Lioness adopts baby antelope


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Extraordinary moment wounded lioness shows softer side by adopting baby antelope (perhaps she was feeling guilty after killing its mother)

Amazing scenes took place at national park in Uganda

Lioness eventually picked up the calf by the scruff of the neck and carried it off like one of her cubs


Confused emotions: The pitying lioness gently pats at the innocent child of her prey from moments earlier


Firm friends: She carries it off by the scruff of the neck, as with a cub, not by the front as she would a kill
Quite an incredible story, :jawdrop: more amazing photos at -
The pictures are really beautiful. What a lioness! She is gorgeous. You know, animals always surprise me. This extraordinary lioness, why is she adopting the little baby antelope? Who knows? We know so little about animals!

Thanks to share this beautiful story!
Perhaps she is thinking of a snack for later? Or, if she has cubs, target practice? =p

Who knows what is going on in her mind =) It is 'pleasant' to think she may be feeling nurturing towards her natural prey - but alternatively, I don't really think it's 'unpleasant' to also acknowledge that she may have discovered a way to preserve fresh lunch!
:) C's mentioned in the session from 7 Nov. 1994 about the telepathic communication cats are using and also other animals.
Could be that the antelope baby was screaming "mom, mom" and the lioness responded to it.,28375.msg353143.html#msg353143

A: You don't need conversation "with" when a higher telepathic level.

Q: (L) Dolphins and whales communicate telepathically?

A: Yes. So do dogs and cats and snakes etc. etc. only humans have learned the "superior" art of verbal communication.

Q: (L) But, at the same time, verbal communication can be quite limiting, is that correct?

A: That is the point.

Great pictures indeed!
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