lizard dream


The Force is Strong With This One
Hi all,
Checking in with a strange dream from last night. As is frequently my way with dreams, I only remember certain details or scenes, but those I do remember are vividly clear. For this one, I'm in a small anteroom in an old stone building, a public building of sorts, like a museum. It feels underground, like the entrance to an archeological exhibition, with only artificial lighting. There are few people around, a discreet female guide/receptionist and two men, one of whom I take an instant dislike to; slim, slick and a real fast talker. Clearly highly intelligent, and condescending with it. I back away and leave him with his friend, who begins to take some of the stones (more like stone cladding) off the wall to reveal a hole in the real wall. Though I find it disrespectful, I wonder what he's doing, and what the hole signifies. The next thing I remember is looking at another wall, and seeing a black, glistening lizard the size of a small cat and with sharp teeth and a long neck crawl out of a hole. I find it particularly repugnant. I turn to the female guide to point it out to her, and that's where my memory of it stops.
I imagine this is connected to the fact that I've been reading some of the older Cassiopaean transcripts (1994-96), which are startling in their revelations; revealing the 4D reality behind the wall of 3D perception. I read it as a variation on the allegory of Plato's cave.
I can understand why Laura finds it traumatic to go back to the early days!
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