Lion/Man Hybrid Dream

I had a rather odd dream last night of which I remember only a few scenes. In my dream, I was outside in a field. I was staring up at the sun, and then all of a sudden these beings appeared that had the heads of male lions, the bodies of men, and tails similar to a female lion. I don't recall having any direct contact with them, I was just there, watching them.

Now, I find it funny that I was staring at the sun when these things showed up because in the mystical and occult fields, lions have an association with the sun. The lion is also a symbol of domination, ferocity, aggression, and "strength."

Perhaps this dream was a warning to be mindful of people with such qualities. I also cannot help but think that these things were possibly representative of "extraterrestrials," being that they seemed to come from the sky and just sort of materialized in front of me in this dream. It's certainly something for me to think about.
The creatures in your dream look like complementary to the sphynxes (who are lions with human heads).
mkrnhr said:
The creatures in your dream look like complementary to the sphynxes (who are lions with human heads).

Hmm, good point. I didn't even make a possible Sphinx connection.

Just to see what I could find, I did a google search on sun and lion symbolism and found that the sun/lion motif has been used in middle eastern/eastern art since the days of ancient Mesopotamia. It definitely is an astrological depiction of the Sun in the house of Leo. It was also the coat of arms for Iran from 1423 to 1979. ->

Maybe the sun and lion combo is a kind of archetype from the collective unconscious.
Maybe they were comets in the sky? I read a report on the sun eating some sun grazer comets recently.
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