I believe I may understand what you are saying. The "time" that you wrote that post was approximately the same "time" that I was experiencing "changes" in my perception of "time". I had been studying the past "threads" of this site and I had felt like I had been studying them for hours but when I looked at the clock only about 5 - 10 minutes had passed! I suppose I had absorbed hours of information in five minutes!? I then sent emails to myself to ascertain these "changes" that were occurring. After feeling like I had ascertained a reference from which to measure a change i.e. computer clock, email sent/received clock (of different email addresses) It seemed that there was something strange happening. There seemed to be gaps in time from being sent to being received of a span of about 4 hours when it had only been about a minute or so. Thus, I sent the following email 3 - 4 four times [edit: to Ark] hoping that he may be able to help me understand what is happening. I then decided to take a walk around campus and the campus seemed to have changed slightly. I felt as though I were in a dream....similar to a lucid dream....but at the same time it was very very real. As I walked around campus I decided to hold my breath. As I did so it seemed that breathing wasn't really necessary. It was as though what was outside was inside and vice versa, therefore, I didn't need to breathe because it was one and the same thing. However, evertime I came close to this realization something "strange" would happen. A door would make a sound as though it had just now been "slammed" shut. This happened over and over and over, thereby, distracting me each time I almost had the realization of not having to breathe. There are more details to this story, but I thought I would let you know that I think I understand what you are talking about....because I don't know what I don't know....[edit: when I mean "time" I mean SAME DATE SAME "TIME"]
Here is the email I sent:
[Edit: The meaning of Nine]
If you have the "time" and ponder it so, how might the following.....be able to let you go?
How may a question ever answer itself?! mmmm....let's see!....
But first I'd like to ask whether or not... you may ascertain the rules of knock knock!
Quotation, Quotation in the sand how many sticks are in my hand?
If you drop a piece of gum on the ground for one second and then did it four more times and chewed them all at once would you be breaking the five second rule? Ever wonder why spaghetti sticks when it's done? If you agree that a church is a church only if people attend then you would also agree that a church is still a church when all people attend minus one. What happens when there is only one person left? Scientists found that psilocybin mushrooms really do cause people to have spiritual experiences. I knew Tim Leary was on to something. Vasectomies cause chromosomal abnormalities in sperm, and stress relief improves women's fertility. It was also announced that RU-486, an abortion drug, can alleviate depression within hours. I wonder what the situation was with the guy who had to "knock on wood" maybe his girlfriend knocked his and now we have Viagra to boost anti-depressant sales. The sky is blue because of ozone. If the ozone is depleting then we can safely say depleting blue still appears blue. Scientists announced that rich people live longer than poor people. They also said money can't buy happiness. But on a positive note for the poor- global warming is causing Greenland's glaciers to melt. There are more poor people than rich people and more rich people live on the coast than in any other class. I'd bet my drunk donkey with a broken leg that poor people contribute more to the pollution that is causing global warming. Scientists say that the melting of the polar ice caps will cause the coastal waters to rise an average level of twenty feet around the world. I think Carl Jung might agree that it is the poor peoples' cultural consciousness way of "sticking it to tha' man." People whose bodies produce a specific cellular enzyme known as monoamine oxidase A are more likely to be neophiliacs, a condition that manifests itself in an incessant need for newness. I think the government should appoint MTV Cribs as the official profiler of this genetic disease. If you think your shit don't stink then your mother will probably agree according to scientists. If money can't buy happiness then is Warren Buffet's 33 billion dollar donation to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation really a cry for help? If Sacha Boran Cohen gave a shit his knowledge of US culture could really help peace for peace in the US [fighting for peace is paradoxical]. The Income Tax "Law" isn't a law. If I were Rupert Murdoch I'd buy MTV because they don't sell music they advertise culture. But on a more important note….anybody know what's up with that kid in Nepal?
Window, window, in my wall how might seekers of "truth" not know true "Will" from physical 'keep stickin' it to ya' laws?
Well It seems to me and so quite concise a piece that the above has all the answers with questions, statements on both ends of its questioning/interweaving piece!
But not to stray from this great play.......or perhaps I stray too much ALL day? Those periods with Capitals that may rule the "sea" have failed to sum and now must see the expression layed out as answers to a?/their? knocking plea? A sequential adding does not know that summing "parts" can always be greater than their sequential "whole":
We're just A bunch of Dum-Dums aren't we?
A culture accepting a "modernization is progress" philosophy must reap the "benefits" that such seeds sow. By keeping in mind our current pitiful state of an increasing girth of America's belt superimposed onto a concominantly decreasing rate of America's mental growth and increasing rate of reliance upon external technology to provide for us the means to process information to supplement/compensate (maybe a better word might be "validate") our "average" lack of intelligence to resolve/process "trivial" tasks coupled with a "I don't know how it works it just does" mentality an unsettling paradox arises and becomes increasingly obvious by way of the repetitive application of such a philosophy.
The "constructive" processes built into this philosophy undermines True progress. It seems to effectively maintain a strategic separation of intelligence as a by-product of successful re-iteration. It deems a modernizing system as productive, a technologically productive system as modern and a technologically able modernizing system as progressive.
However, technology replaces manual internal, informationally processive tasks with external ones. A product of such an external type is deemed "out-dated" being replaced by an "up-dated/up-graded/cutting-edge" one that has an increased capacity in processing capability dismissing the then internal informational processing system required to maintain progress within the "big picture." This internal, informational processing reductional algorithm as a progressive outcome must effectively reduce current levels of such internal informational processing schemas available. The inevitable outcome is an overall average reduction in the processive capabilities of the individuals subjected to such algorithmic re-iteration.
A symptom of such a reduction would then become apparent as a deficiency of such schemas, that is, a deficiency in average cognitive capabilities. Such cognitively deficient, rather, processively (and progressively) understimulated people increasingly become nothing but a co-optive necessity for such transducive mechanisms as vis-a-vis re-iterations to be deemed a success. This internally destructive/"without cognitive recognition" by-products only help to ensure a successful completion of this algorithmic re-iteration.
Decreases in cognitive recognition of destruction veiled as "The Modernizing of a Society", "Technological Innovations for the 21st Century", etc becomes both as oxymoronic and paradoxical concepts within the light of such perspective and requires honest investigation with an open-mind to bring to light such well hidden cognitive destruction that has skewed perceptions as to the real meaning of progress.
Unfortunately, it seems that much of society today have been successfully deceived by such algorithmic schemas. Though their perceptions are not without good intentions nor without "logically sound" justifications but it is the very adoption of their perceptions without cognizant recognition of those destructive principles veiled within the very system they have chosen to co- opt.
A symptom of such successful algorithms may then seem to appear as an incurable epidemic. Such problems in perception stemming from having chosen to co-opt or having been unconciously co-opted by such a system will remain. Any problem without cognizant recognition cannot be solved. However, "Where there is a will there is always a way."
So now I give you[] "The Best" a beast of burden to pounce your chest. I know you know, you know, you know, but how much you know, "you know" may not be best when you may "Know Not" even if it is above most all else. Might knowing, "some knowing", simply "rest on others knowing", or might "KNOWING", accounting for "All": like separating the searching blind, blinding searcher, and blind searcher from "must pity parlors" by looking like the "rest"?
If a thought may strike inof All that's wrongandor right shall I not ponder such thoughts as wholeandpart dissecting by Will the Truth and what is not? I ask an answer in question ofin myself to seek, Is it not a truth that time is relative requiring only a reference point for measure? If none then none? If so then so? Aaah both statements are true inasmuch as they are false....and yet?....What is the answer of black or white? To Be or Not To be? Shades of grey? So I ask what is it for experience? I seek and have answers of any and much of suches...but one such I keep having had rung bells inof me as True that to seek inof wishing is wishing to seek partial Truths! What might I do I ask as I choose to seek as I do? To not be of wishing and to be of wishing is this the one I might do? Oooh....I think I might I think I will choose what is Not and Be what is Real and True! But what is Not wishing?... For to Not wish is a wish to Be! Oh No a loop! There must be another way....I comprehend only partial essence and comprehend not. How is it not to Wish in such times as these? "We WISH you a Merry Christmas!" "Happy Birthday to You!...Make a WISH before you blow the candles out!" We all wish we all dream....it is no wonder we are asleep! I do not desire to desire not? So what is this/these things called moments I have before me? A beginningless end of an endless beginning? An instant of eternity! Aha! Now I discover what Fun it is to seek! I AM yet a moment to moment experience in the shade looking for light to brighten the day....moments of ignorance I finally see as all along the light was within me. There is more beauty in every moment then there are colors across a sun setting sea. To see sparkles of diamonds and rays of gold scattered among rainbows hiding in veils of mystery; To hear the symphony of vibrations self-playing ineffably a self-selfless transcendental melody eternally as both Two and one. Possible Beauties, Possible daughters and sons of elegance and charm, as numerous as they may be is not the purpose of the moment for that is for You and All to see. Experience then is relative as the time is set to be depending only on perspective, that is, the light within you use to see. The question then might arise veiled in subjetive pleas commanding an answer a PROOF of the natural eternal of what Is and Will ever Be! Who is this subjection to think that he is mightier than All I AM to have such resistance to Thee? For those that need PROOF there is No Trust for I AM that I AM, the ALL that IS I AM YOU and YOU I AM! Trust in Truth is Trust and wanting PROOF is the Devil's Dust and there they Fall to the Abyss they go for I AM KNOWS ALL and whoever thought they knew having given in to Pleasure's grin, some thought good while others thought bad too sleepy to consider that it is not Two but ONE of the same thing!
What is the question have I not asked?
"As the hole gets deeper I become wiser. Walking the path of no-path, I am in a state of blissful misery of knowing nothing without the ignorance of thinking I know anything at all."
"What is better than walking the miserably blissful path of unawareness guided by ruts? or Rules written in stone? Freewill without constriction because in constriction no freedom is known."