Losing things, a sign of what?


FOTCM Member

in the last weeks I'm loosing regularly stuff, well one thing to loose would be normal imo, but since about 4 weeks, almost every week things are gone.

The first week I lost 5€, next week I lost my filters for cigarettes, another week later my tobacco (it was only the rest of a tobacco pouch) and one week later, the rechargeable batteries of a camera from my working place (here I'm not sure what happened to them, they just disappeared cause I replaced them with my private batteries).

I'm not sure if it could mean something, or if it is just bad luck?!

ADMIN NOTE: corrected spelling in subject field.

LOOSE: something that is not tight.

LOSE: something lost. In fact, it has lost the second O.
Re: Loosing things, a sign of what?

loosing or mislaid ? I ask because I mislay things all the time and don't find them anymore.
Re: Loosing things, a sign of what?

Legolas said:
I'm not sure if it could mean something, or if it is just bad luck?!

If you are loosing things you might be distracted. Perhaps you need to pay attention? When you practice it on a basic level it will likely be reflected on a higher level as well, osit.
Re: Loosing things, a sign of what?

Pashalis said:
loosing or mislaid ? I ask because I mislay things all the time and don't find them anymore.

It's both, maybe also just distraction as Gertrudes wrote.

Gertrudes said:
Legolas said:
I'm not sure if it could mean something, or if it is just bad luck?!

If you are loosing things you might be distracted. Perhaps you need to pay attention? When you practice it on a basic level it will likely be reflected on a higher level as well, osit.

It is kind of a feeling, if I'm living in two worlds: one is here (forum, group...) and the other is my daily work.
Re: Loosing things, a sign of what?

Legolas said:
It is kind of a feeling, if I'm living in two worlds: one is here (forum, group...) and the other is my daily work.

And hence things are 'falling down the gap in the middle', perhaps. :)
Re: Loosing things, a sign of what?

Legolas said:
It is kind of a feeling, if I'm living in two worlds: one is here (forum, group...) and the other is my daily work.

same for me .
the forum ("real" world) and the knowlege about the illusory world we live in and on the other side the every day live.
sometimes it's kind of sick to think about it.
Re: Loosing things, a sign of what?

Trevrizent said:
Legolas said:
It is kind of a feeling, if I'm living in two worlds: one is here (forum, group...) and the other is my daily work.

And hence things are 'falling down the gap in the middle', perhaps. :)

Well, that sounds very reasonable. I forgot to add something, cause I lost another thing, literally speaking, cause my computer display got slowly broken over the last several weeks, until it stopped entirely to work.
Re: Loosing things, a sign of what?

Just been doing some 'autumn' cleaning and noticed some things missing too, as in nowhere to be found no matter how many times and places I looked.

Just figured that maybe it's time for some 3D 'stuff' to be making an exit stage left. :/
Re: Loosing things, a sign of what?

Legolas said:
Trevrizent said:
Legolas said:
It is kind of a feeling, if I'm living in two worlds: one is here (forum, group...) and the other is my daily work.

And hence things are 'falling down the gap in the middle', perhaps. :)

Well, that sounds very reasonable. I forgot to add something, cause I lost another thing, literally speaking, cause my computer display got slowly broken over the last several weeks, until it stopped entirely to work.

Hi Legolas,

Being more focused on remembering where you put things could be a useful exercise for you for self-remembering and increasing your awareness.

A spent a period of doing similar. Like if I put my keys down, saying out loud -"keys on table" and actively remembering where I put them. It could just boil down to you needing to organise your surroundings better so that you always keep items in logical places.

As for computers, I wouldn't read too much into that, they're always misbehaving :)
Another thing to consider is that perhaps your brain could be inflamed? Any change in diet or re-introduction of foods recently?
It could be that a horse is just a horse, and you are forgetting where you put things because you are distracted, overworked, frustrated with your job, or because you have a physical imbalance caused by diet or some other environmental factor. An interesting thing to consider is that you are noticing a pattern. A term I came across recently is parapraxis or Freudian slip. This is my current understanding of the term and the way I'm applying it to my thinking and experience.

http://www.thefreedictionary.com/parapraxis said:
A minor error, such as a slip of the tongue, thought to reveal a repressed motive.

I ran across this term in The Secret World of Drawings, by Gregg M. Furth on page 16:

Information from the unconscious may present itself in our daily lives as an accident, or as Freud termed it, a parapraxis.

Paraphrasing from the book, parapraxis could present in any of the following ways:

  • Forgetting words or names that are familiar - like when a person's name is "on the tip of your tongue", but you "can't remember it"
  • Forgetting what you are doing or intended to do
  • Making slips of the tongue or misspelling words
  • Misreading things
  • Misplacing or mislaying things and being unable to find them
  • Losing things
  • Making mistakes against one's better judgement
  • Some habitual gestures and movements

Parapraxis could also be defined as
A psychical conflict which prevents the underlying intention from finding direct expression and diverts it along indirect paths.

Furth suggests that
If a person is drawn to the blunder (as you are drawn to noticing that you are losing things), often the next thought that occurs to him provides an explanation.

My current understanding is that when I notice things like this I am noticing patterns of behavior or conflict between different parts of my psyche, conflicts between different little i's. My sense is that black and white, polarized thinking can trigger parapraxis because the self may be identifying with a little i, or an alliance of parts in opposition to other parts or the "subconscious" or "unconscious" mind. Sometimes some of our parts, or our predator, or whatever you want to call it, resort to underhanded or sneaky ways to get what they want. Or a part of me might just be "playing games". In any case, this kind of thing can act as an alarm clock if you approach it in the right way, OSIT. It might wake you up to an emotional imbalance, or it might point to a physical imbalance (like diet), or something else that is beyond my current level of understanding.

An example from my experience. "I" have lost two mp3 players that I use to practice EE in the past couple of months. The first one i lost just as I was really getting on a roll with EE and it disrupted my practice for a week or two. At first i looked everywhere for it, then i beat myself up about it a bit, then I decided to just order another one because I thought that maybe some part of me was trying to sabotage the progress I was making. The second one i just lost last week on the way back from the meditation retreat I attended. I haven't been practicing EE much since christmas time, except for PotS, so this time it might be a reminder to start practicing again. Its the "same" item, but the motivation for "losing" it could be different.

FWIW, I would practice EE, or meditate to relax myself, and then ask myself (or consider) questions like these:
Why did you lose or misplace these items, and not some other items?
Why did you notice these particular items?
What is your relationship(s) to these items?
How do you feel about losing these items?
How would you feel if you found these items?

The "answers" to these questions may come in the form of thought patterns, bodily sensations and changes in breathing, dreams, immediately remembering where I put the stuff I'm looking for, or in some other way that I haven't encountered yet. Even frustration, or nervousness, or anxiety (or any other emotion) that arises because "I" am unable/unwilling to remember could be answer.

Hope it helps.
Seamas said:
It could be that a horse is just a horse, and you are forgetting where you put things because you are distracted, overworked, frustrated with your job, or because you have a physical imbalance caused by diet or some other environmental factor. An interesting thing to consider is that you are noticing a pattern. A term I came across recently is parapraxis or Freudian slip. This is my current understanding of the term and the way I'm applying it to my thinking and experience.

Just to make sure I'm being clear, what I meant was that this could be as simple as "you are overworked, therefore you are forgetting things", or it could be the result of a combination of things. It could be simple, or it could be complicated, or both!
Sorry for my late reply.

And thanks for the answers! :flowers:

Seamas said:
FWIW, I would practice EE, or meditate to relax myself, and then ask myself (or consider) questions like these:
Why did you lose or misplace these items, and not some other items?
Why did you notice these particular items?
What is your relationship(s) to these items?
How do you feel about losing these items?
How would you feel if you found these items?

I like to use it and give it a go. Well, nonetheless I guess I'm a little bit overworked currently.

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