Mad times - Third assault in Europe in less than 24 hours?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Germany: At least one dead in a street shooting (in spanish)

Not too much information yet but... it's seems that stuff are turning more crazy minute by minute and that this could be a clue about what are happening now:

From session 10 oct 2015:
Q: (L) Mikey has a question.

(Mikey) People in the West are waking up to the fact that we have basically mass migration of people from Syria and the Middle East. We have 4 million people displaced, and 180,000 went to Germany. A section of that stayed in other countries. I read in the news that some people in the West think this is suspicious. Why do they all want to go to Germany? Were they informed in some way by the government, or is this truly a grassroots movement where they just wanted to go to Germany?

A: Partly desperation and partly engineered. Let us say that the very real and desperate plight of refugees has been cynically utilized by nefarious agents.

Q: (Joe) So the engineered part is to destabilize or put pressure on European governments?

A: Yes and more than that: to insert agents that will act against the various governments in the future.

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the percentage of real refugees to agents?

A: 94

Q: (L) 94 percent?

A: Yes

Q: (L) 94 percent are real refugees, but the rest are agents that are being sent in with them. And so who are the nefarious agents that have cynically utilized this refugee crisis to plant agents within European countries?

A: USA and allies of consortium.
Re: Mad times - Third assault on Germany in less than 24 hours?

Same here, msante, as I was a bit suspicious about the synchronicity with this man who shot people in a mosque in Zurich, Switzerland, at 17.30h yesterday evening. Two persons are seriously wounded while the third one was more lucky.

As a side note from a swiss native, helvetic people will have difficult times ahead since it´s a, hmm, "neutral" country, which are bound by international treaty to be neutral towards the belligerents of all future wars. Jesus, I can´t even imagine how hard the transition to reality will be for this people!
Re: Mad times - Third assault on Germany in less than 24 hours?

I woke up to this.

It's insane, also early Friday morning, local time, an armed man was arrested attempting to enter the us embassy in Ankara.
Re: Mad times - Third assault on Europe in less than 24 hours?

ERRATUM: Changed "Germany" on the thread's title by "Europe"... :-[
Generally speaking unfortunately the incident is almost a daily happenstance in Germany since many similar things happened all over the year. I think that generally and specifically this year people turned out to be more crazy than ever. For example the worldwide crazy clowns and the recent events in Germany where several different guys kicked girls down stairs for example.

A similar incident happened then in Stuttgart and Hamburg. Maybe some extra beaming is going on?
Europol advice some months or weeks ago that the next terrorists attacks would be very similar to the terrorists attacks that we have seen in the 70, read type Gladio and that these attacks will come to Europe, from Daesh that is now in Europe. They advice because they know. :evil:
One thing that struck me was in going online to get the results of the electoral college vote, which I thought would be the big news of the day, I was met with three bigger stories of terrorism, and assassination. Maybe this was not unintended.
I was wondering if it is possible that the minor attacks in Europe (2 in Germany and 1 in Switzerland) can has been on the line of "colateral effects" of HAARP (or something like that) that can not be restricted to will, being the main objetive the assassination of russian ambassador...

Session 21 December 2012
Q: (Andromeda) On the same day as Sandy Hook, and the following day, there were a lot of other attacks. There was the slashing of school children in China, and there were a couple of other people with boxcutters, and the guy who was picked up who had 47 guns and had claimed he was gonna do a school shooting or something. What was up with that?

A: All of these types of events are "covered" by HAARP and that cannot be restricted at will.

Q: (L) So in other words they turn on the HAARP thing to muddle people's brains. While they're brains are all turned into tapioca, they do their deed. Then, of course, the thing being turned on and people's brains being muddled, people who are already on the edge or susceptible go off the deep end along with the targets. Is that it?

A: Exactly.
msante said:
I was wondering if it is possible that the minor attacks in Europe (2 in Germany and 1 in Switzerland) can has been on the line of "colateral effects" of HAARP (or something like that) that can not be restricted to will, being the main objetive the assassination of russian ambassador...

Session 21 December 2012
Q: (Andromeda) On the same day as Sandy Hook, and the following day, there were a lot of other attacks. There was the slashing of school children in China, and there were a couple of other people with boxcutters, and the guy who was picked up who had 47 guns and had claimed he was gonna do a school shooting or something. What was up with that?

A: All of these types of events are "covered" by HAARP and that cannot be restricted at will.

Q: (L) So in other words they turn on the HAARP thing to muddle people's brains. While they're brains are all turned into tapioca, they do their deed. Then, of course, the thing being turned on and people's brains being muddled, people who are already on the edge or susceptible go off the deep end along with the targets. Is that it?

A: Exactly.

I do agree on that. That the main target was the ambassador and the other attacks could be a side effect. On the other hand I find the story in Germany too confabulated about this suspect Anis Amri and that again the passport was accidentally found in the truck, like finding pretty fast a victim when the real professional culprit is on the lose. But I may be wrong on that one.
Gawan said:
msante said:
I was wondering if it is possible that the minor attacks in Europe (2 in Germany and 1 in Switzerland) can has been on the line of "colateral effects" of HAARP (or something like that) that can not be restricted to will, being the main objetive the assassination of russian ambassador...

Session 21 December 2012
Q: (Andromeda) On the same day as Sandy Hook, and the following day, there were a lot of other attacks. There was the slashing of school children in China, and there were a couple of other people with boxcutters, and the guy who was picked up who had 47 guns and had claimed he was gonna do a school shooting or something. What was up with that?

A: All of these types of events are "covered" by HAARP and that cannot be restricted at will.

Q: (L) So in other words they turn on the HAARP thing to muddle people's brains. While they're brains are all turned into tapioca, they do their deed. Then, of course, the thing being turned on and people's brains being muddled, people who are already on the edge or susceptible go off the deep end along with the targets. Is that it?

A: Exactly.

I do agree on that. That the main target was the ambassador and the other attacks could be a side effect. On the other hand I find the story in Germany too confabulated about this suspect Anis Amri and that again the passport was accidentally found in the truck, like finding pretty fast a victim when the real professional culprit is on the lose. But I may be wrong on that one.

Yes, it is truth, and also it's seem that there is an operation running to damage Merkel image. So it is possible that the Berlin attack goes in that direction. Really it is difficult to know what are happen but for the moment I think that no option should be discarded...

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