Large wandering iceberg

That's one HUGE ice berg, sort of gives a new meaning to the phrase " just the tip of the ice berg.
It's not alone, according to AFP article: (_

More than 100, and possibly hundreds, of Antarctic icebergs are floating towards New Zealand in a rare event which has prompted a shipping warning, officials said on Monday.

Of course it's a consequence of global warming.

Young earlier told AFP he expected to see more icebergs in the area if the Earth's temperature continues to increase.

"If the current trends in global warming were to continue I would anticipate seeing more icebergs and the large ice shelves breaking up," he said.

How come for iceberg or to be more precise "possibly hundreds" of them, to go so far north when world is getting warmer!? Shouldn't they melt before reaching so far??? :huh:

And shouldn't be near Summer in those latitudes?

I guess I'm too dense for figuring this out, thank God there are all sorts of government agencies to do thinking instead of me!
I guess I'm too dense for figuring this out, thank God there are all sorts of government agencies to do thinking instead of me!
Sorry to say this but that's the kind of thinking that the PTB want us to have so they can control us more
Well, they haven't reached NZ yet, I can confirm that. Can't say its summer yet either as the wind is still bit chilly than usual. I am all ears for whatever spin the NZ metservice dept puts on it!

Sid said:
Well, they haven't reached NZ yet, I can confirm that. Can't say its summer yet either as the wind is still bit chilly than usual.

Funny, on my side of the globe (continental SE Europe) should be more colder, but we are getting +15 C day max., with lots of Sun.

mkrnhr said:
I think Regulattor was just ironic :)

Ironic to the bones! :cool:
anothermagyar said:
Oooops...! :-[
Even i live 7 years in the States, even I speak tolerable English, I do misunderstand things.
Sorry! :rolleyes: :-[

I'm wrestling with English, so I did reread my post few times after your reply, checking it for language errors. :lol:
Regulattor said:
Sid said:
Well, they haven't reached NZ yet, I can confirm that. Can't say its summer yet either as the wind is still bit chilly than usual.

Funny, on my side of the globe (continental SE Europe) should be more colder, but we are getting +15 C day max., with lots of Sun.

I think we will know for sure in another month or so. Right now, its at sort of equilibrium on both hemispheres. One thing for sure that it got pretty cold this winter here but I also noticed that the much touted British summer never arrived. Someone even joked on a news website comparing temperature below absolute zero to a beach in an average British summer. lol

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