Lucid Dream Tea


Dagobah Resident
Hi everyone,

It was about three weeks ago that I cut out the coffee and replaced it with tea. So I went down to my local all-organic store to explore the different kinds of herbal tea and found something really interesting called Lucid Dream Tea, from the Algonquin Tea Company. It's supposed to enhance dream recall, and from my experience it really works. My dreams have been more consistently clear and I am remembering much more of them when I drink a cup before bed. There is only one ingredient, a 100% certified organic herb called sweet gale. Here's what it says on the box:

"Handpicked by canoe in the Algonquin wilderness, sweet gale is a light flavourful herbal tea which is said to enable one to have more memorable dreams. To remember your dreams, or to dream with others, try a cup as you go to bed. Lucid dream tea is not a sedative but has an immediate calming effect. Children love it too."

"100% handpicked and ethically wildcrafted in the Canadian wilderness. Contains no caffeine, additives or preservatives."

Their methods are well described on their website:

On Wikipedia I found that this shrub grows in some parts of northern Europe, as well. It is also known as myrica gale and bog myrtle. It says that some cultures in Eastern Canada have used it as a traditional remedy for stomach aches, fever, bronchial ailments and liver problems. It is also said to induce lucid dreams.

From what I can see there is nothing suspicious or harmful about it and as I said, it seems to have helped me to remember my dreams.
You know what? I can never remember dreams. I go to sleep and it's black until I wake up. Maybe i could give that a try??
Well it certainly seems to have had a remarkable effect for me, it's organic, and coincidentally it happens to be the tea whose taste I like the most of all that I've tried.

One thing I should mention though, the first time I tried it I woke up about an hour after I fell asleep, in the middle of a dream, with an incredible urge to pee. It's a good idea to leave yourself enough time to go, before you go to bed - that night I did not. :lol:
I wonder what mechanism is causing me to just not remember my dreams?

The only times i have vividly remembered a dream was when something was really, REALLY, really bothering me and i would dream about that. Even then it's not very many occassions.
[quote author=abstract]
I wonder what mechanism is causing me to just not remember my dreams?

You are probably not doing the EE before bed makes all the difference. :cool2:
One thing I know is that until I stopped smoking pot I hardly ever remembered any dreams, at all. I used to have a bit almost every evening after the kids went to bed, and I'd been consuming for about 20 years.

One day, because my son had injured himself by jumping out our back window, our 18 year old nephew came to stay with us to babysit. Because he always stayed up until 2 or 3 in the morning, I was forced to abstain. After four days I had one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had. It dawned on me then, that I hadn't remembered even having a dream in many many years, and I had discovered the reason why. I quit immediately, and ever since I've been dreaming regularly.

Obviously, I don't know if you consume pot, but if you do (or anyone else out there does) that could be part of the reason.
Obviously, I don't know if you consume pot, but if you do (or anyone else out there does) that could be part of the reason.

Well, pot isn't really a topic we can discuss here anyway. But i can say that i should do some research and see what pops up.

You are probably not doing the EE before bed makes all the difference.

I have slowly been getting more regular with my ee. I'm such a procrastinator. :lol:
abstract said:
I wonder what mechanism is causing me to just not remember my dreams?

The only times i have vividly remembered a dream was when something was really, REALLY, really bothering me and i would dream about that. Even then it's not very many occassions.

I agree that if you are doing any drugs to get off if you can because that can really prevent you from dreaming. Check out this thread that you started a while ago - What if you don't dream at all?
mocachapeau said:
From what I can see there is nothing suspicious or harmful about it and as I said, it seems to have helped me to remember my dreams.

Hi Mocachapeau. About that i think this tea is not recommandable for pregnant women, perhaps contains some phitohormones.
photogeen said:
Hi Mocachapeau. About that i think this tea is not recommandable for pregnant women, perhaps contains some phitohormones.

I'm afraid I didn't see that. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll try to be more thorough next time.
mocachapeau said:
One thing I know is that until I stopped smoking pot I hardly ever remembered any dreams, at all. I used to have a bit almost every evening after the kids went to bed, and I'd been consuming for about 20 years.

One day, because my son had injured himself by jumping out our back window, our 18 year old nephew came to stay with us to babysit. Because he always stayed up until 2 or 3 in the morning, I was forced to abstain. After four days I had one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had. It dawned on me then, that I hadn't remembered even having a dream in many many years, and I had discovered the reason why. I quit immediately, and ever since I've been dreaming regularly.

Obviously, I don't know if you consume pot, but if you do (or anyone else out there does) that could be part of the reason.

I've noticed this as well. I barely thought that I dreamed at all while smoking. One of the things that cemented in me the fact that pot was ungood was a comment that Laura made in a thread (can't remember which) is that pot "deadens the emotional center". So by pondering this, if it is the emotional center that dreams and a person is smoking and either can't recall dreams or feels they don't dream I reached the conclusion that pot screws with your emotional center directly or keeps you from accessing it. Either way, not a good situation.

Thanks for bringing this up.
I'll just add that I used to be concerned about not remembering my dreams. It got to the point that I wondered if I was even dreaming at all. My current understanding about this is that even though we may not remember dreaming, it doesn't mean that there is nothing going on. It could be the same thing in a sense as what happens when we do the EE. Perhaps we zone out and just don't remember what we are processing.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you're doing the EE, I think you'll get to a point where you are having dreams and may even remember some. It's really not the worst thing in the world to not remember dreams. There are some I've had that I wish I could forget!

One question, why is it so important to you that you remember your dreams? What do you think you are missing?
truth seeker said:
One question, why is it so important to you that you remember your dreams? What do you think you are missing?

Speaking for myself, when I stopped smoking pot I had an extremely powerful dream that reminded me of some important things I had forgotten. It actually awakened some feelings in me that I had not felt in quite a while. Doing so reminded me of something very special in my life that I should never forget. The result was that I felt like smoking pot was preventing me from experiencing what might be a very important part of my existence. And if, as they say in the Ra Material, our unconscious minds are the author of our dreams, they could hold some very important information that could help with our lessons. I know I've had some dreams that have helped in that way.

That is why I found them important enough to quit smoking pot - over night! We can still learn our lessons without them, but if a dream comes along once in a while that can help, I would like to remember it, if possible.
mocachapeau said:
truth seeker said:
One question, why is it so important to you that you remember your dreams? What do you think you are missing?

We can still learn our lessons without them, but if a dream comes along once in a while that can help, I would like to remember it, if possible.

My feelings as well. I don't get overly concerned with dream interpretation as often dreams can be a source of manipulation, disinformation or just plain nonsensical . But once in a while you have a good one, like in the case of dark man dreams.
I use to remember most of my dreams every night. It got to the point though where it was hard to sleep. When you condition yourself to wake up after every dream, it's hard to get any rest. I found that my dreams were most lucid in the couple hours before my normal waking time. That was when I usually could "wake up" in my dream and take control. I quit this practice though. I had some fun dinking around in the dream state but other than that I didn't find much point in it. Plus I wanted to just sleep!! I still remember on average a couple dreams a night, just not usually in their entirity unless they are of the intense sort.

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