Looking for web administrator, freelancers welcome

Re: Looking for recommendation for web application firm

We've got a bunch of tekkies on the forum, give it a day or two ...
Re: Looking for recommendation for web application firm

Hi ignis,

Thanks for adding your post, you may want to expand it a bit. It's important to know what kind of site it is. If it's an ecommerce site, is it using a known piece of software? What language is it in? (Are the pages in the website links named .php, .jsp, or .asp, .dll?)

Could you also indicate the budget of the company, if you don't know exact figures, it may be good to state whether or not this project will be +- $10k or +/- $5k. Or what is the contract worth monthly/yearly etc.

What's the genre of merchandise, what's the traffic throughput, 50k, 100k, 500k, 1mil?

Just being a webhead isn't enough. If you are a PHP head, and the site is in ASP or JSP or running on IIS then you are in trouble.

If you'd like, you can PM me the URL to the site in question and I can try and figure out what it is. And answer some of these questions for you.
Re: Looking for recommendation for web application firm

I don't need someone anymore so I am removing my post.
Re: Looking for recommendation for web application firm

I don't need someone anymore so I am removing my post.
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