MADD here to help

Seeker 1313

Padawan Learner
MADD Announces National Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving
"The real possibility of eliminating drunk driving in this country is a powerful, even audacious, idea. Yet the tools are now at hand. Using technology, tougher enforcement, stronger laws and grassroots mobilization, the goal of eliminating a primary public health threat that has plagued the United States is within our reach," said Glynn Birch, national president of MADD More...


MADD has decided to promote alcohol detection devices to be required in every vehicle on the road so no one who has ingested alcohol may be able to drive---meaning that you car would be disabled.... I suspect that the folks at MADD feel like we cannot think for ourselves and so they want to take the decision making process right out of the loop---how thoughtful of them!
I wonder if the alcohol in your morning mouthwash would disable your car---just think of the excuses you could have for being late to work.

I think MADD is just a bit Draconian!
Seeker 1313 said:
I think MADD is just a bit Draconian!
And naive... who or what will gonna govern what blows in the pipe?

They're not much different than religious fanatics.

Why don't they push for a renewed prohibition; banning of cell phones in cars; the application of makeup while driving; heated discussions while the vehicle is in motion; eating while driving; and push for a law for blinders in case the scenery is too attractive? Why don't they make a cry for the return of walking - make all vehicles illegal?

Idiots. I can't think of any other term to describe the thinking, or lack thereof.

It's understable to be angry about losing a loved one due to a drunk driver. What's not understandable (to me anyway) is to act as wrecklessly against other people. There are far more effective ways of handling drunk drivers, none of which involve vigilante parents whose thinking apparatus is no more effecient than a drunk.
Seeker 1313 said:
I think MADD is just a bit Draconian!
The last I heard, multiple DUI offenders would be required to have breathalyzers installed in their cars but not the entire populace. What would the chances be of this coming to fruition? I'd say their are bigger fish to fry...
Ewww... just think of all of the hamburger bits, doughnuts, and green
mystery bits all over the mouthpiece! I guess that will kill me first and
whomever I run over afterwards.

Oh yeah... I forgot. Get several empty plastic large used coke(or pepsi)
bottles, blow in before being ineberated, cap it. Then go get drunk, then
use the plastic bottle on the mouthpiece with duct tape, and viola, you're
on a roll...

Maybe MADD will then make sure we ban duct tape and plastic bottles
so they are illegal because they could be used for breaking the law.

Wonders never ceases.

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