Lost City found Underwater in China


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

Qiandao Lake is a man-made lake located in Chun’an County, China, where archeologists have discovered in 2001 ruins of an underwater city. The city is at a depth of 26-40 meters and was named “Lion City”. There would have been 290 000 people living in this city during more than 1300 years. Touristic expeditions are projected. A diving into Chinese Antiquity in the next part of the article.

The city was submerged in 1959 after a hydroelectric powerplant was built on the Xin’an river in 1959.

The pictures are quite stunning!
The pictures are amazing, the stones looks so well preserved. Thanks, Eboard10 !
I found this review about it:

"The job title is far from the truth. The two ancient cities and He Cheng Shi Cheng were completely uncovered and were drowned in September 1959, when the Chinese government decided it needed a new hydroelectric power plant and a reservoir to feed the growing population in the Hangzhou City".
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