Large hole in glacier in Northern Norway - meteor?


The Living Force
"Discovered giant hole in the glacier: - Never seen anything like it
During a training came the crew at 330 Squadron in Bodo came across a mysterious giant hole in Blåmannsisen. - I've never seen anything like this, says the commander.
Sinkholes in Blåmannsisen
The crew 330 Squadron came across this massive hole during a training over Blåmannsisen.

It was during a training of internal Salten Monday this week that the crew aboard the Sea King helicopter suddenly came across a giant hole in the glacier Blåmannsisen.

Breen is Norway's fifth largest hotel in Fauske and Sørfold municipality in Nordland.

- We were eight people on the trip. None of us has ever seen anything similar. It was a strange and unusual sight, says commander Kjetil Vik at 330 Squadron in Bodo to NRK.

He describes hole between 10 and 10 square meters in diameter, and estimates the depth to be at least 50 meters.

That a meteorite could made the hole he considers unlikely.

- When should it have been there. But it could also have been passed down to the river bottom, says the commander.

The crew returned to California, but Thursday this week they went back - this time with former rescuer, cave diver and photographer Vebjørn Karlsen. He was lowered to study the hole closer and take pictures.

- An amazing sight. It was very beautiful down there. Very bottom I could hear that it was running an underground glacial river, so it's probably explains why it has encountered a hole, think Karlsen.

- Spectacular
Senior Engineer Hallgeir Elvehøy in Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate does not hesitate to name the pictures from 330- squadron of spectacular.

- To be let down in such a hole must be quite an experience, says breeksperten, who thinks he has the answer to what happened on Blåmannsisen.

- This glacier arm from Blåmannsisen curb lake Sisovatnet, which is regulated as a magazine for Siso power plant in Sorfold. The water was drained two weeks ago.

Then there arose a so-called jökulhlaup, an Icelandic word signifying water flooding caused by sudden flooding from ice-dammed lakes. Meanwhile, there has been an meltwater tunnel under the glacier. The hole was created when the roof collapsed, said Elvehøy.

Why it has become a cylindrical hole he has no good explanation for.

- It is really strange, but one of natures' coincidences, said senior engineer Hallgeir Elvehøy in Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate to NRK".
It is pretty big, though can a meteor not explode uppon contact with the ice? Leaving marks of irregularities on the surrounding area?
I could have been underground melting then the upper area collapsing.

It's so random and big
Images from the page: said:




It reminds me of the holes discovered in Russia:

And SOTT's comment from the article: said:
Comment: Just to be clear, any local 'warming' that is taking place is due to increased volcanic activity, especially under the Arctic Ocean, where methane clathrate deposits are being ruptured in enormous quantities these days, releasing methane gas into the atmosphere. Together with sinkholes and fissures of all descriptions appearing all over the world in recent years, this discovery further suggests that the planet is literally opening up.

So, i don't know, but i wonder whether it isn't something similar.

Hithere said:
"Discovered giant hole in the glacier: - Never seen anything like it


He describes hole between 10 and 10 square meters in diameter, and estimates the depth to be at least 50 meters.


- This glacier arm from Blåmannsisen curb lake Sisovatnet, which is regulated as a magazine for Siso power plant in Sorfold. The water was drained two weeks ago.

Then there arose a so-called jökulhlaup, an Icelandic word signifying water flooding caused by sudden flooding from ice-dammed lakes. Meanwhile, there has been an meltwater tunnel under the glacier. The hole was created when the roof collapsed, said Elvehøy.

Why it has become a cylindrical hole he has no good explanation for.

- It is really strange, but one of natures' coincidences, said senior engineer Hallgeir Elvehøy in Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate to NRK".

Hmmm, maybe it was caused by this draining, maybe it released pressure or disturbed something, the sizes of the holes are similar. In Russia, witnesses reported seeing a flash of light. said:
The second Yamal crater is about 15 meters wide and has a small icy lake at the bottom. Unlike the original crater, there were witnesses when this was formed on September 27, 2013, although there is some discrepancy about what happened. Some local residents claim the ground began smoking and then a huge flash of light appeared, while others believe it was caused by a meteorite.
Yeah, it seems like it could be related to the Yamal 'explodey-holes', aka pingos:
Thanks Hithere for translating it into English and posting it.

I too doubt it is a meteor and more like the Yamal holes that Itellsya linked to. Also wouldn't one expect a meteor to come with a trajectory and thus not leave a straight cylindrical hole? The hole looks like it is a straight cylindrical shape.
Hithere said:
"Discovered giant hole in the glacier: - Never seen anything like it
During a training came the crew at 330 Squadron in Bodo came across a mysterious giant hole in Blåmannsisen. - I've never seen anything like this, says the commander.
Sinkholes in Blåmannsisen
The crew 330 Squadron came across this massive hole during a training over Blåmannsisen.

It was during a training of internal Salten Monday this week that the crew aboard the Sea King helicopter suddenly came across a giant hole in the glacier Blåmannsisen.

Breen is Norway's fifth largest hotel in Fauske and Sørfold municipality in Nordland.


That's amazing! Thanks for translating and Posting that incredible story, Hithere!

330 Squadron discovered a large hole in the glacier Blåmannsisen in Nordland when they flew over the area as a part of a military excercise trip.

Big melt holes discovered in Blåmannsisen

Posted By: Natanael Waage 16. October 2016

– It is not normal that they are so big. The ones forming during the summer, are usually between 20 and 30 centimeters in width, Atle Nesje, a professor at the Geological Institute of the University of Bergen, says to TV 2.

Kjetil Wiik at 330 Squadron says this hole seemed to be between 15 and 20 meters in diameter, and went very far down the ice.

Nesje thinks the hole is a melt hole formed when the melt water has been present on the surface of glacier. This is relatively common in Norwegian glaciers.

– Due to the pressure it has melted itself down into glacier. When a hole appears in the glacier, it has emptied itself of the water, Nesje says, and informs that the water usually works its way through the ice until it reaches the bottom.

– It could be anything from a few tens of meters to 100 meters down. It depends on how thick the ice is at that point, says Nesje.

330 Squadron discovered the hole when they flew over Blåmannsisen Monday. This glacier is the fifth largest in Norway’s and is in the municipality of Fauske and Sørfold.

Photo Galley: Same as Hithere - Posted.
Now up on SOTT:
I also think that it is not a meteorite hole. It looks more like those holes in Russia, mentioned before. Like hot air jet was blown from inside, a methane or whatever gas , and it made a hole in the ice. If it was some kind of explosion, them probably the edge of that hole would be not so straight and sharp.

I dont know, Just my opinion.

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