Lislakh=iranohittite+north afrasian.


A Disturbance in the Force
2 yars ago, I first noted that some Arabic words ressemble French and English ones.
First I thought that they are loanwords from Arabic or the opposite but after some readings I realised that they are present in Semitic languages long before the atetstation of indo-european(=indohittite=iranohittite)languages so those similarities could simply be mere coincidence.
After further and deep readings of Arabc linguists such as ssabitt nili and abdulrahman burini I begun to think of possible connection between semitic and indo-european,although at first this looked very odd as aryans are normally blond and semites are brunes,but further readings of anthropology,history and linguistic books were sufficient that I change my mind.
Arab and Europa are both semite words which mean west and first used by Akkadians to name their western neighbors and the western continent(also asia=the name given by akkadians to anatolia and persia as asu=east in akkadian semitic)
Bengali who are ie are darker than arabs and haussa who are afrasan speakers are "blacks" so language=/=phenotype.
We have the reight to exist.
No one wonders if we will say that obama is an extra terrian,I suspect that the things people worry about is the ones who they know can be true.
Also remember Galileo Galile,prejudice is the enemy of science.
Also god is great and there is god.
Finally I must say that I found this forum accidentaly,when looking for nostratic.
Turkish soy=offspring,Tocharian soy=son=>this is a loan albeit.
As all humans descend from a single African human it should not be so odd to think that all languages in the earth are interconnected but more the temporal gap is big more this connection is lost.
Since iranohittite homeland is southern central Anatolia ie the refion of konya çatal höyük plain and the homeland of afrasian is palestine naufian plain and since ie's and afrasans arose after the discovery of agriclture in middle east and the consequent demographic explosion and gracilisation(appearance of the "white"man)....
Blondism is so present in scandinavia because mddle easterners colonisating north Europe have underwent a natural selection process as bears killed the easily detectable black haired men in a white snowy ground in the contrary ıof the easily camuflable fair haired humans.
You can find my post in the unilang forum,I have the nick neutral.
Here, what I wrote in another forum (albeit in French)
Le titre du livre "controverse" de Martin Bernal est justement "les racines afro-asiatiques de la civilisation classique[lire europeene]".
Vu que tous les humains descendent tous d'un seul individu apparu il y aurait 100 mille ans en Afrique,c'est normal que toutes les langues parlees de nos jours sont apprentees,cependant la similarite diminue plus que la date de ramification de ces langues est lointaine.
Quand des linguistes (juifs pour la plupart)ont etabli la famille linguistique indo-europeene,ils ne voyaient peut etre pas que cette theorie va etre mal utilisee par les ideologues Nazis et servir comme le leitmotiv des theses racistes qui ont culmine avec la monte du nationalisme et l'ethnicisme.

Voila d'abord quelques points essentiels:
1/les premiers linguistes Europeens ont travaille(et eu des progres et resultats clairs)sur la parente des langues semitiques et indo-europeenes,en effet le plus proche parent(lexicalement et morphologiquement)des langues indo-europeenes sont les langues semites-berberes-egyptiennes
Ces deux familles partagent exclusivement entre toutes les familles de langue du monde:
-apophonie(ablaut des linguistes germains)
-pronoms duels
-racine triconsonatiques (voir a 4 ou 5 consonnes)

2/Le lexique de ces deux langues est commun et est post-agricultural ce qui a pousse les archeologues(Renfrew,Ivanov,Gamkrelidze...)a identifier le homeland des langues irano-hittites avec les premiers sites d'agriculture au monde:
-Le site de çatal-höyük au sud de l'Anatolie centrale pour le homeland des langues irano-hittites
-Les sites natufiens au levant et obeidiens en Iraq pour la branche nord des langues afro-asiatiques(la branche sud ou homeland primaire serait le sud de l'Ethiopie).

3/Les racines construites irano-hittites ne peuvent etre compris qu'a travers les langues Afro-Asiatiques(hypothese macro-kushitique de Blench)

4/L'organisation sociale(societe patriarchales)et la mythologie commune des anciens peuples de langues irano-hittites et de langues afro-asiatiques.

5/Les etudes genetiques ont confirme ces hypotheses.

Apres la decouverte de l'affinite des langues semito-egypto-berberes avec celles africaines-sub sahariennes,et dans une periode characterisee par la montee du racisme et nazisme,les linguistes allemands ont essaye d'ignorer cette affinite linguistique entre les langues des "blancs" et langues des "noirs".

Je vais essayer d'inclure differentes racines indo-europeenes(ou irano-hittites*)/racines afro-asiatiques communes que j'ai pris de plusieurs livres(notamment volume 3 de black Athena de Bernal,dictionnaire nostratique de Dolgopolsky,Lislakh hypothese de Hodge...),j'ai poste ces racines dans un forum anglophone de langues et les forumistes la bas(apres discussions parfois penibles)semblent decouvrire des nouvelles choses(a cause peut etre des degats causes par les theses euro-centristes,"white-centrsites" et indo-europeene centristes).
Je ne sais pas pkoi mais des personnes (ideologisees??) semblent parfois gene par le fait que l'Anatolie est le homeland des langues indo-europeenes et que toutes les langues du monde sont apparentees.

*l'appelation oficielle actuelle est langues indo-hittites,cependant vu que les langues iraniennes sont (de loin)plus anciennes et plus diversifiees que les langues indiennes,l'appelation "langues irano-hittites" serait peut etre plus adequate.

La langue proto irano-hittite construite aurait 458 proto racines,cependant ce chiffre pourrait bien etre plus bas et j'ai resume les causes(que j'ai rassemble de divers livres&papiers de linguistiques et d'histoire que j'ai lu)en ces 14 points:

About the 458 supposed proto indo-european roots:
1/How could be same roots have such different meanings(for example exist 4 "pel" first "pel"=flour,second "pel"=gray,third "pel"=skin,fourth "pel"=flat)?

2/How could be synonims exist with different roots(such as skin which has at least 3 listed different proto ie roots)?

3/Many semantic shifts are very broad.

4/Many sound shifts look very unlikely.

5/Many supposed proto ie roots are anachronist(door,bourgh,fort...)and could not exist in the language of steppe hordes of the late neolithic.

6/Many supposed proto ie roots are most likely Semitic loans(star,three,sun,six,seven,eight,home,tree,fie ld,pilaku,barley,field,snow,door,corn,dher,goat,bu ck..... )

7/Many other roots are loans from Kartvelian,NW Caucasian,NE Caucasian,Altaic,Uralic&pre Indo-European languages of Europe(Vasconic,Pictish,Tartessian,Pelasgian).

8/Many supposed proto ie roots are shared eurasiatic and nostratic roots.

9/Many supoosed proto ie roots are supported by examples of very few Indo-European branches and sometimes by only 1 ie branche,or from only 1-2 branch with very unbelievable sound changes forgetting the innovation,loans and chance propabilities.
As an exemple,the supposed pie *h₂éǵʰ-r root has only 2 given examples both in the same Indo-Iranian branch(Avestan and Sanskrit)
h₂éǵʰ-r/n̥- day Skr. अहर् (ahar), Av. azan

10/The sound change du=>er in the Armenian erku=2,if included will make many languages Indo-European,for example proto Semitic thnay(2)is by far closer to proto Indo-European *two(2)than the Indo-European Armenian erku(2)is.

11/A great number of proto indo-european roots are somehow impossibly proununciable as dngh2wleis=tongue whereas semitic roots are not only easily proununciable but in the same time are real and existing words with semitic etymology and similar derivative words that contain the same consonants which is not the case for the hypothetical proto indo-european roots(and not words).

12/Very often semitic roots are closer to proto indo-european than some indo-european languages do.

13/Very often semitic roots are closer to some indo-european counterparts than proto ie do for example proto semitic "lis" (tongue)is closer to Armenian "lezu" and Baltic "lesvis" than proto ie "dngh2weis" do.

14/Whereas indo-european did not offer an interne etymological explanation of the proto indo-european roots,Semitic do.

Pour les racines,je ne vais les poster qu'apres la verification de chaque racine irano-hittite et afro-asiatique une par une,d'ou j'ai besoin d'un peu de temps pour peaufiner ceci;j'ai actuellement une sorte de brouillon avec pres de 250 racines communes[sur les possibles 350-400 proto racines irano-hittites](en sachant que bon nombre des branches des langues indo-europeenes tel que le proto Grec ou le proto Albanais ont souvent moins de 200 proto racines inheritees du proto irano-hitttite,alors que le proto semitique aurait plus de 300 proto racines;cad le proto semitique serait plus irano-hittite que le proto grec ou le proto albanais comme l'explique Dolgopolsky)
Hi pier, and welcome to the forum :)

We ask that all new members provide an introduction in the Newbies section -- just a bit about yourself and how you found the forum (which you can reproduce from your above first post).
1/Les nombres:de toutes les familles linguistiques du monde,la famille lingusitique Semitique est celle la plus proche de la famille linguistique irano-hittite;ceci parait tout a fait normal et logique qu'on voit la proximite geographique de la region de çatal höyük(homeland irano-hittite)et jericho(homeland nord afro-asiatique[ou lislakh ou nostratique,ce sujet devrait etre fixe ulterieurement])
1/çatal höyük(dans la vilayet de Konya)


Here proposed(personal)lislakh numbers;1,4&9 will be not included since Anatolian branch lacks a pie cognate for 4,9[=new number?? for the pregnancy's possible 9 months taboo]and 1(whose pie derived most likely from a mere indefinite article):

[Taking into account the sound changes k<=>s and r<=>l which are present inside(even)the ie branch let alone pie let alone indo-hittite let alone lislakh and let alone phonetical cresolisation].

2pie dwa,twa/ps tin(=twin)
3pie tri/ps thal,tsal
5pie panca/ps hams but we have kappa(fist)by metathesis
6no need to further comment
7same as 6
8pie okto(Slavic vosem)/ps tam[final an is most likely a plural/dual suffixe]
10pie des/ps as(r is most likely a suffix and the pie d reappears in 11=>19)
Also please note that we have slavic jedin for 1,ps=had,and ps for 4=arb(season) could be,although with difficulty,interpreted as the metathesis with the very rare(but possible if there was an intrinsic labio-velar as in ps araba,arbwa<=>pie rotha[wheel])bw<=>t,d sound change of pie twor.
Etymologie des nombres:
Il est interessant que les nombres 6&7 ont des valeurs phonetiques similaires dans tout les familles linguistiques originaires ou en contact avec le moyen orient(Kartvel,Basque,Hurri,indo-europeen,afro-asiatique,uralique,eskimo....).
On sait que dans la tradition semite dieu a cree le monde en six jours et s'est repose le septieme jour.
Sept en français,sebe en babylonien,shabta en hebreux,hepta en grec,seven en anglais,haft en persan ... sont tous connectes a la meme racine lislakh/nostratique/"noahtique".
Mais seuluement en Semitique,ces nombres ont une etymologie,par exemple le nombre 2 en langues indo-europeenes(dwa du hindi,two de l'anglais)descend ou est connecte au semitique taw qui veut dire jumeau(twin en anglais dhidhime en grec tawam en arabe toma[qui a donne le nom thomas]en Arammeen).
De meme 7 vien de sab qui veut dire l'indexe(etant le 7 eme doigt),arabe sabbaba,geez shebbot....

Comme vous savez snow anglais,neve italien,neige français descendent de la meme proto racine irano-hittite sneg qui a son tour est apparentee a la racine semitique salng(l nasal)qui elle aussi veut dire neige(arabe thaldj,ancien arabe salg,akkadien tsalgu,hebreux selg...)
Ce qui est interessant est que:
En connection semantico-phonetique avec sang,on a zalg(glisser)en semitique et sleg(glisser en indo-europeen)et aussi gald(gel,froid)en semitique et gwold(gel,froid)en indo-europeen.
Cette connection semantico-phoneticale est presente dans presque la totalite des racines indo-europeenes et nord afro-asiatiques.
Par exemple,asfur(oiseau,sparrow en anglais),saffar(siffler,whistle).

glissade , glide , slip , trip

glissade , skid , glide , slithery , sleigh

glide , glissade , ice-skate , slip , ski , skate , skid , slither , slide

glissade , skidding , slither , sledge , slip , slide , sled , ski , sleigh , skid , bobsled , ice-skate , glide , gliding , skate

slip , slide , skidding , skate , skid , sled , slither , sledge , ski , bobsledding , ice-skate , glissade , glide , sleigh , trip

solidify , be or become iced , ice up , freeze , glaciate , frost , coagulate , congeal , ice

As you see we have also this possible ps/pie cognate seen in Arabic zalag/English sleigh and maybe also Arabic galad(ice)/English cold.

According to
proto ie root of English slide (as sleigh from sledge which in its turn is from slide)
*(s)lei- "slide"

le mot "glisser" français et "slide" anglais derivent de la meme racine proto irano-hittite slei(il ya metathesis[=inversion des consonnes]entre l'anglais sleigh&l'arabe zalq et le français glisser;tous signifiant glisser)

proto ie root of English cold
*gel-/*gol- ="cold"
Generalement,les mots des animaux,plantes et d'agriculture entre les langues semitiques et indo-europeenes sont communes;par exemple grec lis,arabe layth=lion;grec panth,arabe fahd(de l'ancien arabe pahd)=panthere etc...
Les racines irano-hittites sont prises de la reference acceptee cad le livre du linguiste ashkenaz pokorny.
p ie=racine proto irano-hittite construite
ps=racine proto semite
Souvent les exemples dans les langues indo-europeenes sont tres divergentes [parfois aucune consonne ou voyelle n'est partagee par les exemples en les langues iranohitties]ceci est du a la creolisation(cad le fait que les populations originales autochtones d'inde,iran europe adoptent la langue indo-europeene et la colorent avec leur phonetique de leur langues originelles;elamite adoptant le persan,basques adoptant le celte,pelasgiens adoptant le grec,etrusques adoptant le latin,munda adoptant le sanskrit etc....)alors que celles semitiques sont tjs proches des racines indo-europeenes du a l'absence de creolisation.

1/pie hant/ps hint=grain(arabe hinta)
2/pie ak/ps ak=to lead
3/pie preh/ps perh=to tear
4/pie aryan/ps ari=peuple
5/pie koper/ps kupar=cuivre
6/pie agno/ps igl[n nasal n<=>l]=veau(ne vous fiez pas d'agneau=mouton en français;il suffit de jeter un coup d'oeil sur le livre de Pokorny pour voir la grande flexibilite des glissements semantiques et changement phonetiques,par exemple poisson et peche[remarquez qu'il est evident a oeil nu que poisson et peche sont de la meme racine mais il ya des cas de glissement semantiques et changements phonetiques treees etranges et hyper flexibles])
7/pie geop/ps qop=singe
8/pie kern/ps gurn=moulin
9/pie medhu/ps madhy=miel
10/pie kal/ps kal=parler,dire
11/pie tap/ps tap=sacrifice
12/pie nauh/ps ne=bateau,navire
13/pie keri/ps sery=acheter,kery=louer(le changement phonetique s=>k est dit centumisation est celui de k=>s satemization et ce detail sert a diviser les langues indo-europeenes en un groupe satem et un groupe centum[lire kentoum]mais souvent les deux formes coexistent,comme c'est le cas en Semitique mais il faut noter que les langues afro-asiatiques sont plutot centum,voire le fait que le suffixe de la 2 eme personne est "s/t"[tu,grafeis]en indo-europeen et est "k/t"[anta,kitabuka]en afro-asiatique)
14/pie meh/ps meh=mois,moment
15/pie leh/ps leh=faible
16/pie leih/ps lah=affame
17/pie lah/ps lahh=mucus
18/pie leu/ps lahn=son,chant
19/pie leik/ps layh=tache
20/pie od/ps hod=1
21/pie ago/ps ag=pousser
22/pie anah/ps anah=ame,esprit
23/proto grec geo/ps qa=terre
24/proto grec aer/ps ri=vent
25/proto grec aner/ps ans=homme
26/proto grec ta/ps ta=s'ecouler
27/pie stan/ps sath=pays
28/pie stag/ps tag=etang
29/pie aw/ps haw=souffle
30/pie aur/ps or=lumiere
31/pie aya/ps hay=vivant
32/pie haym=sang/ps haym=vie[glissement semantique]
33/pie dhab/ps dhab=fondre,se liquefier
34/pie do/ps da=donner
35/pie hes/ps es=etre
36/pie krab/ps akrab=scorpion
37/pie spekh/ps sabh=parler,prier
38/pie hal/ps hal=salutation
39/pie saul/ps sal=sain
40/pie hop/ps khof=sauter
41/pie fleg/ps falaq=briser
42/pie bhah/ps baha=lumiere
43/pie ghbeh/ps galab=apporter
44/pie bherg/ps (san)awbar=pin
45/pie akru/ps qatr=goutte
46/pie bor=arbre/ps bur=champs[glissement semantique]
47/pie rew/ps rah=s'ecouler
48/pie nebh/ps sahab=nuage[metathesis]
49/pie ors=dos/ps sor=ventre[metathesis+glissement semantique]
50/pie deigh/ps dag=piquer
51/pie bhok/ps bah=allumer
52/pie pleu/ps hapl=plein
53/pie kweh/ps kawa=cuire,bruler
54/pie streu/ps sadraw=to scatter
55/pie beuh/ps bay=to appear
56/pie pneu/ps napah=to blow[metathesis]
57/pie sue(self)/ps tsu(self)
58/pie hend(to blossom)/ps and(to blossom)
59/pie gwam(to come)/ps kam(rise,come)
60/pie weyd(to know)/ps wayd(to know)
61/pie wes(to dress)/ps bes(to dress)[dont look weirdly at this cognate since we have the so distant Armenian reflex zgenum and Greek hennumi]
62/pie per(fly)/ps par(fly)
63/pie per(fruit)/ps pemr(fruit)
64/pie ker(heat,fire)/ps kalw(heat,fire,roast)
65/pie dher(shade)/ps dhill(shade)
66/pie kost(bone)ps qust(bone)
67/pie bherg(shine)/ps baraq(shine)
68/pie ous(ear)/ps uz(ear)
69/pie dher(seed)/ps dher(seed)
70/pie hbal(harm)/ps khabal(harm)
71/pie ma(damp)/ps may(water)[semantic shift]
72/pie mert(death)/ps mawt(death)
73/pie al(beyond)/ps aly(beyond)
74/pie agro(field)/ps hakl(field)
75/pie erd(earth)/ps ard(earth)
76/pie mori(sea)/ps mahr,bahr(sea)[mahar=shell and b<=>m sound change is very common amongst even dialects of the same language]
77/pie ker(circle)/ps gel(circle)
78/pie rota(wheel)/ps rada(wheel)
79/pie ghrebh(to scrape)/ps grf(to scrape)
80/pie dhigw(to dig)/ps daq(to dig)
81/pie teherg(to turn)/ps dar(to turn)
82/pie kes(to cut)/ps kas(to cut)
83/pie hed(edge)/ps had(edge)
84/pie del(long)/ps tal(long)
85/pie kerp(to harvest)/ps khrf(to harvest)
86/pie kal(all)/ps kul(all)
87/pie krei(to repeat)/ps kar(to repeat)
88/pie ker(horn)/ps karn(horn)
89/pie leub(love)/ps lub(heart)[semantic shift]
90/pie bhel(flame)/ps lahab(flame)[metathesis]
91/pie med(to stretch)/ps mad(to stretch)
92/pie ne(no)/ps naha(no)
93/pie ner(light)/ps nur(light)
94/pie nas(to come down)/ps naz(to come down)
95/pie seuh(to sew)/ps sah(to sew)
96/pie sekw(to drive)/ps sak(to drive)
97/pie seu(son)/ps sanw(son)
98/pie psideh(vagina)/ps bizr(vagina)
99/pie dnghles(tongue)/ps lis(tongue)
100/pie hdonts(tooth)/ps sin(tooth)
101/pie hreus(throat)/ps halq(throat)
102/pie mog(brain)/ps mukh(brain)
103/pie budmn(bottom)/ps batn(stomach)[semantic shift]
104/pie welp/ps tshelp=wolf
Les racines ci dessous doivent encore etre peaufiner ulterieurement
fur/fawr=to boil,to bake
taq/*tag(to touch)
far/*pher(to flee)
zan/*gne(to know)
bukhar/*bher(to boil)
adda/*deh(to give)
kham/*keim(to settle)
salab/*klep(to steal)
qal/*ghel(to call)
qaras/*gruh(to bite)
basm/*smeil(to laugh)
satah/*steh(to stand)
ghana/*gen(to sing)
halib(milk)/*helb(white)[semantic shift]
lagha/*lewg(to tell lie)
mut/*mert(to die)
laq/*leigh(to lick)
zal/*sleu(to slide)
pie *swonos/ps صوت sawt=sound
pie *swey/ps صفير safir=whistle
pie *barbar/ps البلبل balbala=to speak unintelligibly
pie *srebʰ/ps sarab=to gulp
pie *ǵeme/to marry/ps gama=to fornicate[semantic shift]
pie *ǵʰwen/ps ghann=to sound
pie *dra/ps djara=to run
pie *dus/ps dasa=to fall
pie *tagr/ps kata=tear[by metathesis]
pie *dei=day/ps diya=daylight[semantic shift]
pie *pekw/ps tabak=to cook[indo-iranian pukht]
pie dab/ps bad=fat[by metathesis]
pie katt=battle/ps katl=kill[semantic shift]
pie kehd/ps hikd=hate[by metathesis]
pie kerh/ps hark=to mix[by metathesis]
pie geus/ps zak=to taste[by metathesis]
pie ghers/ps kars=rigid
pie gheimn=winter/ps ghaym=cloud,rain[semantic shift]
pie kapro/ps gafr=goat
pie ked/ps kadd=to fume
pie ker/ps karn=cornus
pie kel/ps lask=glue[metathesis+deletion]
pie kerp/ps kharf=to pluck
pie koro/ps ghar=war
pie gwihb/ps gahba=woman
pie krei/ps sara=to buy
pie gwehd/ps ghat=to sink
pie gen/ps kinna=woman
pie teg/ps gat=to cover[metathesis]
pie saws=to dry/ps sawa=to grill,to dry
pie sekw/ps sek=to follow
pie sneud/ps nada=mist
pie speu/ps basak=to spit[metathesis]
pie swel/ps kawa=to burn
pie bhergo/ps sanawbar=birch
pie bhendh/ps bany=to bind
pie wino/ps wayn=grape
pie melg=to milk/ps malag=to suck milk[semantic shift]
pie dehn/ps dukhn=grain
pie hen/ps 'an=in
pie pleh/ps hafal=to fill[metathesis]
pie skai/ps sagh=to shine
pie neyk/ps naka=to winnow
pie knu/ps nu=lump,nut
pie nebhos/ps suhb=cloud[metathesis]
pie manu=person/ps man=who[semantical shift]
pie meso/ps sahm=flesh[metathesis]
pie medhu/ps midh,(na)bidh=mead
pie mat/ps mat(rak)=mattock
pie lewg=to break/ps lawa=to curve[semantical shift]
pie lewk/ps lak=bright,light
pie lewgh=to lie/lagha=to speak[semantical shift]
pie leykw/ps halak=to leave
pie hel/ps 'al=to grow,rise up
pie dhreu/ps dhar=to drop
pie drem/ps radam=to sleep[metathesis]
pie werh/ps hawar=to speak[metathesis]
pie weh/ps hawi=to blow[metathesis]
pie wobes/ps zab=wasp[metatesis]
pie yehr=year,season/ps wayr=month[semantic shift]
pie (yeh)kwr/ps kebed,kewed=liver
pie helno/ps nisr=adler[Lat. alnus, Lith. alksnis, Ltv. elksnis, Russ. ольха (ol'xa), XMK aliza, ON alr, Gm. elira/Erle, Eng. alor/alder, OPruss. aliskande, Gaul. alisa, Hitt. alanzan, Pol. olcha, Alb. halë, Gk. Olixōn]
pie h2okw/ps ayn[Toch. ak/ek, Arm. ակն (akn), աչք (ačʿkʿ), Skr. अक्षि (akṣi), Gk. ὄσσε (osse); ὀφθαλμός (ophthalmos), Eng. ēge/eye, Gm. ouga/Auge, Goth. augo, Alb. sy, Lith. akis, Ltv. acs, Kamviri âčẽ, Ir. enech/oineach, Welsh enep]
pie h2erkwo/ps kaws=bow[Goth. arƕazna, Eng. arwe/arrow, Gk. ἄρκευθος (arkeuthos)?, Russ. ракита (rakita), Polish rakieta, Ltv. ērkšķis, ON ǫrvar, Umb. arçlataf]
pie h2eyes/ps nahas=metal[Skr. अयस् (ayas), Lat. aes, Umbrian ahesnes, Gm. ēr/Erz, Eng. ār/ore, Av. ayaṅh, Goth. aiz, ON eir, Pers. āhan]
pie hosd/ps gosn=branch[Arm. ոստ (ost), Gk. ὄζος (ózos), Eng. ōst/, Gm. ast/Ast, Goth. asts, Hitt. ḫašduēr]
pie h2ewig/ps 3adas=~oats[Lat. avēna, Lith. aviža, Ltv. auza, Russ. овёс (ovjos), Polish owies, Gk. αἰγίλωψ (aigilōps)/, Old Prussian wyse, OCS ovĭsŭ]
pie h2edes/ps 3adas=~cereal
pie h2elyo/ps akher=other
pie h2en/ps gin=spirit
pie h2ep/ps haff=to reach
pie h2erh1/ps harats=to plow
pie h1eib=to copulate/ps hub=to love[semantical shift]
pie solwo/ps kul=whole
pie sneyg/ps tsalg=snow
pie smeru/ps sahm=grease
pie serpe/ps salal=to creep[Alb. gjarpër/gjarpën, Gk. ἕρπω (herpō), Lat. serpō, Skr. सृप् (sṛp), Kashmiri so.rūph]
pie senh1o/ps saykh=old[Lat. senex, Lith. senas, Ltv. sens, Gaul. Senognatus, ON sina, Skr. सन (sana), Av. hana, Arm. հին (hin), Gk. ἕνος (henos), Welsh hyn, Goth. sineigs, Ir. sen]
pie sem=summer/ps sams=sun[semantical shift]
pie smgheslo=thousand/ps=katir=much[semantical shift,Skr. सहस्रम् (sahasram), Av. hazarəm, Pers. /hāzar, Gk. χίλιοι (khilioi), Lat. mīlle, Toch. wälts/yaltse]
pie gwelb=womb/ps kalb=heart[semantical shift]
pie ghouro=fear/ps ghul=monster[semantical shift]
pie gal=to call out/ps kal[semantical shift]
pie gher/ps ghar,har=bowels[Lat. hernia, Skr. हिर (híra), Gk. χορδή (khordē), ON gǫrn, Gm. garn/Garn, Eng. gearn/yarn, Arm. ձառ (jaṙ), Lith. žarna, Ltv. zarna, Hitt. karat, Alb. zorrë]
pie tón-r̥/ps raad=thunder[metathesis]
pie ter/ps ratad=to tremble[metathesis]
pie ter/ps thar=to cross over
pie bʰlēyǵ/ps baraka=to shine
pie bherg/ps burg=fort
pie puhr/ps burr=wheat
pie psten/ps sadr=breast
pie prek/ps raga=to pray,to ask
pie pusl/ps farr=to fled
pie pet=to open arms/ps pata=to open[semantical shift]
pie pert/ps farat=to flat
pie pent/ps padan=road
pie az/ps az=she-goat
pie bal/ps bal=lord
pie mak/ps maq=son
pie fers,srebro/ps parzil=argent,fer
pie dun/ps dun=fort,chateau
pie dr/ps duru=duration
pie steer/ps dir=main
pie oper/ps up=offer
pie kabal=cheval/ps kamal=chameau
pie quel/ps gal=printemps
pie kran/ps girn=crane
pie karp/ps kharp=automne
pie haus/ps hawsh=house
pie lew/ps labw=lion
pie lath/ps lawh=shield
pie meno/ps mana=to count
pie pei/ps pu=bouche
pie perd/ps perd=horse
pie per/ps par=first,one
pie her/ps karh=blessure
pie gart/ps qart=ville
pie hat/ps qat=hate
pie khrot/ps qatran
pie ekwos/ps sisu=cheval
pie su/ps sy=pig
pie sil/ps dil=colonne
pie dik/ps tik=he-goat
pie wak/ps waka=to preserve
pie ward/ps warada=to come
pie tiber/ps zabh=sacrifice
pie al/ps ahr=autre
pie ago/ps ako=je,I,ez,az,ik,ich,uk,ammuk....
pie sawls/ps sams=sun
pie sawls/ps sana=year
pie kwan/ps kal(b)=dog
pie pa/ps ba=pere
pie ma/ps ma=mere
pie (d)ukht/ps akht=fille,soeur
pie frat=brother/ps fard=family member[semantic shift]
pie t/ps t=tu,thou,shoma

water*mor (sea), R. more, G. Meer, Br. mor, L. mare; R. myt', mokryi, mocha mā' mayimmûrainmáṭarmṭermâṭâr,

cold*kaltas: G. kalt, R. xolod, Gr. krios,
Lith. saltas, Pers. sard qarkaṣû


fireLith ugnis, Skr agni, L. ignis, R. ogon' 'éšišātu

bellyE. belly, G. Bauch, R. brucho, Alb. bark, Ir. bolg, Synghalese badabaṭn beṭen

rootLith. shaknis, Pruss. sagnis, R. cheren-okjiðr šóreššuršu

barkR. kora, L. cortex, Arm. ketev, Ir. coirt, Alb. kujaqišr q'lippâ

seedR. zerno, L. granum, G. Kern, Arm. serm, Ir. siol zeraGzēru

roadAlb. dhrom, Gr. dromos, Pol. drogaṭarīq derex

smokeR. dym, Lith. dumai, Alb. tymi, L. fumo,Pers. dud, Synghalese dumaduxān

red*raudos, Lith. raudinas, L. ruber, Br. ruz, Goth. rautr, Skr. rakta ruššû

En fait,les dernieres etudes stipulent que c'est la region de Namibie qui est le "homeland" de homo sapiens sapiens.
D'autre part,il faut tenire en compte que les racines proto humaines(ou disons proto adamiques)communes sont de l'ordre de 20-30 vu le gap de 100 mille ans et parmi ces racines communes il n'ya biensur par des mots pour des outils d'agriculture ou des grains(ble,lentilles...)et autres vu que l'agriculture n'a ete "decouverte" qu'assez tard en levant-mesopotamie il ya de la 13 mille ans a peu pres.
De meme pour les mots pour lait qui a ete consomme en premier au moyen orient(suite a la decouverte de l'agriculture)ou les animaux tel que chien,chat,taureau,chevre qui eux aussi ont ete domestique pour le premier au moyen orient.
Les langues nostratiques sont estimees de 10-15 mille ans d'ou ce nombre faramineux de racines communes(pense par exemple aux langues qui ont diverge du Latin ou du Slave et qui restent plus au moins intelligibles alors que les langues qui ont diverge du proto germanique ou proto iranien,des lustres depuis la divergence du latin ou ancien slave,sont tres peu intelligibles[bien evidemment en comparant,par exemple kurde et persan ou anglais et danois et non en comprant danois et suedois qui ont diverge bien plus tard de la langue proto norse....]).
Hi pier --

I have a few comments regarding your posts above. First, I understand your passion about prehistorical language relationships -- it is my primary academic interest, and an incredibly interesting area, although controversial as you probably know. However, we aren't really interested in looking into these relationships for their own sake on this forum, but are interested in how they fit in contextually with the wider research agenda we have of figuring out what really happened in human prehistory that has been covered up and vectored by the Powers That Be. If you want to pursue this topic here, I recommend that you first read The Wave series, which is linked in the Comprehensive Guide for the Serious Reader. You would probably also be interested in Laura Knight-Jadczyk's book, The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive. It would be best if you take some time to get acquainted with this literature and do some other reading around the forum, and after that, if you'd like to discuss Nostratic more within that context it would be fine. If that is the case, I suggest that you do your best to post in English out of consideration of the other members who don't happen to speak French, and also document the sources for your data, if only briefly.

If this isn't your cup of tea, there are other linguistics forums which discuss this topic as a main focus -- I am a member of one, and could give you the relevant information if you would like. Happy learning :)
I picked those common roots essentially from those books:
Nostratic dictionnary Dolgopolsky
Black Athena volume 3 Bernal

I will try to read the stuff you recommanded if I have time.

what really happened in human prehistory that has been covered up and vectored by the Powers That Be.
Europeans,Christianity,Indo-European languages and Vasco-Caucasian languages originated in south Anatolia-mesoptamia-levant but this fact is well known and is not covered up.

çatal höyük/iconea agricultural plain which is the homeland of indo-european languages and indo-european peoples is an offspring of semitic speaking natufian culture.

Indo-European languages are a branch of Afro-Asiatic.

Perhaps if Anatolians were adherents of the second version of the semitic ibrahamic monotheistic faith and not the final one-islam-Turkey would have been a member of UE.

islam, contrary to christianity, does not contradict evolution theory.

islam is a multicultural religion (look at how diverse the languages,cultures,architecture,music,folklore,alphabets of the muslim regions) whereas roman catholicism is a standardising culturcide sect.


Please send me the link of the linguistics forum, I have wrote some 400 topics I want to post them in the max of forums since some peoples realise how akin humans are, and how Turkey/Anatolia/Khattiwa is the most European country after reading those threads.
pier said:
Please send me the link of the linguistics forum, I have wrote some 400 topics I want to post them in the max of forums since some peoples realise how akin humans are, and how Turkey/Anatolia/Khattiwa is the most European country after reading those threads.

Hi pier,

Constantly copying long posts on forums or websites could be considered spamming. Have you ever considered making your own website or blog and posting your topics there?
inshallah, I will make a blog this summer, I hope that a maximum of Europeans know those facts[ie europeans,indo-european languages,vasco-caucasian languages and christianity being originated in Khatti/Anatolia/Turkey] (especially the racist,aryanists and christian fundamentalists ones).
Hi pier --

pier said:
Please send me the link of the linguistics forum, I have wrote some 400 topics I want to post them in the max of forums since some peoples realise how akin humans are, and how Turkey/Anatolia/Khattiwa is the most European country after reading those threads.

Here it is:

I think that you will find it of interest; the only thing I encourage you to do if you choose to subscribe is to spend some time reading the material and when you start posting, do it slowly since you don't want to overwhelm the listserv. One topic at a time will be more than enough, as you will find several members who will be eager to respond to your posts and provide their own input.

pier said:
I will make a blog this summer.

I think that's an excellent idea -- truth seeker is right about posting the same material multiple places being tantamount to spam, and this will allow you to collect everything you want to write about in one place so that you can just refer others back to your own blog.
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