Okay, I tried it for SOTT. Here are the results:"Link Relevance" Suppressed on Alternative Media
As if it were not bad enough that we are censored by the main stream
media, now there's a new type of suppression being implemented upon
conspiracy related websites and alternative media sources.
It's called *Link Relevance Suppression*, and it's being used on most of
the alternative media websites to lower traffic being driven to them by
the popular search engine Google.
It's also being used in the opposite way to "Promote" Neo-Con supporting
websites by giving them double the "Link Relevance"
Let me explain how Google indexes sites that go into the search cue when
someone types in certain keywords relating that site.
Google has many different criteria when it decides how close to the top
a website gets, but the main and most important one is Link Relevance.
It simply means in laymen's terms;
*The more sites that link to your site, the higher you go on the list.*
There is a simple way to check on Google how many other websites are
linking to your website. You go to Google and type in the word link:
before the web address, for example;
Now here is where the proof is that Google has implemented some kind of
script that is giving all the alternative media sites less that 1/4th of
the Link Relevance that they deserve.
If you go to Google and simply type in *www.yourwebsite.com* you will
find the *REAL* number of sites that have a link back to your website.
This does not mean that the sites are being added to the Link Relevance,
it only shows that they have the link on their website.
Want proof? Let's do some searches of various alternative media related
websites and see what we get.
Click the links to see results;
[copy and paste links into browser tab]
Now notice that the "Link Search" brings up *2,960* pages that are
linked back to *www.infowars.com*, but when you look at the actual
numbers of sites with links to *www.infowars.com* the real number is
How about;
You get *2,530* "Link Relevance", but the real number is *331,000*.
You get *2,840* "Link Relevance", but the real number is *111,000*.
You get *0* "Link Relevance", but the real number is *56*.
They are even doing it to popular alternative media sites like
You get *47,000* "Link Relevance", but the real number is *851,000*.
Now, let's turn the tables and do a link search on a popular Neo-Con
supporting website called Hotair.com, run by the Fox News Shill Michelle
You get *11,400* "Link Relevance", and the real number is *526*.
How about doing a search on Michelle Malkin's personal site.
You get *38,200* "Link Relevance", and the real number is *15,900*.
*Notice how the numbers are flipped?*
This should have *ANY* webmaster up in arms. Blatant censorship being
implemented to keep the alternative media down and promote the Neo-Con
Draconian agendas.
Did Google not think that somebody would figure this out eventually?
Did they not think that this very noticeable censorship would go
unchecked forever?
I urge *ALL* Webmasters, Alternative Media Users, and anybody who cares
about how sites are indexed on Google to contact them en mass and state
your dissatisfaction about suppressing "Link Relevance".
If Google gave sites like* Infowars.com* and *Prisonplanet.com* the
"Link Relevance" that they deserve, these alternative media sites would
be in direct competition with Main Stream Media sites that so dominate
the Internet as we know it today.
*Nothing like beating the competition by eliminating them, right Google?*
For: link:www.signs-of-the-times.org
Results 1 - 10 of about 730 linking to www.signs-of-the-times.org. (0.27 seconds)
For: www.signs-of-the-times.org
Results 1 - 10 of about 38,800 for www.signs-of-the-times.org
VERRRRRY Interesting.