London buses may advertise 'there's probably no God'


The Living Force

London buses may advertise 'there's probably no God'

London's iconic red buses could be plastered with the slogan "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life," in an atheist advertising campaign responding to a set of Christian ads.


Comedy writer Ariane Sherine, 28, objected to the Christian adverts on some London buses, which carried an Internet address warning that people who rejected God were condemned to spend eternity in "torment in hell".

She sought five-pound (7.80-dollar, 6.25-euro) donations towards a "reassuring" counter-advertisement -- and received the backing of the British Humanist Association (BHA) and atheist campaigner Professor Richard Dawkins.

The campaign has already smashed its 5,500-pound target and the slogan is planned to hit the side of several London buses in January.

"We see so many posters advertising salvation through Jesus or threatening us with eternal damnation, that I feel sure that a bus advert like this will be welcomed as a breath of fresh air," said BHA chief executive Hanne Stinson.

Dawkins said: "This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think -- and thinking is anathema to religion."

A Church of England spokesman said: "We would defend the right of any group representing a religious or philosophical position to be able to promote that view through appropriate channels.

"However, Christian belief is not about worrying or not enjoying life.

"Quite the opposite -- our faith liberates us to put this life into a proper perspective."

A spokesman for Transport for London told AFP they had not received such an advertisement application and would wait to view it before deciding whether it met their advertising guidelines.

"No advertisement of this kind has been submitted to TfL at this time," he said.

"If approved, then it will appear on our network."
NEWS: London Atheist Launches "There's Probably No God" Ad Campaign

January 08, 2009

"Atheists have long battled to remove the display of religious imagery and messages from public property, but one London atheist has decided to turn the tables. Ariane Sherine grew tired of seeing ads promoting Christianity, so she decided to take matters in her own hands...

"Thanks to Sherine, over 800 London buses now bear the message "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and get on with your life." "


January 10, 2009


"The campaign is spreading. Some of Barcelona's buses are now sporting similar messages in Catalan, and the American Humanist Association is trying a seasonal approach in Washington. "Why believe in a god?" its ads ask. "Just be good for goodness' sake." "


January 10, 2009
DW staff
Deutche Welle

Atheist Campaign Launched on London Buses

"It is the brainchild of a television comedy writer and is backed by the British Humanist Association (BHA), as well as the highly regarded evolutionary biologist and prominent atheist Richard Dawkins, the author of "The God Delusion."

"Posters featuring quotations from prominent figures known to have endorsed atheism -- such as Albert Einstein, Douglas Adams and Katharine Hepburn -- are to be placed on London Underground stations. The words "That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet" are quoted from the poet Emily Dickinson."


January 10, 2009
Austen Ivereigh
America - The National Catholic Weekly

Advertising watchdog asked to rule on God's existence

"The campaign came about after an atheist, the writer Ariane Sherine, last year jokingly suggested that buses carry advertisements as antidotes to religious posters on public transport. Her online article in the Guardian led to her receiving more than $200,000 in donations."


How shall we comfort ourselves?

This news event is totally consistent with the postmodernist ideological drive toward spiritual nihilism of the past forty years. In this sense, Friedrich Nietzsche was absolutely correct to announce, “God is dead... And we have killed him.”

I want to share an insight from Carl Jung’s essay, Answer to Job (Collected Works, vol. 11).

I do not underestimate the psyche in any respect whatsoever, nor do I imagine for a moment that psychic happenings vanish into thin air by being explained. Psychologism represents a still primitive mode of magical thinking, with the help of which one hopes to conjure the reality of the soul out of existence, after the manner of the “Proktophantasmist” in Faust:

Are you still here? Nay, it’s a thing unheard.
Vanish at once! We’ve said the enlightening word.

One would be very ill advised to identify me with such a childish standpoint. However, I have been asked so often whether I believe in the existence of God or not that I am somewhat concerned lest I be taken for an adherent of “psychologism” far more commonly than I suspect. What most people overlook or seem unable to understand is the fact that I regard the psyche as real, They believe only in physical facts, and must consequently come to the conclusion that either the uranium itself or the laboratory equipment created the atom bomb. That is no less absurd than the assumption that a non-real psyche is responsible for it. God is an obvious psychic and non-physical fact, i.e., a fact than can be established psychically but not physically. Equally, these people have still not got it into their heads that the psychology of religion falls into two categories, which must be sharply distinguished from one another: firstly, the psychology of the religious person, and secondly, the psychology of religion proper, i.e., of religious contents.
Perhaps more to the point, if 'god' ever had to use public transport in the UK, he/she/it would probably join countless despairing, bus stop waiting commuters in thinking that there's probably is no bus. :D

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