Lawful Rebellion


Padawan Learner
This may have to be placed in the disinfo area as I'm not sure if this is on the up-and-up. I recently stumbled upon a website run by a man named John Harris. The site discusses what is taking place in the UK and how the government(s) have been infiltrated by corporate goons. The videos describe how to beat these goons at their own game PEACEFULLY. Mr. Harris IMO may be just a UK version of Alex Jones but I'm not sure as the videos sure seem to reflect what is going on in the UK and US as well. Your honest opinions are greatly appreciated!
Hi Michael, We recently published this on SOTT

This is the first time I've seen John Harris but he does seem sincere and genuine in his efforts and far removed from Alex Jones in his agenda. Based on looking at his site and his presentation I see no evidence (at the moment) of third party interference for disinformation. He looks more like he has had a tough life and on a personal mission to stand up to the increasing Police state society. He does end with announcing his mission to get his 'person' destroyed by having his birth certificate destroyed. Under the current system we have one can imagine the difficulties he will encounter with his approach. It would be contrary to a strategic enclosure approach that we would advocate. However, he does seem to be doing a good job of spreading awareness and making people think about the illusions they are living.

What is it that makes you think it is disinfo? and what comparisons do you see to Alex Jones?
What is it that makes you think it is disinfo? and what comparisons do you see to Alex Jones?

Hello Pob,

I wasn't sure if he was just another disinformation agent like Jones as they both seem to be spreading the same type of Illuminati information and the similarities between what is going on here in the US and UK are pretty close. Thanks for your two-cents worth, it's greatly appreciated.

BTW, thank you for mentioning the "strategic enclosure" approach. I missed that discussion and will follow it at the following threads.
Michael said:
I wasn't sure if he was just another disinformation agent like Jones as they both seem to be spreading the same type of Illuminati information and the similarities between what is going on here in the US and UK are pretty close. Thanks for your two-cents worth, it's greatly appreciated.

Hi Michael, I agree with your suspicions. After watching the film Kymatica, Kymatica and looking at the related links John Harris seems to be part of a UK based AlexJones 'franchise'. If you watch the film you'll see an uncanny similarity to the legal PERSON discussion.
John Harris isn't the only one to call for a rebellion in the UK.

Reclaiming Our Sovereignty
Once again, we have reached a crossroads in our history. We are confronted with an enemy that would destroy our nation and its people. We have some hard decisions to make - each of us, individually. Are you prepared to make them?

The British Constitution Group’s call for Lawful Rebellion now moves up a notch and our campaign ‘Wanted – 1 million rebellious Britons’ has commenced, to be formally declared at our conference in London on the 13th June.

If you share our ambition to take back control of our country, then we need your commitment and attendance at this conference, at which we will outline our strategy to build our campaign into a force to be reckoned with.

There is a national mood for rebellion shared by patriots the length and breadth of the country. This must be harnessed under a single campaign with carefully defined objectives in order to win the war to claim back our sovereign right to govern ourselves.

Make no mistake about it, this is a war.

Fought by our enemies (within this country) with the weapons of lies, deceit, subterfuge and betrayal, their aim is to destroy the prinicple of the nation state, and replace it with regionalised global dictatorship. In order to win, we must be prepared to tell the truth about our plight to fellow Britons, the majority of whom exist in an awareness vacuum or a state of abstract denial.

We cannot go to war without an army and ‘Wanted – 1 million rebellious Britons’ is the foundation to building that army. We know that millions of our fellow countrymen and women share our views but most have been rendered impotent, convinced that there is nothing that we (the majority) can do to challenge the authority of a duplicitous minority.

Our task is to cajole, encourage, persuade, prod, push and insist that the nation rally to our cause and sign up to lawful rebellion as the only means by which we can now take back control of our country.

An honest majority can impose their will, peacefully and lawfully, on the dishonest minority - if they have the collective will to do so. It is our challenge, indeed our duty, to rally the nation around this cause.

We need ordinary Britons in their masses to unite behind our campaign. We need to invoke our Constitution, restate our right to govern ourselves and educate a dumbed-down populous to the reality of their virtual enslavement - a harsh fact that few will recognise or are prepared to accept as true despite overwhelming evidence.

We are over-regulated, over-taxed, spied on, burdened by bureaucracy and political correctness, to the extent that we are even told the words and phrases that we can and cannot utter. Thieves, muggers and drug dealers escape with meaningless cautions, whilst the law abiding majority are fined and harassed by a militia-like officialdom who themselves take orders from compliant and controlled strata of middle managers with an inflated sense of self-importance, hand-picked for their enthusiasm for social engineering and their busy-body mentality.

These people must be challenged; made to realise that they are working to an agenda of destruction, in which moral values are abandoned, families devalued and society fragmented and manipulated. Whilst we are all caught up and distracted in the chaos so inflicted, the way is clear for the power elites to build their edifice from which they can look down and control us.

Each one of us should know and take heart that we are pushing back the tide of deceit. The elite’s plans are exposed - never before has the collective political establishment (the puppets of the elite) been so despised and distrusted.

We know our enemies’ strengths and we know they are enormously powerful, but we also know their weaknesses. We know that ultimately our power once harnessed is much greater than theirs. Our power so harnessed is their greatest fear.

Our power comes from our numbers and our ability to funnel these into a single campaign with the objective of taking back control. Our ability to harness this power comes from our preparedness to tell the truth about our predicament, to alert the wider public and fire their passion for freedom and true democracy. They know they are being conned by a dishonest and self-serving elite, they just need to know that there is a way in which they can be empowered. We must offer the direction and inspiration for others to follow. It is up to YOU to carry that message to the wider audience.

Do you have the courage to do so?

If you are willing to play a part in reclaiming our national sovereignty then you will need to grasp the truth of the situation, which is that the three main political parties are controlled by a global elite… whose agenda will not be disrupted one iota by elections, no matter who wins. The Brown, Cameron, Clegg show is just that… a play in which the actors create an illusion that they are in charge, but in reality it is the directors behind the scenes, hidden from our view, who are firmly in control and who will not be revealed to us until the final curtain falls – by which time it will be too late.

We are calling for our Constitution to be reinstated and our laws to be upheld, but even these are useless in the face of tyranny and oppression – ultimately they require the people to stand up and defend them.

Sign up to our pledge today.

Become a First Point of Contact.

Set up your local group.

Organise your local community.

Do it.

Do it today.

Help us turn this tide.

We the British people have a right to govern ourselves, but that right can only be enforced by the people themselves.

The British Constitution Group

This post is tagged British Constitution Group, Lawful Rebellion, Sovereignty
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The British Constitution Group


And, yes, everything this article describes could be applied to the state of things in the US, also.

The website is run by a man called Roger Hayes: _ Click on 'WANTED: One Million Rebellious Britons'.

The Comments are most interesting; several of them point out that this organisation will already have been 'infiltrated' by 'enemy agents', 'Fifth columnists' 'agents provocateurs' - call them what you will; it is sure to be true.

The key words to my mind are 'peaceful rebellion' - seems a bit of an oxymoron to me; 'civil disobedience' would work better, but it probably wouldn't be as effective.

There's always a possibility that John Harris is exactly what he professes to be. I wouldn't dismiss him as a disinfo agent until I've really gone through his website. He might be, but he might not be. For sure, the Brits are very p*ssed off with the unelected Gordon and his bunch of crooks, for a variety of reasons. And many of them are very aware that this corruption and dishonesty has permeated through ALL the main parties. It's inevitable that these 'lawful rebellion' organisations seem to be gaining momentum, osit, with various people (for various reasons!) wanting to tap into and utilise this discontent.

I can only wish them luck in their endeavor - I hope they do succeed in bringing down this ghastly NuLabour fascist government!
Pob said:
This is the first time I've seen John Harris but he does seem sincere and genuine in his efforts and far removed from Alex Jones in his agenda. Based on looking at his site and his presentation I see no evidence (at the moment) of third party interference for disinformation. He looks more like he has had a tough life and on a personal mission to stand up to the increasing Police state society. He does end with announcing his mission to get his 'person' destroyed by having his birth certificate destroyed. Under the current system we have one can imagine the difficulties he will encounter with his approach. It would be contrary to a strategic enclosure approach that we would advocate. However, he does seem to be doing a good job of spreading awareness and making people think about the illusions they are living.

I have only watched the talks shown on youtube under the title "It's an illusion" (_ and I got a similar impression to what Pob says, quoted above. I didn't get the impression that he is consciously spreading disinformation anyway. I thought the issues he raised were worth thinking about, although I would have thought that many people are already aware of this or similar. I got the impression that John Harris really believes knowing this information will make a difference on an individual and wider level. Maybe I'm too cynical but I really don't. It seems to me that it doesn't matter what the rules are to the PTB. They make them, break them, bend them, do whatever they want with them anyway. I just cannot imagine them respecting the difference between "lawful" and "legal".

For anyone interested in police state Britain, the documentary or book "Taking Liberties" gives quite a good backround. It was made a couple of years ago, I think. The book and film document the erosion of civil liberties in Britain and point out the dangers of the new police powers and proposed database systems.

Some facts you may not be aware of are that between May 1997 and August 2006, the government created 3023 new offences.

Britain has 20% of the world's surveillance cameras, approximately 4.2 million CCTV cameras.

Since 1997 New Labour has spent £70 billion on management consultants and new IT systems

The proposed ID cards and accompanying NIR are estimated by govt sources to cost £5.8 billion. A separate study estimated up to £19 billion. This will be coming from taxpayers money. The new database systems are planned to include sensitive personal information that may well be sold to third parties.

Pob said:
Under the current system we have one can imagine the difficulties he will encounter with his approach.

This is a point that I contemplate. When thinking about these issues, it is obviously much easier to opt out in theory than practice. Imagining, for example, a loved one in need of help in another country, resistance to getting an ID might become minimal or nil.

Pob said:
It would be contrary to a strategic enclosure approach that we would advocate

I think about this a lot! And particularly since discovering this forum and site! And I have to say I get quite confused because there is a strong urge to rebel even if in theory I know it is neither wise nor appropriate. I also keep thinking about the words often brought up here and in The Wave about everything being perfect AS IT IS, which is difficult. And in terms of rebellion, I keep thinking of "One flew over the cuckoo's nest", where "Chief" plays dumb and goes along with all, patiently waiting for the right moment to take action and escape. Can we use this oppression to sharpen our minds and actions? Sometimes I also think about all the lies and wonder whether it could be good for increasing discernment, for honing us to become wiser.
Interesting couple of video's relevant to this topic on 'lawful rebellion' and similarities with Alex Jones.

The first is the arrest, billed as 'unlawful arrest' of the man who was the in the John Harris video discussed in this thread - Darren Pollard

Darren Pollard arrested 11th July 2009 _

He seems to fall into the useful idiot category, his groupies joke about the prospect of themselves being arrested the following week if they turn up with megaphones while his 10 year old son is distraught at witnessing his Dad being lead away. - It is pretty disturbing that his Father is subjecting his son to the inevitable action by the Police. - Who actually did a very polished job of presenting their case. - They must be undergoing specific training to handle this type of activism.

The next is Alex Jones taking over a peaceful protest with his ego, being rude to a silent female videographer. Most of the images are of the pavement and peoples legs but the audio of the original organisers says it all.

Alex Jones Turns Peaceful Gun Rights Demonstration Into CHAOS _

As one commenter says, it does appear that Jone's actions are deliberate and well orchestrated to discredit legitimate protest.
Pob said:
Hi Michael, We recently published this on SOTT

Can anyone tell me what happened to this article. It came back as not found. I searched and only found this one

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