Light-activated Compound Silences Nerves



Light-activated Compound Silences Nerves, May One Day Help Epileptics

Science Daily — Brain activity has been compared to a light bulb turning on in the head. Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have reversed this notion, creating a drug that stops brain activity when a light shines on it.

The unexpected result, reported online in Nature Neuroscience, turned several lights on in researchers' heads.

"This is daydreaming at this point, but we might one day combine this drug with a small implanted light to stop seizures," says senior author Steven Mennerick, Ph.D. associate professor of psychiatry and of anatomy and neurobiology. "Some current experimental epilepsy treatments involve the implanting of an electrode, so why not a light?"

The new compound activates the same receptor used by many anesthetics and tranquilizers, making it harder for a brain cell to respond to stimulation. Mennerick and colleagues including lead author Larry Eisenman, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor of neurology, tested the drug on cells in culture set up to behave like they were involved in a seizure, with the cells rapidly and repeatedly firing. When they added the new drug and shone a light on the cells, the seizure-like firing pattern calmed.

If the drug is adapted for epilepsy, Mennerick notes, it is most likely to help in cases where seizures consistently originate from the same brain region. Theoretically, doctors could keep a patient on regular doses of the new drug and implant a small fiber optic light in the dysfunctional region. The light would activate the drug only when seizure-like firing patterns started to appear.

Scientists in the laboratory of Douglas F. Covey, Ph.D., professor of molecular biology and pharmacology, created the drug by linking a steroid known to have anesthetic effects with a molecule, known as NBD, that fluoresces in response to blue light. Mennerick and colleagues were hoping to use the new compound, which they call the NBD-steroid, to trace the steroid's path in the nervous system.

To their initial disappointment, the researchers found that adding the fluorescent tag to the steroid had disabled it.

"Normally, the steroid keeps the cell quiet in the face of stimuli that would otherwise cause it to fire," Mennerick says. "That's why drugs like barbiturates and Valium, which act on the same receptor as the steroid, are sedatives--they quiet the nerve system down."

When dosed with NBD-steroid, nerve cells still responded to stimuli as readily as they had prior to exposure. Just to see where the modified steroid was going, though, researchers exposed the cells to light.

"All of a sudden, the response to the steroid was back, and the nerve cells were more reluctant to react to stimuli," Mennerick says. "And we knew we had found something very interesting."

To confirm what was happening, scientists dosed two of a nerve cell's many different branches with NBD-steroid. When they shone a light on one of the branches, its readiness to respond decreased, while the readiness of the branch not exposed to light remained the same.

Department of Anesthesiology colleagues tested the compound's effects on tadpoles.

"Tadpoles rapidly take up drugs through their skin, so they're frequently used to test potential anesthetics," Mennerick notes. "And of course, given that it's a photoactive drug, they make a nice test subject because they're mostly translucent."

Tadpoles swimming in a solution of NBD-steroid went to sleep at the bottom of their beaker when exposed to light.

Mennerick and his colleagues are currently seeking to identify or create an animal model of epilepsy that lets them test the NBD-steroid's potential as a therapeutic.

They are also looking for a new fluorescent tag that responds to longer wavelengths of light. Unlike many photoactive compounds, the NBD-steroid responds not to ultraviolet light but to light from the blue region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This helps because the longer wavelengths of blue light penetrate farther into tissue than ultraviolet light and are less damaging to it. Molecules that fluoresce in response to even longer wavelengths of light are available, and scientists are testing whether any of them can create the same effect when bound to the steroid.

Reference: Eisenman LN, Shu H-J, Akk G, Wang C, Manion BD, Kress GJ, Evers AS, Steinbach JH, Covey DF, Zorumski CF, Mennerick S. Anticonvulsant and anesthetic effects of a fluorescent neurosteroid analog activated by visible light. Nature Neuroscience, Feb. 25, 2007.

Funding from the Bantly Foundation and the National Institutes of Health supported this research.

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by Washington University School of Medicine.
The next thing researchers may be able to find, but probably will not publish, is that nicotine neutralizes the light action :)
Hi there -

I'm not exactly new around here, but I've just now finally gotten myself registered. I've read The Wave series and much of the available material here at SOTT as well as many of the other sites recommended or linked to Signs.

I hate to start out my first post sounding like an idiot, but on this topic I'm afraid I'm not thinking clearly because my own problems with these issues are in the forefront of my mind right now and blocking my view.

I'm not epileptic, but since I was 19 I've had extreme migraines brought on mostly by light. These are the types of migraines that first effect my eyes; I basically lose vision, then if gone unchecked they can send me into a darkened room for days. I'm now 33 and the problem is much much worse. I love nothing more than a sunny day with light streaming in the windows, but that same light means a dull throb in my head all day, and often I wear sunglasses inside to dampen the sun's effects. The television, movie theaters, driving can be a problem - strobe lights are absolutely out of the question. If forced to submit to a strobe light I probably would go into seizures - even in the car, if an emergency vehicle approaches, either I cover my eyes with something thick enough to block it out or I turn the car around and go home to a dark room. Even my computer screen gives me discomfort. I'm usually able to keep the migraines in control with ibuprophen, but on a few occasions I have been physically ill, way beyond headaches, even in the hospital.

This whole issue was just brought to the forefront in my mind a few days ago as I read the warnings that came with a handheld video game belonging to my neice. The fact that an entire booklet of warnings came with it was enough to trigger the alarm, but the first warning on the page blew my mind:
"Warning - Seizures
Some people (about 1 in 4000) {and if you believe that number I've got some land in Florida...} may have seizures or blackouts triggered by light flashes or patterns, such as while watching TV or playing video games, even if they have never had seizures before....."
A list of symptoms to watch for accompanies: "Convulsions, Altered Vision, Eye or muscle twitching, Involuntary movements, Loss of awareness, Disorientation."

There's more, but you get the gist. After seeing this warning, I realized how similar the description is to my reality. I watch very little tv if ever, I don't play video games, but I do spend time on the computer. I did occasionally play video games as a youth (Pong and Atari thank you very much), but nothing like these modern children. I've been more conscious of the problem and giving it more thought ever since.

I've been a smoker since I was a teenager. I quit for a couple of years a while back, and during that time I don't remember any change in my eyes or sensitivity to light, but I did develop a very serious case of vertigo while a non-smoker. The vertigo is much better than it was, but I still have the occasional flare-up. Around the time the migraines began I first started using birth control pills and also started smoking with more regularity. I have no idea if there's any connection there, but I was taken off of the pill a couple of years ago, the doctor saying that I was at high risk for stroke because of my specific type of migraines.

As I mentioned, I've read The Wave series and I took notes on the links to memory and nicotine. My intent was to research the topic further on my own time, but I've been working my way through stacks of books and haven't gotten to it yet. I have browsed the forums on the subject but I haven't found any mention of my specific neuro issues. A lot of unusual things have been happening in my world lately, heightened dreams, dream states while awake, altered states of consciousness, etc, that I've been working to understand. I find myself wondering if my various neurological issues are in any way related to these unusual states of mine. While in a deep state of personal questing this subject has come up a couple of times now in just a few days, and over a couple of years of very traumatic transformation, my sensitivity seems to have worsened.

This is a daily problem for me - I can feel a strain across my forhead as I type this, and I'll have to take a break from the screen and the sunny living room I sit in soon. I believe I understand the nicotine issue as far as it's moderate uses, benefits and possible ill health effects. Even though the official line indicates that smoking my increase my risk of stroke, perhaps that's not the case at all. What interested me more is simply the relation to light and the brain, and if it has any deeper consequences or meanings outside of modern medicine. I read in the transcripts the references to strobe lights as a means of control. Is there a bigger picture that I'm missing? If this type of light triggers such a physically violent response in me, what does that indicate? In all honesty I feel like I'm asking a stupid question; that the answer is right in front of me and I just can't see it. If that's the case, forgive me, but it's a question I apparently need to ask.

Thank you for your time.
Sounds to me like the headaches I used to have. After going through about four or five doctors, none of whom helped me, I finally was prescribed Anaprox - Naproxen Sodium - and it worked like a charm. This was back before it was approved for over the counter sale, in a weaker dose, as "Aleve."

So, four of them would be the equivalent of what the doctor gave me. And I was to start taking them 3 or 4 days before my monthly cycle began even if I did not have a headache. The doctor said that the headaches were probably related to hormone fluctuations.

Anyway, I'm sensitive to light also.
I used to do the same thing but with Ibuprofen until I got a full prescription - 4 over the counter equals the full 800mg dose. I've been told to try Naproxen, Excedrin Migraine, and even offered prescriptions, but when I do take something it's usually the last minute abort type dose, and experimenting is a terrifying prospect. The few times I've gone too long and not taken something in time I've ended up either sick for days or in the hospital.

I really should be more proactive as you mentioned and just take it. I never would have considered that a couple of years ago because it was so much more sporadic and I loathe taking medication. What seems to be happening now is a less dramatic but more constant problem with the eyes and light, constant strain and an ache across the front of my head that lasts all day (when the sun goes behind the clouds or I enter a dark room it's like my head says 'ahhhh') but it doesn't escalate into full-on blindness and migraine-mode all the time. It does affect my day however, and my progress. Reading sometimes becomes difficult, especially anything on the computer, so I have to rest more often. It does lend itself to laying down in a dark room for a moment - forced exile has it's upsides.

It must be related to hormones and the more I think about it, it seems most likely the worsening of, or at least the change in, my migraines is related to my stopping the pill. The timing is right. Irony is alive and well.
On the same subject

Neuroscience: Controlling neural circuits with light

Michael Häusser1 & Spencer L. Smith1
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Two light-sensitive proteins from unicellular organisms have been harnessed to rapidly activate or silence neurons. This optical remote control allows precise, millisecond control of neural circuits.

The prospect of direct brain control has long been a dream of philosophers, science-fiction writers and dictators. Neuroscientists have also indulged in this dream, because observation alone is insufficient to find out how the brain works. Rather, it is necessary to manipulate specific sets of neurons, stimulating or silencing them, to determine their role in brain function. A powerful approach for controlling neural circuits is now described by Zhang and colleagues on page 633 of this issue1.

The ideal tool for manipulating the activity of neurons would allow targeting of genes in specific neurons, be innocuous in the absence of stimulation, be fully reversible, have a rapid onset and offset, allow bidirectional control, and act at a distance. Such a tool would allow the experimenter to effortlessly manipulate and replay natural patterns of activity in neural circuits.

The traditional approach for controlling neural circuits uses the trusty stimulation electrode, wielded by generations of distinguished neurophysiologists from Charles Sherrington to John Eccles to Bernard Katz. This device generates a local electric field that is highly effective at triggering action potentials in neurons — the wave of electrical depolarization, or 'spike', that ultimately activates the release of neurotransmitter at the synapses between neurons. Although the timing of electrode stimulation is very precise, its specificity and spatial control are poor because all neurons within range are activated. Furthermore, silencing neural activity is as necessary as stimulating it when deciphering brain function, as it is useful to functionally remove cells from a circuit, particularly those that exhibit substantial spontaneous activity. However, silencing is difficult to achieve using a stimulation electrode.

An alternative to electrical stimulation has been the use of chemical activation or inactivation of neurons, by directly applying excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Recently, 'photo-uncaging' of caged neurotransmitters has made this approach more sophisticated because the use of localized, patterned light yields higher spatial resolution. But the temporal and spatial resolution remains limited by the properties of the cage and the diffusion of neurotransmitter, and specificity cannot be guaranteed. Refinements of this approach, such as two-photon uncaging2 or restricting receptors for caged neurotransmitters to specific neurons3, have provided improvements. Furthermore, new genetic tools for silencing neurons4, 5, 6 and specific neural connections7 have helped to address the specificity problem, but at the expense of temporal resolution.

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