The clip is almost painful to watch.
Lenni Brenner, author of "51 Documents: Zionist Collaborations with the Nazis", reduces left-wing gatekeeper Harold Channer into a blathering nincompoop by simply laying out the history of American and Zionist imperialism.
When Brenner pointed out Obama's criminal hypocrisy, Channer could only say Brenner was "parochial" and that "facts aren't relevant".
Yet another person caught in Obama's spell.
Lenni Brenner, author of "51 Documents: Zionist Collaborations with the Nazis", reduces left-wing gatekeeper Harold Channer into a blathering nincompoop by simply laying out the history of American and Zionist imperialism.
When Brenner pointed out Obama's criminal hypocrisy, Channer could only say Brenner was "parochial" and that "facts aren't relevant".
i) Blocking out conclusions: “We speak of blocking out conclusions if the inferential process was proper in principle … but becomes stymied by a preceding directive from the subconscious which considers [the conclusion] inexpedient or disturbing.” (Lobaczewski, 152)
Yet another person caught in Obama's spell.