Looking for old link- How to Hijack a political movement?


The Force is Strong With This One
I'm looking for help in finding a link to something I remember reading. I feel like it was on SOTT, but maybe not. Probably at least a year back, maybe even 2014?

I feel like it was a leaked document, but it could've been something that was older and declassified, or something else entirely. But basically it was an instruction manual/pamphlet for agitators/infiltrators to political movements. It described how to become a member and then guide the direction of activity, with suggestions like: never allow constructive dialog, make ridiculous demands during negotiations. Something along those lines. Maybe it was a pamphlet for NGOs?

Its so frustrating that I cannot find this no matter where I search or what words I search on. Its making me think I imagined the whole thing and driving me crazy! Any help is appreciated :)
This may not be what you are looking for, but the following article discusses tactics used to disrupt and spread disinformation

There is also this one https://www.sott.net/article/312291-Modus-operandi-of-COINTELPRO-Disinformation-up-close-and-personal , which is a 3 part series. This may be the one you are looking for as it better fits your description.

These were found using the keyword "disinformation" in the SOTT search engine.
There is, also, this one: https://www.sott.net/article/311607-Tips-for-trolls-How-to-stifle-critical-thought-dissent-and-the-search-for-truth

I used hijack and political movement in the search engine on SOTT, and this is the only one that came up.
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