Long term dream recall = past life memories?


The Force is Strong With This One
I normally dont remember dreams, once I get up and start moving. Occasionally I remember some things for a few hours or so. Then there are the ones I do not forget.

Dream one is being locked in prison in what I'd guess is the 1200 - 1400 time period. We were chained to long tables while eating. The guards, stereotypical jackboots all, loved to torment us. I dont know why I was locked up. Probably treason since I have a "problem" with authoritarian types.

Dream 2 I had about a week ago. I was seeing this thru watching a movie. I was sitting in front of a "screen", of a sort. I"ve been recently working on the intention of remembering past life memories.

I've always believed I am a reincarnated fighter pilot. That is what this dream was about.

As I was watching this movie, I was listening to someone say on the radio that they had to climb over a hill, or die.

I was not flying at the time, but I got to listen to this man die. He didn't make it over the hill, he knew he wasn't going to make it and he said as much, in a voice that tried to hide the terror of the situation. And there was an explosion. At the end there was some sobbing, but it is as if I was sobbing at the same time the man in the movie was sobbing, or I was sobbing thru the movie. Its hard to put into words.

I dont believe this is how I died, but I am not sure about that.

All in all, it was not a pleasant dream. In fact, neither dream was nice. Nothing "dashing" or "adventurous" about it, unlike my childhood imagination where I thought it was exciting to be a pilot in war.

Anyone else have these kinds of memorable dreams?
Here’s another dream I have journaled from about 5 years ago, and I’m putting it here in this “past life” dream thread not because I explicitly believe these were past lives of mine, but because its content & quality are rather in line with the seeming intent of this thread:

I was an officer on a military naval vessel. I was on the top deck, and it was huge like an aircraft carrier. I was apprehended by several men and brought below. I knew what this was about: I had seen something I shouldn't have, I knew something that they couldn't allow anyone else to know. It was dark. They sat me in a chair and asked me a few questions, but none of that mattered, it was just a matter of course. I knew what was coming. One man signaled another to put the blindfold on me, a long black strip of fabric which was the last thing I was to see. Then the gun, one shot, it exploded through my neck. I didn't feel any pain from the bullet, merely a shift in consciousness. I guessed they probably tossed my body overboard.

Then I was free of my body. I don't remember much about being in this state, but I somehow have the impression that I was floating around visiting different stars and planets.

The next time I was conscious of myself again in the dream, I was 5 years old at a family function. The year was 1935. I didn't remember much about my life as a baby or younger child, it's as if this was the first time my true consciousness had sprung into the forefront in this lifetime. I had all the memories of my present life as my current self, and also the memory of my murder on the naval vessel. Almost every one of the people in the family were people I currently know, either family or friends, and though some looked exactly the same, some looked a little different or younger or older. Among the people at the family gathering were two married friends of mine (I got the impression that they were my uncle & aunt), an aunt, an uncle, and my niece, who in the dream was 4 years old and my cousin. With this new consciousness having descended upon me for the first time in that lifetime, my body all of a sudden felt too small, as if I was used to running around in a 6 foot tall body, but instead I had this 3 foot or so 5 year old body (this now makes me think of how awkward toddlers seem when they're ambling around). I began trying to explain to people that this was all wrong, and tried to have the people there look into the other things I knew from my expanded consciousness, but I was only 5, so although it seemed to me like I was speaking intelligently, who knows how the words came out. Not strangely, I wasn't being taken very seriously either -- especially talking about things in history that hadn't even happened yet as well as experiences in my life as my current self. But these people knew me and I knew them -- just not as we currently know each other. It was rather futile for me as a 5 year old to try to convince everyone of what it was I knew, but I felt that same spirit in me that I feel when I speak to people about important things today.
I too seem to have at least to instances of a past life recollection, short glimpses only. In one of them I was looking at the ground from high altitude as if from a birds view, all I could was green forest or jungle in every direction. Then I was down there in a small hut, no windows, dirt floor, somehow I know it was Peru but have no idea of the date, in the hut was also my sister but I looked at her face I saw, at the same time, in a transparent way, my mother s face over hers as if mother now was my sister then.

In another I saw myself as a white skinned, red haired male, I knew I was in the island of Crete and was the roman proconsul there, my name was Marius but the overriding impression when looking at that figure was one of immense strength! I believe the time was around 200 bc

I never tried to " remember " more but now I am thinking that maybe I should!
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