Eric Hufschmid talks with
Dylan Avery,
Korey Rowe,
Jason Bermas
28 April 2006
by Eric Hufschmid
In a phone conversation on Monday 24 April 2006, I discussed a few issues with the three young men who made the video Loose Change. The audio file is here:
Click your right mouse button and select download.
Hufschmid-Dylan-Korey-Jason.mp3 7.5 mbytes
What are we talking about?
To help you understand why we were talking and what we were talking about, here are some important points.
1) Their video gets much more promotion than my video
Their video (Loose Change) is promoted all over the nation, and by people who will not even acknowledge the existence of my video (Painful Deceptions). Am I jealous?
My concern is that the criminal network is promoting Loose Change because they consider it to be the least dangerous to them.
Also the criminal network will promote the investigators who are the youngest, most gullible, most naive. They will try to push aside the investigators that could truly expose them, and promote the investigators who are incompetent or easily deceived.
As you might expect, Dylan, Korey, and Jason do not believe that their video is being promoted because of their age or naivety. However, when I asked them if they had listened to Benjamin Freedman's speech, they said no.
Have you listened to Benjamin Freedman's speech yet?
If Freedman is correct about the Zionist criminal network, then naturally the Zionists will promote people who do not have any clue about what Zionism is.
What was the Israeli role in 9-11?
Dylan, Korey, and Jason believe the Israeli involvement in 9-11 is similar to what Wayne Madsen tells us. For example, Madsen believes that the Israelis were following the Arabs simply because they suspected the Arabs were up to something diabolical, and the nice Israelis tried to warn the US government about a possible attack in the future.
Here is one of Wayne Madsen's articles:
My opinion is that Madsen is a liar. I agree with this:
On 15 April 2006 Dylan, Korey, and Jason were interviewed by Air America radio host Fred McChesney. In that conversation they also promoted the idea that the nice Israelis were trying to warn the US government:
AveryBermasRowe_4_15_2006.mp3 170 K bytes
Who do you think has a more accurate view of the Israeli involvement in 9/11?
2) Example: KPFK radio censors me
Radio stations all over the nation are censoring me. I used KPFK radio as an example because Dylan, Korey, and Jason are familiar with that radio station.
Quite a while ago KPFK used my book and video during one of their fund raising drives. Months later they wanted to do it again, but this time somebody told them that they were not allowed to promote me or my material.
However, they promote the Loose Change video, and they will interview Dylan, Korey, and Jason.
Why will they promote Loose Change but not my video? Because the radio station does not like my views on such issues as the Holocaust.
This is also the reason I am not promoted by other 9/11 truth groups, and other radio stations.
My conclusion is that most of the 9/11 truth groups and the media are controlled by Zionists, and they censor anybody who brings up these issues.
I can understand that each radio station will have a different viewpoint and purpose, and each station will censor people who do not fit in, but the censorship of people who are critical of Zionism is almost universal in the media of North America, Australia, and Europe.
I think this nearly total censorship of views critical of Zionism is evidence of a worldwide Zionist network to take control of the media.
As you might expect, Dylan, Korey, and Jason disagree with me. What do you think? Who do you think has a more accurate view on the media, and on why the Loose Change video is getting so much promotion, and on why I am being censored?
3) Who can we trust in this 9/11 movement?
There are several articles at the web site of Daryl Bradford Smith that encourage people to be suspicious of the 9/11 investigators. Dylan, Korey, and Jason do not approve of them.
One particular document points out that there are some interesting relationships between some of the 9/11 investigators that could be a sign that Dylan, Korey, and Jason are being manipulated by the criminal network, or are a part of the criminal network:
This diagram shows some of the liars who are in direct or indirect contact with Dylan Avery: