Lunar eclipse, fireworks, & ET invasion


Padawan Learner
Hello everyone, I'd like to share a dream that I had during the lunar eclipse on December 21st.

On December 21st I got up early in order to see whether or not I'd be able to see something of the eclipse. Seeing as I'm located in Europe, I wasn't expecting much as the skies have been pretty much clouded non-stop these days. Furthermore, the eclipse would take place around 8:30 in the morning, so combining these two factors, as I later heard on the news, would make it near impossible to see anything with the naked eye.

An hour and a half before the eclipse, the moon was visible through the clouds for a few minutes. From where we (my mother and I) stood, the moon seemed rather large and bright. We ended up watching it until it disappeared. Then, after my mother had left for work, I suddenly found myself unable to stay awake. A rare occurrence, as I make a habit out of getting up early and never really experience any trouble with that.

At one point it even felt like I was about to collapse, so I lay down on the couch an hour before the eclipse and that's when the dream started.

The first thing I remember was looking at the moon from the same window as we had actually done that morning. In my dream, the moon was bright and visible in the sky, but at the same time I had the feeling that the lunar eclipse was happening (though it didn't happen 'visibly' in my dream). As I was looking at the moon, something alike to fireworks 'exploded' from behind the moon and rapidly expanded itself through the entire sky, like a shower. The fireworks, for lack of a better phrase, consisted of burning sparkles, orange/yellow/white, and 'rained down' upon the earth.

I remember feeling a fleeting moment of fear when the initial fireworks exploded, but in my dream I immediately recovered from that and instead found myself to be rather calm.

The next thing I remember is moving house. Now, I've been packing up my things in boxes before I went back to my mother's place, in order to pick up my belongings after Christmas next week. In the dream, my mother and I were at my apartment, which differed from my actual apartment but still felt as if though it was mine. There was a certain haste to our actions, like we had to hurry up and get everything 'before something would happen'. Of course, in my dream I didn't question this and helped to move the boxes to the car. Oddly enough we kept on staring out of one of the windows of the apartment, as if though we were 'expecting' something.

In the car, we were suddenly joined by two men of Arab descent, who I can't logically link to anyone I know in 'real life'. One of them sat in the back of the car, while the other sat down next to me and my mother in the front (apparently, it was possible to sit there with the three of us). This latter man started going through one of my mom's bags and in the dream I had the strong intention he was about to take something that belonged to her without her consent, so I tapped him on the head with two fingers to get his attention and told him off. The man in the back started laughing and the man in the front appeared looking guilty, so I offered him my hand as if to say 'it's okay' and we ended up doing this gangster-handshake thing, which had the man in the back laughing even louder.

My mother then stressed we had to get a move on. I remember it was snowing outside and the roads were covered in snow as well. Though it had felt as if the car had been waiting outside my apartment building, the scenery looked exactly like it was taking place in front of my mother's place instead. There were more people out on the streets, all seemingly on the move for the same reason.

In the next 'scene', I was suddenly at a local supermarket and through its windows I could see it was snowing outside. I stood in line to get some cigarettes, but somehow there was a lot of confusion going on as to how to get them. I'm used to getting my cigarettes from behind the counter, as that is where they are usually sold around here, but in the dream they were located in the shop itself on a shelf. The people who were waiting in front of me all seemed to find me quite odd, as I didn't know about how things worked around there and so I excused myself to get a pack from the shelf.

Eventually I didn't end up buying cigarettes, for I couldn't find any of my usual brands. As I moved to exit the shop, I ran into a friend of mine and I remember feeling quite surprised about seeing her then and there, but she talked to me like she had been there the whole time. She only appeared briefly though, for when I went outside my dream moved to the next scene.

In this last scene, I was together with my mother again. We were back at her house and staring at the sky from the window in the kitchen. From far away, a bright set of lights came moving towards us and I pointed it out to my mother, saying something along the lines of 'look mom, it's happening'. Moments later, the object had gotten so close, I was able to make out a 'flying saucer' hanging over our backyard before flying over the house. I clearly remember seeing a lot of details of the craft, but I have trouble trying to visualize it exactly now.

That is all I'm able to remember now. I've been trying to digest this dream for two days now and I realized that in each scene, one thing in particular seemed to stand out. In every scene, there was something to do with looking out of a window - from my mom's house, from my apartment, from inside the car and from inside the shop. Another 'feeling' I remember experiencing during this dream, was the thought that all of it was linked to some sort of alien invasion. It was like everyone was on the move because of that, though there was no real panic - just the feeling that we had to 'hurry up and get our stuff together'.

Though lately I have been experiencing more vivid dreams, I used to not be able to remember them as detailed as this. I woke up a good hour after the lunar eclipse had taken place, feeling calm and energized.
Wow, that was quite a dream. But of all the things going on in it, personally, what struck me the most were these comments:

sevensama said: my dream I immediately recovered from that and instead found myself to be rather calm.

...There was a certain haste to our actions, like we had to hurry up and get everything 'before something would happen'.

...there was no real panic - just the feeling that we had to 'hurry up and get our stuff together'.

...I used to not be able to remember them as detailed as this

Though your dream much more complex, recently I also had a dream that was the most detailed I'd ever had. It was in color (rare), had very clear images, a linear plot, and positive emotions
( ).

Beyond that, the other similarities to my dream that struck me were:

You were endangered by unusual, but "natural" events in the sky
You were involved in packing
You remained calm in the midst of the chaos and confusion (the predominant emotional tone of my dream)
Beyond that, the other similarities to my dream that struck me were:

You were endangered by unusual, but "natural" events in the sky
You were involved in packing
You remained calm in the midst of the chaos and confusion (the predominant emotional tone of my dream)

JGeropoulas, I just read what you had posted about your dream as well and indeed, it seems that there are definite similarities. In both our dreams there were events that endangered us, but that we could not 'fix' as they were beyond our 'control';

...The tornado was almost upon me. There was no where to go. There was nothing I could do. Then I just felt peace with a tinge of humor and smiled...

It is interesting to read you felt at peace even though you understood there was nothing you could do. That 'feeling' I remember mostly linked to the car scene and the scene where I point out the UFO to my mother in my dream - there was some sort of 'understanding' that things were happening, but there was a reassuring feeling that I had done 'all I could do' in the sense of, I had packed up my things, was in the presence of my mother and somehow just accepted that there were things happening outside of my direct control that I could only 'interact with' through remaining calm...

And just like yours, my dream was very clear and detailed - in the past I've had dreams of which I was able to remember only segments of clarity, yet this one I've almost remembered exactly from 'beginning to end'.
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