (unless we can call Up. not sure what you're saying). Not even higher Self; as that is in a higher density as well. Guess we're lost down here... no channeling either by the same logic.

I know they know what they are doing as they (some) tend to come around when I do Certain things. This is repeatable and extremely annoying.

I am not sure at all why folks find this amazing, or whatever. Anyone can do it. I've been able to call jays (into the area) with a mere thought. I've even asked Other species of bird to call a jay into the area. So I've no doubt about this whatsoever and have done this stuff in front of others......

But you need to build up the connection and maintain it, otherwise nothing much happens. So reading about "what's Really going on" isn't always helpful perhaps.

The apparent mind-body split and the sub quantum domain of consciousness naturally leads to the idea of what could be called magic or magick, period. All this other stuff is read into it or projected onto it. It's also safe to assume folks downing the art have a slew of "rituals" they themselves preform every single day.

So there's intent. We've all got some....and no one is a saint or spiritual adept 24/7.

In other words, tweet.

Um, birds also laugh. I exercise in the back yard and they always laugh when I do certain exercises!

I want to establish a link with trees or tree. I made contact with a few devas of thunderstorms over the summer. Was able to ask them to move in certain directions and they did. I intoned a sacred mantra once and the deva very positively responded. This whole event was truly amazing and a few neighbors witnessed the whole thing.

Twice now, after having a special session with higher mind in the woods, a group of birds appeared immediately after to see what I was up to. Rather, they knew and was checking it out. A group of jays and then crows... the latter flew, in formation, right over my spot on the ground. Like how'd they know I was Right there (in the woods)? But the fact they were in formation! As yous must know crows hardly ever, if ever, fly in formation >

Bottom line is that they are very For spiritual etc endeavor. That's all fine and good until you learn of their own habits!! Like eating the young of others. But that's just god's love in action (in the jungle)........
Anyway, "We have 6D talking to us so being able to do the same thing 3D to 2D would be "against the rules", so to speak."

I do apologize. Leaving out the word "not" makes something of a difference, does it.....? :)

I couldn't comment on the rest of your post. I've absolutely nothing in the way of experience or knowledge to enable me to do so.
Azoth said:
But you need to build up the connection and maintain it, otherwise nothing much happens. So reading about "what's Really going on" isn't always helpful perhaps.
Are you speaking about current events and paying attention to them?

Azoth said:
The apparent mind-body split and the sub quantum domain of consciousness naturally leads to the idea of what could be called magic or magick, period. All this other stuff is read into it or projected onto it. It's also safe to assume folks downing the art have a slew of "rituals" they themselves preform every single day.
Thee is a difference between rituals and techniques. Techniques are based in knowledge & UNDERSTANDING of what one is doing, and the most likely results of the act. Ritual is doing something, maybe it was said in a book, someone told you about it, etc, without the requisite understanding based in KNOWLEDGE APPLICATION, basically very little if any actual knowledge about what one is doing. So the question then becomes, do you know, i mean really know what you are doing, and the most probable consequences of what you are doing?

Azoth said:
So there's intent. We've all got some....and no one is a saint or spiritual adept 24/7.
Perhaps the reason that no one, is a spiritual adept 24/7 is because it takes indefatigable efforts, and how many are willing to persevere in the face of the challenges of this reality, and not go chasing after rainbows as soon as some phenomena or other appears?

Azoth said:
I made contact with a few devas of thunderstorms over the summer. Was able to ask them to move in certain directions and they did. I intoned a sacred mantra once and the deva very positively responded. This whole event was truly amazing and a few neighbors witnessed the whole thing.
How do you know it was a deva? Did it tell you?

Azoth said:
Bottom line is that they are very For spiritual etc endeavor. That's all fine and good until you learn of their own habits!! Like eating the young of others. But that's just god's love in action (in the jungle)........
Are you talking about the birds again?

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