Lizzies and Feeding the moon


FOTCM Member
I'm rereading In Search of the Miraculous and trying to unite the infos from C's and with the Gurdjieff's teaching. In particularly I'm interested how Lizzies (or 4D STS in general) fit in with the process of the Moonfeeding. We know from Gurdjieff that our emotional energy goes to the moon, so that it can evolve to a planet. On the other hand according to C's we are the food for 4D STS. So what the connection between Lizzies and the process of the moon feeding?. Where is 4D STS located at the Ray of Creation? What role do they play? How do the concept of the seven densities fit together with the Ray of Creation?

Thanks and Greets :)

Hi Jerry,

But the Plejadians mentioned as well in the "Bringers of the Dawn", that our slavery is due to the moon, didn't they? And when it just a metaphor for 4D STS then the whole concept of the Ray of Creation and Hydrogens is a metaphor either. But a metaphor for what? For seven densities?

Thanks anyway :)
Hi Altair,

Have you read The Wave?

Also, it'd be best to keep in mind that the Pleidians stated they were telling "stories."
Hi Jerry,

I have read the Wave (all the volumes). But perhaps I missed something. Sorry for the eventual noise.. :(
Hi Altair,

I think these things are difficult to explain since these are concepts or theories we can mainly speculate about, also when the C's have a really good track record for example. It maybe is even more difficult to do the same with Gurdjieffs knowledge, since as I understood we don't know exactly what he knew exactly or could say at the time, since for example his own writings are sometimes difficult to understand or mainly based on others like Ouspensky and Orage for example which maybe added there own twists.

Eventually cassiopedia could be a help for you too?


The QFS understands that Gurdjieff in his day needed to have recourse to allegory and could not right out say that so-called aliens or 4th density service to self entities used humanity as a sort of natural resource, to be farmed and harvested and kept forever ignorant of their fate. The 'evil magician' parable in Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous comes very close to saying this explicitly, though. In present day popular culture, the Matrix movies are another well known allegory for the same.


And here is something about hydrogens:

I hope this helps a bit :).
I can also recall a text, or a post on the forum on that note, with Laura speculating about the possibility of Gurdjieff being unable to bring himself to tell about the idea of being food for something like another race.

However, since they could be using the Moon (and the apparent opposing opening as suggested by Morris K. Jessup as I understood from "The Wave", correct me if I'm wrong) in some way in the process, these could be projected at least onto the former, to diminish the appallment of the idea; take on a more abstract symbol than so direct a proposal of a predator above us in the food chain. Maybe this could enable the seeking ones to focus on The Work easier in G's time ?

It's only from our linear perspective that the idea evolved gradually, matured (or, maybe attracted more gravity?) in the collective conscious/subconsious/unconscious and got 'fine-tuned' until the present 'time' where it seems like more and more things are getting called by their true name.

The symbolism isn't any more necessary, it served as a "shield" to carry the message across the generations, until the time when collective consciousness is ready to house such information.

In these terms, it would seem to me that this forum, amongst other places, is the area where a network-based process of "chiseling" of the collective consciousness takes place. The nucleus that could be likened to the first few cells of a bamboo sprout breaking through hard surfaces. Or so I think..
@Jerry, Gawan and ametist: thanks for your explanations :) I'll keep searching
there he has people who believe in the theory of David Icke? To know that the moon is an artificial star which would be located within the lizards, which would influence us and s' would feed us.
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