I don't know how much sense this little write up would make. I'm writing because I need to speak and whenever I try to speak about this it doesn't work.
I called it synchronicity for too long yet it's beyond it lately. Things I read, things that just 'pop up' in my awareness field are so connected with old memories, dreams, moments that for absolutely no reason I remember pointing out to myself when they happened, saying 'do not forget this, it will be of use to remember'. Some of them are trivial moments, that if I tried to explain their significance to someone else, I would be making no sense at all. Yet now, it makes perfect sense, it's like waypoints in my life that correspond to what's happening -now-.
And what IS happening now? I'm trying to understand and it's slipping away, most of the time I have a feeling of 'knowing' what's going on and when I try to put it into words, either to talk to someone or simply to make a proper sentence in my mind it slips away.
I'm finding it harder and harder to communicate all this, in fact I'm finding it hard to communicate, period. I was never a friend of aimless chatter but lately it's becoming so intense that I must push myself to comply and reply when I'm spoken to just to make the other person feel okay, that I'm paying attention. And I AM paying attention, I'm seeing the talking and I'm seeing the beauty of the person (every person) but I just can't hop into the circle of talking so to say. And when I do, the subject always shifts to what is important , which is to wake up. And I feel I shouldn't be doing that, I feel terribly arrogant and stupid for thinking I know something that the other person doesn't seem to notice at that precise moment.
I keep feeling that I shouldn't speak much or act much because I may interfere with balance. I don't know exactly what I mean by balance.. balance of the other person? or a pre-woven understanding between people? I'm not sure, it's as if this feeling has no beginning or end it's just there, and it's as if it's always been there and I only realise it now to this extent.
In reality I'm faced with situations that are outworldly , literally.
And for some reason they don't feel as they should - as something outworldly that is important in itself. I try to see beyond the experience , see why it's there and what I'm supposed to do about it, if anything.
I'm trying to see what parts of the experience may have been real, what parts a game of my imagination and maybe even what parts could have been induced. And most of all, why.
There is a creeping feeling that I'm alone. Not lonely or sad, although that creeps in sometimes too. But alone in a wider sense. Nowhere to stand on and nothing to reach out to. I was never a person of firm beliefs, my motto was 'I do not know' and it's fun to learn. Yet, I am seeing now that even hints of beliefs , placeholders to lean on mentally and emotionally are being shattered.
It happens literally, if I turn on the computer and decide to read something that I know nurtures my well-being I will land on a website that takes it apart and proves why it's not a source to be trusted. (nothing to do with this forum or Laura's work in general, I'm speaking about other sources)
There's more I could say on this but again, I feel I'm disturbing the peace. I don't know how to touch gently on subjects that are unnerving or I feel they could be unnerving to other people, I don't know how to express what I am feeling and what I see manifesting in my life without interfering with others' peace of mind. Or is it my peace of mind I'm afraid of, when you speak of something you accept its reality. If that's so, then what an awfull lie to think I'm concerned about others when in fact I'm only concerned about myself.
Yet deep down , there's a knowing that everything's alright, everything is as it should be, it's ME that wasn't thinking right until now. I'm surprised at my own reactions and emotions. Situations that are unnerving find me in total silence and non-motion, watching and trying to understand. While the simplest things like chatting almost overwhelm me, trying to keep myself centered and almost seeing words like bullets, the more passionately they're spoken the worse it is, even if it's passion in happy excitement.
Now, that I'm trying to write this, I feel like an infant trying to type. And I feel like an infant in many other situations, as if I thought I had a way to react and now it's just not there anymore. It's alright as long as I follow it and not get sucked in by it - easier said than done. In a sense it's a liberating feeling , yet I'm trying to see its practical use.
Maybe the worse thing about it is that I feel all my knowledge from all the years of studying is useless. Either it wasn't the right knowledge or I didn't absorb it the right way but I can only see a huge gap where there should be a base. I should be able to say I -know- this or that, I trust myself in -knowing- how this or that works.. but I can't do that. Even for very specific systems eg. of the body , I know what's written in my books, I know what I had to write in an exam and pass it but if you ask me , I will say - please don't ask me cause I don't know, ask someone that knows better.
I see myself doing the same thing when browsing through the forum, and that disheartens me. Interesting threads, but whenever I have something to say I hesitate and move along thinking my input is only self-serving. I can't possibly offer anything but what is in me and what's in me right now is endless questions and wondering, which means, nothing of value to offer to the thread other than making my thoughts public in order for me to assess them better or even get helpful insight from other people.
And I wonder, is all this an understanding of where I really stand , is it progress in understanding myself or is it just masked fear of responsibility coming from negative ego?
I'm reading through what I've written and I have the same nagging thought pop up : It's all about me. What I feel, what I think.. selfish and useless to anyone else but me.
Is anyone else feeling this ? Living this ? And most importantly, does it make any sense at all ?
I called it synchronicity for too long yet it's beyond it lately. Things I read, things that just 'pop up' in my awareness field are so connected with old memories, dreams, moments that for absolutely no reason I remember pointing out to myself when they happened, saying 'do not forget this, it will be of use to remember'. Some of them are trivial moments, that if I tried to explain their significance to someone else, I would be making no sense at all. Yet now, it makes perfect sense, it's like waypoints in my life that correspond to what's happening -now-.
And what IS happening now? I'm trying to understand and it's slipping away, most of the time I have a feeling of 'knowing' what's going on and when I try to put it into words, either to talk to someone or simply to make a proper sentence in my mind it slips away.
I'm finding it harder and harder to communicate all this, in fact I'm finding it hard to communicate, period. I was never a friend of aimless chatter but lately it's becoming so intense that I must push myself to comply and reply when I'm spoken to just to make the other person feel okay, that I'm paying attention. And I AM paying attention, I'm seeing the talking and I'm seeing the beauty of the person (every person) but I just can't hop into the circle of talking so to say. And when I do, the subject always shifts to what is important , which is to wake up. And I feel I shouldn't be doing that, I feel terribly arrogant and stupid for thinking I know something that the other person doesn't seem to notice at that precise moment.
I keep feeling that I shouldn't speak much or act much because I may interfere with balance. I don't know exactly what I mean by balance.. balance of the other person? or a pre-woven understanding between people? I'm not sure, it's as if this feeling has no beginning or end it's just there, and it's as if it's always been there and I only realise it now to this extent.
In reality I'm faced with situations that are outworldly , literally.
And for some reason they don't feel as they should - as something outworldly that is important in itself. I try to see beyond the experience , see why it's there and what I'm supposed to do about it, if anything.
I'm trying to see what parts of the experience may have been real, what parts a game of my imagination and maybe even what parts could have been induced. And most of all, why.
There is a creeping feeling that I'm alone. Not lonely or sad, although that creeps in sometimes too. But alone in a wider sense. Nowhere to stand on and nothing to reach out to. I was never a person of firm beliefs, my motto was 'I do not know' and it's fun to learn. Yet, I am seeing now that even hints of beliefs , placeholders to lean on mentally and emotionally are being shattered.
It happens literally, if I turn on the computer and decide to read something that I know nurtures my well-being I will land on a website that takes it apart and proves why it's not a source to be trusted. (nothing to do with this forum or Laura's work in general, I'm speaking about other sources)
There's more I could say on this but again, I feel I'm disturbing the peace. I don't know how to touch gently on subjects that are unnerving or I feel they could be unnerving to other people, I don't know how to express what I am feeling and what I see manifesting in my life without interfering with others' peace of mind. Or is it my peace of mind I'm afraid of, when you speak of something you accept its reality. If that's so, then what an awfull lie to think I'm concerned about others when in fact I'm only concerned about myself.
Yet deep down , there's a knowing that everything's alright, everything is as it should be, it's ME that wasn't thinking right until now. I'm surprised at my own reactions and emotions. Situations that are unnerving find me in total silence and non-motion, watching and trying to understand. While the simplest things like chatting almost overwhelm me, trying to keep myself centered and almost seeing words like bullets, the more passionately they're spoken the worse it is, even if it's passion in happy excitement.
Now, that I'm trying to write this, I feel like an infant trying to type. And I feel like an infant in many other situations, as if I thought I had a way to react and now it's just not there anymore. It's alright as long as I follow it and not get sucked in by it - easier said than done. In a sense it's a liberating feeling , yet I'm trying to see its practical use.
Maybe the worse thing about it is that I feel all my knowledge from all the years of studying is useless. Either it wasn't the right knowledge or I didn't absorb it the right way but I can only see a huge gap where there should be a base. I should be able to say I -know- this or that, I trust myself in -knowing- how this or that works.. but I can't do that. Even for very specific systems eg. of the body , I know what's written in my books, I know what I had to write in an exam and pass it but if you ask me , I will say - please don't ask me cause I don't know, ask someone that knows better.
I see myself doing the same thing when browsing through the forum, and that disheartens me. Interesting threads, but whenever I have something to say I hesitate and move along thinking my input is only self-serving. I can't possibly offer anything but what is in me and what's in me right now is endless questions and wondering, which means, nothing of value to offer to the thread other than making my thoughts public in order for me to assess them better or even get helpful insight from other people.
And I wonder, is all this an understanding of where I really stand , is it progress in understanding myself or is it just masked fear of responsibility coming from negative ego?
I'm reading through what I've written and I have the same nagging thought pop up : It's all about me. What I feel, what I think.. selfish and useless to anyone else but me.
Is anyone else feeling this ? Living this ? And most importantly, does it make any sense at all ?