Legalizing the Fukushima Cover-Up


A Disturbance in the Force
Hi, I just got this, pasting as received:

*Japan Is Fast Becoming Another USA-mastered Fascist State*
*- Nuclear Disaster in Japan Affects the Planet
- New Hitler Olympiad in the Making*
*- Impoverished USA threatens China*

*Japanese (And American) Governments Go to Extreme Lengths to Cover Up
Fukushima and Other Disasters*
November 30,

*Japan and the U.S. are doing **everything they can to cover up
danger of the Fukushima crisis.*

The Daily Beast notes

The Japanese government, which already has a long history of
cover-ups and opaqueness, is on its way to becoming even less open
and transparent after the lower house the Diet, Japan’s parliament,
passed the Designated Secrets Bill on Tuesday. With new powers to
classify nearly anything as a state secret and harsh punishments for
leakers that can easily be used to intimidate whistleblowers and
stifle press freedom, many in Japan worry that the if the bill
becomes law it will be only the first step towards even more severe
erosions of freedom in the country.


Even politicians inside the ruling bloc are saying, “It can’t be
denied that another purpose is to muzzle the press, shut up
whistleblowers, and *ensure that the nuclear disaster at Fukushima
ceases to be an embarrassment before the Olympics*.”


The new law would enact harsher punishment to leakers and ominously
would allow journalists who obtained information by “inappropriate
means” and whistleblowers to be jailed for up to ten years. The law
would also allow the police to raid the offices of media
organizations and seize evidence at their discretion.


The bill has *even grants no longer existent agencies the power to
classify secrets*.


Despite the bill’s enlargement of the state’s power over
information, it contains *no oversight* process to act as a check on
ministries and government agencies designating large amounts of
information as ‘secret’ for capricious or self-interested reasons.


Masako Mori, the Minister of Justice, has declared that *nuclear
related information will most likely be a designated secret*. For
the Abe administration this would be fantastic way to deal with the
issue of tons of radiated water leaking from the Fukushima Daichi
Nuclear Power Plant since the triple meltdown in March of 2011.
*There seems to be no end to stopping the toxic waste leaks there
but the new legislation would allow the administration to plug the
information leaks* permanently.


Mizuho Fukushima, *former leader of the Social Democratic Party*,
compared the bill to the pre-World War II Peace Maintenance
Preservation Laws and other Secrecy laws at the time, remarking that
there was a time in police-state Japan when the weather reports
could be considered “secret.”

““Once you open the door to such kind of laws, the government will
have the right to designate anything as a state secret and by
speaking about it or mentioning it, you can be arrested and
prosecuted.” Ms. Fukushima explained, “Especially during war time,
it was very difficult for defendants and lawyers to fight their
court cases, because they were not told what exactly what was the
state secret that they had been accused of having revealed.”

Outspoken Upper House Councilor Taro Yamamoto, who is known to be a
strong supporter of investigative journalism, minces no words: “*The
path that Japan is taking is the recreation of a fascist state*. I
strongly believe that this secrecy bill represents a planned *coup
d’état by a group of politicians and bureaucrats*,” he warned.

While his statement may seem alarmist, even *a senior official of
the National Police Agency agrees. “I would say this is Abe’s
attempt to make sure that his own shady issues aren’t brought to
light, and a misuse of legislative power*.


The Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association, the Civil
Broadcasters Federation, and most major news organizations in
Japan’s have expressed staunch opposition to the bill.


*Japan is about to take a giant step back into its oppressive past*.
When one also considers Prime Minister Abe’s stated *ambition to
restart Japan’s nuclear power plants and remove Article 9 from the
constitution, the article which prevents Japan from waging war*, it
seems like the Empire of The Sun may be moving towards darker times.

Indeed, Ex-SKF notes
that :

A citizen was forcibly removed from the balcony in the Diet where he
was observing the debate of the State Secrecy Protection Law in the
Lower House on November 26, 2013, as he shouted his opposition to
the passage of the law. *His mouth was stuffed with cloth so that he
couldn’t shout any more while being removed by several guards
against his will*.

(From Tokyo Shinbun, 11/26/2013, via this tweet


*What’s even scarier to me than the man being forcibly removed by
the guards is people sitting near him*. They just sit there as if
nothing is happening. They are not even looking; the one in the same
row even *looks away*.

It’s not just Fukushima … and It’s not Just Japan

It’s not just Fukushima …

Governments have been covering up nuclear meltdowns for 50 years

There has been a cover-up by the American government
ever since the Fukushima earthquake. The American
(and Canadian
authorities virtually stopped monitoring airborn radiation, and are not
testing fish
for radiation.

The U.S. government /increased/ allowable radiation levels so that we
could be exposed to radiation
Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says <> that
high-level friends in the State Department told him that Hillary Clinton
signed a pact with her counterpart in Japan agreeing that the U.S. will
continue buying seafood from Japan, despite that food not being tested
for radioactive materials.

The American government /controls/ Japanese nuclear policy
And the Japanese would never have proposed such a draconian bill without
U.S. backing. Indeed, the U.S. Charge d’Affairs Kurt Tong said
of the Japanese bill:

It’s a positive step that would make Japan a “more effective
alliance partner.”

Earlier this year, the acting EPA director signed
a revised version of the EPA’s Protective Action Guide for radiological
incidents, which /radically relaxed the safety guidelines agencies
follow in the wake of a nuclear-reactor meltdown or other unexpected
release of radiation/. EPA whistleblowers called it
“a public health policy only Dr. Strangelove could embrace.”

Whistleblowers at American nuclear facilities (like all other types
of whistleblowers) have also been mercilessly harassed.

It’s not just nuclear accidents … it’s /everything/.

The American government repeatedly covers up how bad things are, uses
claims of national security to keep everything in the dark, and changes
basic rules and definitions to allow the game to continue. See this
and this

When BP – through criminal negligence
– blew out the Deepwater Horizon oil well, the government helped cover
it up
(and here
<>). As just
one example, the government approved the massive use of a highly-toxic
dispersant to /temporarily/ hide the oil

The government also changed the testing standards for seafood
<> to
pretend that higher levels of toxic PAHs
in our food was business-as-usual.

The government covers up the disgusting and unhealthy nature
much industrially-produced food.

The government’s response to the outbreak of mad cow disease was simple:
it stopped testing for mad cow
<>, and prevented cattle
ranchers and meat processors from voluntarily testing
their own cows (and see this
and this

The EPA just raised the allowable amount of a dangerous pesticide
<> by 3,000%
<> …
pretending that it won’t have adverse health effects.

In response to new studies showing the substantial dangers of
genetically modified foods, the government passed legislation more or
less pushing it onto our plates

The Centers for Disease Control – the lead agency tasked with addressing
disease in America – covered up
lead poisoning in children in the Washington, D.C. area.

The former head of the National Mine Health and Safety Academy says
the government whitewashed the severity of the Tennessee coal ash accident.

And after drug companies were busted for using fraudulent data for drug
approval, the FDA allowed the potentially dangerous drugs to stay on the

Indeed, the cynical might say that the main function of government these
days is to throw money at giant corporations and to cover up for them
when their misdeeds are revealed

And the American government is censoring reporters at least as much as

Japanese Senator: “The Path That Japan Is Taking Is The Recreation Of A
Fascist State”
was *_originally published_* on Washington's Blog

Source: Washington's Blog
and Blacklisted News


* Video: Our Petition for Global Intervention at Fukushima
*This man wants you to know the truth about Fukushima*
*Harvey Wassermann* (Changemaker) *VIDEO:

*Level-headed Assessment of Nuclear Dangers*
*Level-headed Advice for those Exposed to Nuclear Radiation*


- nor an imperialist Princess
so: Let us revoke the 2020 Olympiad allocation from Japan
*"SEND" *YOUR demand to the Olympic Committee! using the following
* and*
*- kindly BCC your mail to: ECOP MARINE <marine[@]>*

*Fukushima: The most Dangerous Moment*

SIGN ON: *The World Community Must Take Charge at Fukushima*
While the World Watches the Iran Talks, Japan and China Move Closer to
By Chris Carrington

*Since SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 -
and understand what these perverts are up to at THE COVE
and with even a larger overkill at Moriura Bay in northwestern Taiji:
*Swim with Dolphins, Then Eat Them

*- tweak your BUYCOTT <> app to shun all Japanese
goods and services !*
Hi zek and welcome to the forum.

Thanks for sharing this important information with us. :thup:

As you are new around here I would like to point out to you that it is customary for all of us to first do a search around the forum to see whether some topic or subject is already covered. You can use the search function on top of each page for those searches.

The preferred way of doing things around here is to place your contributions into existing threads in stead of creating new ones every time you find something interesting to share.

Have a look here to understand better: Fragmentation of sources

Hope this helps a bit. ;)
Hello Zek, welcome to the forum. :)

Thank you also for the information and links.

Perhaps a mod can shift this to one of the main Fukushima threads, although there are clearly some other aspects with this information, yet it seems to fit that event.
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